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  1. MichiganWoods

    Our first EE GrandChickies :) *big pic*

    Well, the first we've hatched here anyway! Here they are! What a wide range of colors we got. Can't wait to see how they all feather in!
  2. MichiganWoods

    Water Wigglers / Water Snakes at the Dollar Tree!

    For those of you that use, or would like to use water wigglers / water snakes in your incubators! I'm not sure if they will be at all local Dollar Trees, but ours (Alpine Ave in Grand Rapids) had a ton. Of course they were kid show themed... so we ended up with a few Finding Nemos and a few...
  3. MichiganWoods

    Why did the chicken cross the road? Video on CNN! A donut loving chicken... Yum yum! They keep calling it a boy... but by the looks of that tail, it's a girl. Production Leghorn?
  4. MichiganWoods

    I'm not a dog person, but...

    My kids are always asking us to get a dog. I keep saying no. We have 4 cats and I don't want to deal with a big dog running around the house, let alone out in the yard near the chicken runs. Well today I was sifting through and I got sucker-punched by uber cuteness. If I could...
  5. MichiganWoods

    monarc23's live quail arrived this AM! :)

    Since I had such rotten luck with hatching that big batch of quail eggs, I decided I needed to get actual birds instead of more eggs. With my luck I would have sunk more money into eggs than what I paid for my new birdies. monarc23 was great to work with! She was very helpful and was able to...
  6. MichiganWoods

    Doc told me to take it easy: Prob. Lymphangitis, WhiteBloodCell Check my life have I had one like this. Crazy weird. They drew some blood and are testing me for Mono, and told me to take it easy until they get the results back in 2 days. If I *do* have Mono, any hard labor could cause my spleen to rupture. Ooooh joy. Man do I hate being sentenced to "bed...
  7. MichiganWoods

    What color eggs did you get today?

    I really do love having such a variety in our basket! ^ The blue, greens and stone/antique gold colored eggs are all from various EEs. The orangey brown is from my Rhode Island White. Post your pics!
  8. MichiganWoods

    Our little princess turned 5 today

    Our youngest turned 5-years-old today. Happy Birthday, Juliana! She got some dress-up clothes today, which she adores (if you couldn't tell from that second pic!).
  9. MichiganWoods

    How do you mend a cracked beak? *pics*

    Not sure how he managed to do it, but my little black Araucana cracked its beak today. I'm sure that's gotta be painful, but he's not that old. Just a little over 4-weeks. What, if anything, can I do for pain at that age?
  10. MichiganWoods

    Trying again with my Old Drawer bator - 6 Babies! *PICS*

    This time with my own eggs. I don't have to worry about how the post office handled them, or how old they are before getting put in. I've added eggs of mine that are no older than 3 days since having been layed. The EE eggs are only pastel blues and pastel greens with no hint of brown. There is...
  11. MichiganWoods

    Flower Pot Nest Box (and brooder - Super Easy)

    So while I was at the general store yesterday I picked up a few of these really big (and cheap -- $8.50 a piece) plastic flower pots. Today I was trying to figure out what I could use as a quick and easy nest box. Tada! The girls have been going in and out of it all afternoon. I've...
  12. MichiganWoods

    A friend stopped by and complimented me on my chickens *PICS ;)

    Just had to share this little story. I have a friend whom I met through the parent club at my DD's school. A few weeks ago she said she had a huge roll of new fencing that they wanted to get rid of and asked if I was interested. Of course I was. Even though she offered it for free, I've been...
  13. MichiganWoods

    For those who dream of owning a horse one day

    What breed has caught your eye? I'll admit I'm gah-gah over the Gypsy Vanners . There's no way my husband would allow it, nor could we afford one. But my gosh, they are just gorgeous.
  14. MichiganWoods

    Smelled something rotten... He made it! Quail Hatching!

    My eggs were due to hatch yesterday, and there is a nasty odor permeating from my incubator. I figured I'd go through and try and figure out which were the rotten ones. I sifted out several that were extra nasty, some that had never started and some that had quit early on with mere blood rings...
  15. MichiganWoods

    I guess type A Strep is better than Flu!

    Just got back from the docs a little while ago. That's what we've got. Type A strep. We're choking down our antibiotics and crawling back into bed for a nap.
  16. MichiganWoods

    Funniest thing ever... a dancing Cockatoo!!

    Watching that perked me and my kiddos up today. Too funny! That bird can carry a beat!
  17. MichiganWoods

    Turned down offers for a miniature horse and baby dairy goats today

    One of the other mom's whose daughter goes to class with one of my kiddos asked me if I was interested in buying a miniature horse. They have three they are looking for homes for. I had to politely refuse... I don't have any boarding facility set up for one. So if anyone in between Muskegon and...
  18. MichiganWoods

    Promise Zones... Praise the Lord.

    We just found out tonight that our DD's are attending school in one of the new Promise Zones in West Michigan. Oh, My, God. Here's the story on the local news station. One will have attended since Kindergarten, and the other since Preschool. If it follows along the lines of the Kalamazoo...
  19. MichiganWoods

    Araucana Chicks - New Pic 5-13-09

    Figured I'd just start a thread where I can update with new pictures of these guys. They moved out to the Savannah Playhouse coop today! And Jodi... I think she's got some good tufting going on. I don't think any of the others have tufts. There are these tiny tiny little quills coming out...
  20. MichiganWoods

    Advice please - Crooked neck hatchling. What would you do? *pic*

    Of the 3 viable eggs that came off the turner on Day 18, 1 never hatched. 1 did and was perfect. And then 1 actually managed to hatch with a severely crooked neck. It's so crooked that he can't sit up or stand, or even rest on his belly. He always flips over to his back. I've started him/her...
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