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  1. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    I am feeling sorry for everybody who is/was negatively impacted by Major Hurricane Helene! 😢 But for West Virginia Helene and that "cold" front was the drought buster we desperately needed. It has been raining here on and off since Tuesday evening, no heavy rain, no flash-floods, just a mild...
  2. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    I was about to ask the question weather there is a duck breed with feather covered legs…
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    They are more concerned with retaining their body heat during the brutal Canadian winter than popping out eggs that would freeze instantaneously anyways. 😉
  4. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    »Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.« Female ducks can be really vicious, remember the danger-seeker edition video of hungry, hungry ducklings. Laura and Tweedledee duck behaved "tame" on that occasion, both of them have been in my face (literally!) more than once…
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Wait until spring... ⚔ Drake fights are not as scary as for example rooster fights. They fight to the death, whereas the worst i have seen with drakes was this year's Mr. Turkeyneck - and he brought that on him himself, being a party-pooper par excellence. Usually they latch on to each other...
  6. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    @Supercow - Ducks are birds of habits…
  7. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Yes, it is. - I just realized that, next spring i can use it to sell more nursery-plants at the local markets. I can store water bottles in the tool box and the plants in the back. Heck i can turn this into a little sales-stand, the floor is made from wood…
  8. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    So, is he more running or more waddling?
  9. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Happy Monday to Everybody, everywhere! I was supposed to work on the Sunny's new Duck-Palace yesterday, but had to buy more duck-food first and on the way back from the farm store i spotted a »for sale by owner« sign, stopped and bought this on the spot: No more renting a trailer from...
  10. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Greetings from Honky Drake: Every evening when i am preparing the supper-bowls is stands in front of the table and watches my every moves. Of coures, that makes me nervous and i drop stuff by mistake… :lau He and the whole family are very curious what their humon is building in their favorite...
  11. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Happy Monday to Everybody! Hope y'all had a great weekend. I certainly had one, processing this year's surprise harvest from our peach-tree and feeding the duckies with too many shredded pears - also a surprise harvest.
  12. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    I am observing this bird in the flock of wild Mallards since the last two weeks: It looks as if she has a crest?! - Do crests appear as a spontaneous mutation in wild Mallard populations or did somebody have an affair with one of my drakes? My flock is infested with the curse of the crest since...
  13. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Beautiful birbs! 💜 She really looks like a wild mallard and has a beautiful face. Here skull does not look "call duck" at all. He really looks like a typical call-duck drake with his round head. And yes, i still get fooled by my dux ability to misplace their legs and feet… »My left leg feels...
  14. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Twentyfour hours without pictures - that's torture! 😜
  15. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    There are 10 types of people: Those who understand binary and those who don't…
  16. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    @Supercow Indeed very interesting! - Especially the many different breeds of Indian Runners, my favorite are the »Indiana Bianca« - the white Runners. Note on the pictures how strict the European breeders care for the upright posture of the Runner Ducks.
  17. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

  18. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Seriously, do Mule ducks lay eggs and those are just not fertile or don't they lay eggs at all?
  19. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    Its called the European Union! Not as united as the United States of America, but fewer restrictions on trade than between the USA and Canada for example. And between EU countries that have also joined the »Schengen Agreement« (Italy and Slovenia both did) there are almost no restrictions at...
  20. WannaBeHillBilly

    The Quack Shack

    So, you want to lug even more duck-food...? 😜
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