Search results for query: broody hen

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  1. C

    Broody hen stopped the day my new chicks arrived

    I scoured the threads and I don’t think this has been posted before! And just my luck 🍀 of course, my broody hen closing in on 21 days has deciding to snap out of it the exact day our 4 new chicks arrived. My plan was to slip them to her tonight and remove her 4 eggs I’ve been letting her keep...
  2. W

    Broody Hen

    First flock, my hen has been broody for several days now. We have no rooster, so no fertilized eggs. We remove them as soon as we can and remove her from the coop as well, but she goes back in and spends all day on the nest. What can we do to break her broodiness?
  3. _Featherian

    Broody Polish Hen

    Hello I don’t know for how much time has that been going on for, but at least a month, that Coco, my Polish chicken, hides somewhere far from the flock. She’s running away from me more often (she used to be very close to me). When I finally found her, I saw her sitting on over 20 eggs of hers...
  4. MessyJo

    Broody hen left: Day 22 one egg left, no signs of a pip

    My broody hen had 8 eggs. 7 have hatched (last two last night). She left the nest today and there was one egg on there no signs of a pip. I tried to put it back under her, but she moved. So I candled it and did a water test. Other than lack of movement, it looks viable. It felt a bit cool when I...
  5. Altairsky

    Broody hen went berserk

    ...pooping. She ate something, some greens from the germinated seeds, but after 30 seconds she was in the nest again. Is this normal for a broody hen to go berserk on the 3rd week of incubation? She wasn't like this in the previous 2 weeks. It really feels like something rang in her head after 2...
  6. RedHillChicken

    Broody hen issue

    We have a Black Americana hen (name Rietta), 3-4 years old, who went broody on the 14th. We put her in the time out cage in the garage on the 16th and kept her there 4 days. She looked like the broodiness broke, so we put her back outside with the flock. She hasn't laid an egg since the 15th and...
  7. Farmgirl283420

    Too hot for broody hen? 🥵

    It’s pretty hot here for me and my flock and I have a broody hen. I’m super worried about her she’s just standing over her eggs and panting! I don’t know what to do! Will she be okay or do I need to pull her off for a little?
  8. CashewVulture

    Broody hen hurting chicks

    Today is hatch day for our first broody hen’s eggs. She is a 9 month old Appenzeller Spitzhauben. One of them hatched but as soon as she saw it she started pecking and growling at it. I decided to remove it because she was getting really aggressive. What should I do? We already have a brooder...
  9. roxanne

    YEAH!! I am have a broody hen 😃!!!!

    Hello everyone! I have a setting hen. She is on about 14-18 eggs. It’s a private nesting box from the rest of the flock. It’s so hot! Should I put water and some food inside the little coop for her? Any helpful advice us greatly appreciated 😉
  10. R

    Broody Bantam Cochin Hen & Resp Infection?

    Hi all! Thanks for welcoming me into this great community. I am desperately in need of some advice or information. I have a bantam Cochin hen who is my best friend (her name is Lady) and we have really been through it lately! She was attacked by someone in the flock (not sure who) so I...
  11. hrayb

    Broody hens with fertile eggs but no hatching

    I have a hen that has been broody for a little over a month now. We have a rooster and I know the eggs are fertile. I’ve candled several and they are developing however one egg was broken and looked to be about 2-4 days away from hatching. none others have hatched. What would be the cause for...
  12. L

    First time broody hen

    Hi there, We are new to hen keeping and seem to have our first broody hen. She is around 8 months old. I guess I'm just wondering the best way to manage her. She is in the nest nearly all day unless we move her out, she will then eat and drink for a bit but then go back in. She even started body...
  13. L

    How to label eggs that a broody hen is sitting on?

    I went to collect the eggs this evening and I found that our black australorp hen is broody and sitting on them. I know that all the other hens lay their eggs there. So, I would like to label the eggs that are under her and possibly exchange them all together with older eggs. How can I...
  14. K

    Broody hen

    ...6, 3 were quitters, but that's besides the point). I have another hen who just went broody yesterday (😩), will the chirps from the first broody hen's chicks cause the second hen to break her broodiness, or will I have to find some other chicks with breeds I'm interested in? (Don't want to...
  15. S

    What does a broody hen do with her chicks in the first week after they hatch?

    ...seal up the tiny spots. I know in the first week my baby chicks pretty much just eat, drink and stay under the brooder plate. Seems the broody hen and chicks will be the same. I can let the broody outside with her chicks when I'm home as they get into the second week if that's when the...
  16. Farmgirl283420

    Broody hen not pooping

    My hen Amelia is broody and because she’s at the bottom of the pecking order her nest has to be fenced off. I take her out every morning to eat, drink, and poop. I’ve been sick the past few days so a family member has been helping me and said Amelia hasn’t been pooping. They said it looked like...
  17. M

    My supposedly broody hen’s laying anywhere and my other hen is eating it!

    Hi, so my hen which I don’t know her breed but when I bought her full grown the seller said she’s broody. I introduced her to my flock and waited to see when she lay. It’s been like six months and last week we noticed she was extremely dirty back there so we cleaned her and saw that she was...
  18. J

    Newborn chick to broody hen

    Sorry long post. I have a broody hen. She sat eggs and all died but one. I took the viable egg and incubated. It hatched last night. She is still broody, so I’m wondering if I go ahead and put the new chick under her or do I get more day old chicks and just raise them together or let her? The...
  19. talkinboutchickens

    Come cheer on these broody hens!

    Hello! I currently have three broodies, a white rock named Rose, a black Australorp named Phyllis, and then a light brahma named Dottie. I just discovered that Dottie was broody the other day because she started making these screeching noises at the other chickens outside of the nesting box. I...
  20. G

    Broody, Bullied, or Both?

    One of my hens, Plum, has been broody on and off for the past few months. Each time I've taken her off the nest and taken all the eggs away and that has "broken" the broodiness for a few weeks. My other hen, Peach, was recently broody for the first time a few weeks ago, but she appeared to have...
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