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  1. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2024 Summer Fair—Indoor Plant Show

    And last one. Entry #3. One of my oldest plants. A large Syngonium (Arrowhead plant).
  2. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2024 Summer Fair—Indoor Plant Show

    Entry #2. One of my many Pothos.
  3. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2024 Summer Fair—Indoor Plant Show

    Entry #1. My Ficus Elastica, purchased earlier this year from my local Costco.
  4. Sharwig

    ONGOING U.S. heat wave...

    We've had 3 weeks over 100 and 4-5 weeks over 95 here in SW Idaho. My girls seem to be doing ok, but I'm beginning to wonder how safe the eggs are. I pull them 3-4 times a day, but usually bring them into garage which is still pretty hot. Once I fill the carton (2-3 days), I put them unwashed in...
  5. Sharwig

    Ended Wildlife Photo Contest

    Ack! I forgot! Thanks for the reminder! Yes, I would like to enter it if that is ok?
  6. Sharwig

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Entry #2, a wave of Medal Gold Floribunda roses.
  7. Sharwig

    Ended Wildlife Photo Contest

    Entry #1. Last October we had dozens of Turkey Vultures (accompanied by a few hawks) take respite in the pine trees in front of our house, it was a spectacular site!
  8. Sharwig

    Ended Wildlife Photo Contest

    Not for entry! This was taken last fall (Oct '23) when a huge flock of Turkey Vultures invaded the pine trees on our street. I was lucky to have camera in hand for this shot.
  9. Sharwig

    Ended Wildlife Photo Contest

    Not an entry but fun to share.
  10. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Outdoor Gardening Show

    Daylillies in full bloom in my garden! Entry #4 Garden
  11. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Outdoor Gardening Show

    Roses aren't always red. These are my Gold Medal Grandiflora. I have 4 of these beauties! Entry #3. Flowers
  12. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Outdoor Gardening Show

    Eggplants are lookin' good this year. Almost ready to harvest! Entry #2. Vege garden.
  13. Sharwig

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Outdoor Gardening Show

    Daffodils are always the first to bloom in my garden. Taken April 2023 Entry #1, flower category.
  14. Sharwig

    Ended 2022 BYC Calendar Photo Contest - We Need Your Pictures!

    @casportpony Is it safe to assume if we didn't get a message after this post that our pix didn't make the cut?
  15. Sharwig

    Ended 2022 BYC Calendar Photo Contest - We Need Your Pictures!

    This is my third entry. We'll call it The Three Amigos featuring Bella the Barred Rock, Tinker (Leghorn) and Nala, an Easter Egger.
  16. Sharwig

    Ended 2022 BYC Calendar Photo Contest - We Need Your Pictures!

    I'll play your little game! This is Tinker, my inquisitive little Leghorn, enjoying a beautiful Idaho sunrise.
  17. Sharwig

    Tapeworm and Valbazen Treatment

    I appreciate that @dawg53. I'm in Idaho and everyone thinks that tapes aren't a problem because of our dry desert climate but I've learned differently. I think we just need to give the property a couple of years to dry out, and pesticide the heck out of it, and in a couple few years try again...
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