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  1. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Yesterday was bittersweet. I rehomed Marshmallow, as well as his main squeeze, Peep, and Carmella. I ended up keeping the red SGE, Ruby, along with the two Wyandottes. Still have to get the Bieles to my brother, but at least now they are safe and sound outside - including SLEEPING outside -...
  2. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Marshmallow broke me. 😭😭😭
  3. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Sounds like you are living the dream!
  4. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Wow! That is amazing. What a fantastic mother and such a treat to see! How many chickens do you reckon you have on your property?
  5. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    The "new girls" enjoying the upper roosts.
  6. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    I hope so. I feel like no one else is really going to love them like I do, but hopefully their next keepers will, in their own way... Oh my gosh. I was so sad to lose our drake, not only because he was such a dreamboat, but of course I wanted them to hatch out all the beautiful fluffy...
  7. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Wow. I had to YouTube that, thank you. Haha FTR, we did range the ducks until we lost our drake, but ya know. 🤷
  8. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    His other suggestion to free up more run space was to turn the ducks out.
  9. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    ...three Bieles are going to him. His coop is tall but only 4x4 (but he has a much bigger run proportionally), and Bielefelders are big. So he could *maybe* handle the five pullets, but then throw a cockerel into the mix, and he's never had chickens before... I just don't think it's the best...
  10. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Thanks, I know you get it. He finally gave me the patience to let me try and explain the pros and cons of each bird, and I think he really tried to understand. But ultimately he really didn't care which ones I picked. (Although I know he is also partial to Peep.) He was just like, pick the...
  11. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    I really do. It was hard enough to detach pretty much immediately from the Bieles, since that was kind of decided off the bat for me. But I really do think the other six make a great subflock, and it breaks my heart to have to split up Marshmallow and Peep, or Carmella and Ruby from Peep... I...
  12. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Every time I walk past her, I'm like, but Isa loves Carmella!!!! Lol and she's great, one of the easier ones to catch, I think. Ughh. Why is this so hard.
  13. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    The day I made my final decision, I started out with one of the Wyandottes, (Ivy, the super friendly one) and Peep, and Carmella, the half red SGE. Beautiful trio IMHO with the black and white mottling, red and white mottling, and then the blonde. But then it seemed like Carmella and Peep had...
  14. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Bumping up because I'm bummed every time I have to walk past the chicks I'm not keeping, I feel weak, and I need some encouragement that I've made a good decision and it will be okay. @fluffycrow @Party_Chicken @3KillerBs @TheDawg @BastyPutt
  15. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    Sigh. This has been a journey. By way of an update, I had basically been set that I would give my brother the 3 Bieles, while keeping the cockerel Marshmallow, 2 Wyandottes, and 3 supposed Starlight Green Eggers. However, the problem with keeping six is that still leaves us really with too...
  16. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    In retrospect this is funny to me, because now what I see is Sylvia, the young cockerel? checking out the big hen, and taking a submissive posture to her, but in other pictures with just the three chicks, Sylvia and Marshmallow are both standing quite tall, looking out.
  17. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    ...RIR) and give the suspected SGEs to my brother with the Bieles... Except that one of them is definitely a cockerel, and I don't actually know if he *wants* to have a cockerel. So... 🤷 I think for now I have to stop kidding myself and just love on 'em all the best I can. I started doing...
  18. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    So Marshmallow is definitely a cockerel. I have my eye on Sylvia and Ruby. So I pulled Ruby out of the other brooder and in with my chicks, so it's four and five now, the five being the 3 Bieles + 2 SGEs(?) I'm at least fairly confident are all females at this point. 😅 So it remains to be...
  19. Chipmunk Chicks

    I can't keep them all :(

    I am thinking Carmella may actually be an ISA Brown... How would I be able to tell the difference between now and when she laid though? And Marshmallow may be an Amberlink cockerel? This just keeps getting more and more confusing.
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