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  1. JacksonPearce

    Cochin not roosting, losing weight, etc

    I’m at a bit of a loss as to what to do with a Cochin who has been “off” for almost six months. She is now VERY thin. I see her scratching and pecking for food, and feel confident she isn’t being bullied out of eating. That said, I never feel like her crop is particularly full (admittedly, I am...
  2. JacksonPearce

    Water belly or internal laying or cysts?

    Agreed, I won't be! I do think it looks a bit like she's filling back up with fluid again, unfortunately. It doesn't seem to bother her, so I'll just let her carry on and live her life until it looks like she's in pain/uncomfortable, then put her down.
  3. JacksonPearce

    Water belly or internal laying or cysts?

    The fluid was VERY thick and mostly a very solid, Crayola-crayon yellow. Some was lighter, but it was all more yellow than amber. There’s absolutely no way a needle would have worked! I would absolutely go straight to the incision next time, if I face the issue with another hen. I’m giving her...
  4. JacksonPearce

    Water belly or internal laying or cysts?

    I don’t, but it was very small and very similar to those soft shell bits. It very much seemed like egg material. I don’t totally understand how egg material would be in that area, though— aren’t the oviduct and all on the upper side? I figured that treating the (what I thought was) water belly...
  5. JacksonPearce

    Water belly or internal laying or cysts?

    I have a chicken I *thought* had water belly; her belly was swollen and featherless, and she hadn't laid in ages. I tried to drain it using a large gauge needle, but felt like I was having to stick her too many times to get fluid— so today I opted to use a (clean! sanitized!) scalpel to make a...
  6. JacksonPearce

    Eye issue?

    I have a Cochin hen who is always sort of a mess— if it’s not one thing it’s another, though she always pulls through. This eye is looking especially awful though. I’ve brought her inside, washed her vent area since it was looking rough, and washed her eye with anti-microbial wash but…any other...
  7. JacksonPearce

    Sand as bedding/litter

    I've been using sand for a while, and am wondering if I need to switch types. I'm getting river sand, which is quite coarse but still very much sand. I see some people using sand that looks more like very fine gravel. The sand I use gets quite compacted after a while-- am I not cleaning it often...
  8. JacksonPearce

    Swollen abdomen

    Hi there everyone-- One of my hens has a massive, water-balloon-esque belly. I checked and it doesn't appear that she's egg bound; I wondered if perhaps a broken egg was in there since she's laid especially soft eggs in the past, but that doesn't seem to be the case either (I tried to syringe...
  9. JacksonPearce

    Injectable antibiotic (Tylovet?)

    I have some water soluble antibiotics but really want an injectable for when I have birds that aren't eating or drinking. Tylan 50 was, of course, my go-to, but since it's no longer being made I'd like an alternative. I saw TyloVet 50, which is supposedly generic Tylan, but couldn't find much...
  10. JacksonPearce

    Scaly leg mites or...?

    We constantly have problems with scaly leg mites, and I’ve got a number of chickens whose feet are mainly scar tissue as a result. We treat as best we can, but yesterday one of my Spitzhaubens had these dark marks on her feet. It looks like blood from dryness/mites, but it wouldn’t wash off (and...
  11. JacksonPearce

    Sanitizing after mareks

    Hi Eggcessive! The chicks definitely came to her with Mareks (I'm angry about that, but that's another post)-- I think that the breeder would likely cull them, but I know that's not something she would want to do. Since the breeder is obviously already a Mareks carrier, I don't feel like there's...
  12. JacksonPearce

    Sanitizing after mareks

    A friend has discovered that her first flock has mareks and is understandably devastated. She's already lost a number of hens, and can't decide if she wants to return the remaining three to the breeder and start fresh or just give these three a home for as long as they can carry on. She would...
  13. JacksonPearce

    To get another rabbit, or not?

    Thanks! We don't actually know how old they are-- they were rescued from a hoarding situation as adults. I'm a novice rabbit owner so it's hard to know if our remaining girl is super lonely, though she's eating well, so that seems like a good sign? It's helpful to know that introducing a new...
  14. JacksonPearce

    To get another rabbit, or not?

    Hi friends-- I adopted two older female rabbits from a local rescue that were tightly bonded together. Unfortunately, one died today. It's not clear why, especially given that they were given a perfect bill of health from the vet only nine days ago. :( This means I'm left with a single bunny...
  15. JacksonPearce

    Rain barrel watering

    Thanks, all! I didn't get the alerts that this had been answered, so apologies for the late gratitude. wyoDreamer-- The vet suggested a probiotic through their molt after an illness, but we don't want them on it long term for sure. 50-45-1-- Our coop roof is stainless steel and, thankfully, we...
  16. JacksonPearce

    Food for weight gain?

    For some reason I didn't get the alerts that this thread had answers-- thank you! This is very helpful. I'm going to try the canned mackerel.
  17. JacksonPearce

    Rain barrel watering

    I've got both my coops hooked up to rainbarrels, and I absolutely LOVE the simplicity of the system. I do worry, however, about what might be filtering into that rain water from the roof-- I have plenty of screens to block out leaves and debris, but nothing is going to stop watered down wild...
  18. JacksonPearce

    Food for weight gain?

    I just had a really nasty bout of a bacterial infection with my flock that I (and the state poultry lab) thought might be Avian flu-- it managed to take out two of my girls within hours of one another, and its pretty incredible that the others bounced back! While dosing them with antibiotics, I...
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