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  1. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Well I think if I was fostering 16 cats and also doing all the other stuff I’d be too busy too! Holy moly ❤️ Those are some lucky kitties! Those chickens are gonna be thrilled with the cooler mountain temps and lack of stick tight fleas too!! Isn’t just the worst trying to get a handle on the...
  2. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Yes, I’ve totally been where you are. I had a really bad winter my second winter owning chickens and lost two of my most favorite birds while two or three others were super sick. I sobbed on and off for weeks over it all and almost quit having chickens because the pain was so all-consuming. It’s...
  3. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I know you care very deeply for your girls and it’s so hard to watch them feel poorly and not be able to always fix it. ❤️ She was well loved. It’s possible Eris is feeling sad if they were close/bonded at all. I’d check her over for mites and such just to rule things...
  4. kurby22

    Roosters are awesome

    I too love my roosters! There’s something so much more personable about them. They’re not as easy, and I never 100% trust them, but the good ones really are just the absolute best 😍 This is my bantam Brahma Ruby…with my daughter at the County Fair. She was bored and wanted to lay with him, so...
  5. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Maybe a regular calcium supplement? Poor Onyx!! ❤️
  6. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Been a busy month so I’m not at all caught up on the thread, but wanted to pop in and share some cute pics 😍 My project Watermaal ladies went broody and I was out of town for work…sooo, I gave them a couple last Ameraucana eggs from by blue/splash pen and let them keep the eggs they’d...
  7. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Hehehe she’s totally thinking…where you think you’re going?? You just got here?! 😆
  8. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    We’ve missed you! Welcome back! Sounds like an awesome member of your flock!!
  9. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Zack is quite lovely! He looks confident too, which is a good thing 😍
  10. kurby22

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    They are pretty awesome! 😍 Here are a few! We love them ❤️
  11. kurby22

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    I’ve had so many, but most friendly are my d’Anvers and bantam EEs that are Ameraucana/d’Anver crosses. I love them because they get excited to see you, love to say hi and visit you, and not a bit of aggression. Best chickens I’ve ever had for true snuggly and cuddly chickens though are bobtail...
  12. kurby22

    Belgian Watermaal

    The second roo is more the color and comb you want. First roo is lacking in the black coloring and his comb has too many sprigs (extra spikes). Hens look nice. And yes these are all quail colored :-)
  13. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Today I wrapped up grow out coop #2…installing the doors. I’ve decided I hate doors, they never come out like I plan. I measured so many times and was still off so much I ended up adding extra wood to the frame 😣 They look pretty good despite all the trouble though :) Some of the babies seemed...
  14. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Those Leghorns sound like independent ladies! My bantam Bielefelder Baby Bee is that way! She escaped the run every day and wanders the yard by herself all day, then comes to the patio to roost at night. So every night she’s escorted to her coop…😍 Naughty girls but so cute!
  15. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Ohhh I hope it’s nothing serious like that 😣 Sounds like you’re doing all the things, so I’m hoping it’s enough! 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I’m glad that everyone else is behaving and staying well though…knock on wood! How are you doing? You staying healthy and healing from the injuries you sustained awhile back...
  16. kurby22

    What did you do with your flock today?

    No! You tell Stanley that is NOT allowed! He needs to rest and recover quickly as he is needed and loved! Maybe some herbals would do him some good? Poor you! They just don’t wanna stay healthy for you! I hope it’s a passing thing and goes away with some extra love and rest!
  17. kurby22

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    OOPS!! Well you have beautiful 9-week-old grow outs!! :D
  18. kurby22

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    Really? These aren't bantams? They look like them! are deceiving. Or maybe my eyes just see bantams now ha!
  19. kurby22

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    Some of my BBS bantam grow outs 😍 Plus the last two pics are two FREE pullets a woman gave me 😍 The brown red girl appears to be beardless, but Fudge is a really pretty girl 🥰 Gotta love free Ameraucanas!
  20. kurby22

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    The Isabels really are gorgeous!! 😍😍 Your bantams are so pretty.
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