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  1. Henhouse Harlot

    chicken with open wound

    I should have known that @Eggcessive would know eggxactly (ha ha) what the problem was! The hen I treated about two years ago was a friend's chicken, and we never could figure out what had caused this disgusting and clearly painful condition. I named the hen "Stinky" and to my great surprise...
  2. Henhouse Harlot

    chicken with open wound

    Oh dear, I started writing this last night but fell asleep before I could post it! I'm sorry for your loss, <3
  3. Henhouse Harlot

    chicken with open wound

    I had a case almost exactly like this... She needs antibiotics, soak her daily or better yet, twice daily, in a warm bath with Betadine in the water. Submerge her in the water, the maggots will float to the surface, then pull out any maggots you can find with tweezers. Get some Schriener's and...
  4. Henhouse Harlot

    New chicken mom and freaked out.

    Is spinach really bad to feed them because it can block calcium...?
  5. Henhouse Harlot

    Broody hens conflict

    Well, you're very right about the danger, I'm not really sure how the idea of herbs/natural medicines being "safe" ever got started. Poison is about dosage, and even water, or oxygen can be toxic. I'd love to read those articles, hopefully they will be on your page! :)
  6. Henhouse Harlot

    It is pretty great!

    It is pretty great!
  7. Henhouse Harlot

    Broody hens conflict

    Hello! I'd really love to see your sources on this stuff, I use both traditional and homeopathic medicines, and I'm always ready to learn. Could you please post some reference links? Thank you!
  8. Henhouse Harlot

    I love this picture, the look on his face, lol!

    I love this picture, the look on his face, lol!
  9. Henhouse Harlot

    Now my profile picture is of my magnificent House and Lap Rooster! "Cupcake" the fabulous, he is...

    Now my profile picture is of my magnificent House and Lap Rooster! "Cupcake" the fabulous, he is such a darling boy!!!
  10. Henhouse Harlot

    Oh my goodness yes! This one is extra-soft and poofy, I swear it's like she escaped from my...

    Oh my goodness yes! This one is extra-soft and poofy, I swear it's like she escaped from my pillow or something!!
  11. Henhouse Harlot

    Integrating New Chickens

    Maturity does wonders for a peaceful coop! Sometimes having a rooster can help with the integration, but not before they are laying. My rooster is wonderful, but he sees babies as invaders that need to be chased off! Until they reach sexual maturity of course, then he is all about the welcome...
  12. Henhouse Harlot

    New Mexico

    If you are still looking, I may have some bantam cochin chicks here soon; my hen is currently sitting. I'll let you know if/when that happens. :)
  13. Henhouse Harlot

    New Mexico

    Woo-hoo! Not only have I found my Banty Cochins, but I also found more chicken folks who are local! My flock is slowly growing, it started with three I got from a great breeder in Capitan. My rooster's name is "Cupcake" and he's a spangled Bantam Cochin, his favorite hen is a little red-brown...
  14. Henhouse Harlot

    Now my profile model is "Victoria Elizabeth DeSade III" my adorable, poofy little British chicken!

    Now my profile model is "Victoria Elizabeth DeSade III" my adorable, poofy little British chicken!
  15. Henhouse Harlot

    That, and the poptart thing...

    That, and the poptart thing...
  16. Henhouse Harlot

    Anyone who can understand this is someone I should probably know, at least on here! :)

    Anyone who can understand this is someone I should probably know, at least on here! :)
  17. Henhouse Harlot

    Well, I suppose out of curiosity, and also because you are someone who also like to fall over...

    Well, I suppose out of curiosity, and also because you are someone who also like to fall over things and buy unneeded baby chickens, lol
  18. Henhouse Harlot

    Who has horses?

    Not being afraid/anxious is not your goal, your goal is to PRETEND that you aren't anxious. The more you practice, the easier it will be!
  19. Henhouse Harlot


    Here is my little one on another horse I had the honor of starting, his name was "Duncan"!
  20. Henhouse Harlot


    Oof...this is hard for me! Horses have always been my number one passion in life, and in a lot of ways my chickens help fill the hole left in my heart. When I decided to become a Mama, I willingly gave up my horses because I knew I did not have enough money/time/energy for both. Now that my own...
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