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  1. my spoiled chickens

    Bear Control

    My friend recently had a bear around her house and she only lives 9 minutes away from me.I like going for trail rides in my woods but our neighbor got his property logged not too long ago so that probably scared them away,but I want to be sure. Should I get bear repellent or a pepperball gun or...
  2. Barnette

    Bear encounters

    How many of you have had trouble with bears getting into chicken food or coop? I'd like to hear your bear stories and how you dealt with them. I'll share two of mine: 1: A few summers ago, my little sister and I were in the woods alone picking wineberries. We have trails all over the place. We...
  3. sewchick

    Bear problems Omlet coop

    Bear shenanigans. My omlet coops is a little messed up. Fixed it with zip ties. Lots and lots of zip ties and tomorrow or later this evening I might go and hog ring every single space where it connects. My hens are ok. Not much we can do about it. I don't like working out there without...
  4. mybabychickens

    bear problems where the food, water, and bedding are. then there's a ramp to the bottom which is grass and dirt and plenty of room for them to play. This bear ripped the doors off its hinges. left huge holes in the walls. now this is a heavy-duty coop. my dad built it with very thick pieces of wood...
  5. P

    Roaming Bear - Upstate NY

    ...and opened the door and noticed the neighbors out with a spot light so she grabbed it while looking and low and behold a medium sized black bear just chilling on our forest path. Fast-forward to tonight when we got home he's back out roaming between the houses at around dusk/right after...
  6. T

    Bear Attack

    Unfortunately we had a bear brake into our coop last night. He got 2 of our 6 hens. He's already tried to come back tonight, but this time we were able to scare it away. I've always heard once a bear knows where your chickens are it'll keep coming back until it gets them all. What can we do to...
  7. Debbie292d

    4 Bear cubs playing in our yard (Wisconsin)

    Night before last, four bear cubs came bumbling into our yard. They seemed to be interested in a stone flower planter and one climbed up into it while the others ran around it and looked on. They were the size of a St. Bernard dog, maybe slightly bigger. We've had bear before a few times, but...
  8. S

    My first chickens arrived on Thursday. They are 5 months old. 2 Orpington, 1 Marans and a superb Marans rooster, named Majesty (the girls bear the n

    My first chickens arrived on Thursday. They are 5 months old. 2 Orpington, 1 Marans and a superb Marans rooster, named Majesty (the girls bear the names of Louis XIV's favorites :lol:) The Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte will join the family in June.
  9. B

    Unable to bear weight on foot, any advice?!

    Below is an ISA Brown, approximately 5 days old. I was changing their paper towel bedding and not sure if her leg got caught, but she can only stand on one leg and is off balance now. She keeps her other leg tucked in. Any ideas on what I can do, so that she can start using her other leg. Been...
  10. M

    Bear proofing

    Over the summer we lost our flock to a bear attack during the night. The ripped the coop door right off. Wildlife told us to do an electric fence. Does anyone have advice on how to do this? We are only worried about protecting the coop at night or when we aren’t home.
  11. GiddyUpGo

    Bear proofing my coop

    After losing all but one of my chickens in a horrible bear attack last December, I've gone over and over in my head how I am going to rebuild my coop to keep my chickens safe. Previously my coop was covered in hardware cloth, which did a good job keeping out smaller predators but did not slow...
  12. A

    Silkie not able to bear weight

    I have a 8mo Silkie roo that up until 3 days ago was perfectly healthy. He started stumbling while walking and within 5 hours unable to bear weight. He can still move his legs and sits with them straight out in front. He is on the skinny side and I never noticed it until now because of his...
  13. GiddyUpGo

    A bear killed all but one of my chickens

    I’m still in shock but the night before last a bear ripped the hardware cloth off the back of my coop and killed all but one of my chickens. The only survivor is in a rabbit cage in my bathroom and I’ll be putting her temporarily into a hutch in the garage until I can figure out what to do with...
  14. Evadig

    A Bear

    A neighbor told us that yesterday in the early afternoon a large black bear was seen crossing the road about a quarter mile or less from our house. We live in a decently wooded area interspersed with fields and a couple ponds (one of which is in the backyard). Do you think this bear would be...
  15. goodeggsforyou

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    ...flock I think something's wrong but really have no idea what and am worried for them. I place this in the predator area too because we do have bears around here and recently noticed come claw marks, etc. on the coop that are new, though no victims thankfully. Wondering if their behavior...
  16. C

    I’m glad I installed an electric fence, the bears are back.

    ...SO about there being banging outside. It’s late, maybe 1130pm. Tomorrow is trash day, the weather is cooling down, and that means one thing: bears. Black bears, for now. I feel so much better about the coop and our back yard knowing we have a (mostly) proper electric fence setup. Our...
  17. M

    How long can i leave bumblefoot where the chicken is not weight bearing on that foot

    ...all, How long do I have before the infection gets worse. The bumblefoot on my chicken's foot is visible from above and she is unable to weight-bearing on that foot. She is eating and drinking. My concern is I can't do foot surgery just yet because I need the antibiotic cream and have ordered...
  18. Y

    Bear visit

    A bear checked out my birds today. Luckily, my Ring cameras went off and I was able to turn on the microphone and scare it away. I’m assuming it will return. I I’ll likely order an electric fence tonight. Any recommendations on one or other ideas to deal with this?
  19. Mtnboomer

    Coop survived bear attack

    At about 10pm this evening a large black bear (350lbs +) attemped to break in to my chicken coop. It managed to rip open a nesting box door and remove the interior feeder before moving onto our "bear box" (trash bin) and our house trash can on the deck. Thankfully, none of our birds were...
  20. Sammster

    Little Bear and Grandma's chickens

    A few of the girls came out to visit my little grandson ♡
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