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  1. Sefirothe

    Is there a way to test hardware cloth gauge? Strength?

    I brought my micrometer home from work to check the hardware cloth I bought. I didn't go so far as to scrape the coating off to check the bare wire tho.
  2. Sefirothe

    Need to build a coop fast but want it to be awesome!!

    Your post made me think of this coop kit I saw a while back while researching coops myself. Maybe this can give you some inspiration? I wonder if they steamed and bent the....rafters? Ribs? Not even sure what to call the roof supports...
  3. Sefirothe

    Night sense disturbed by storm

    We use a Run-Chicken auto door. It can run off off the light sensor but you can still program a variable closing delay. I have ours set to close 1 hour after the sensor feels it’s dark enough. Helps if there’s any stragglers or if the weather causes issues.
  4. Sefirothe

    Nesting Box Opinions, Thoughts, Input Please

    This is the one I ended up with, very similar to Country Birds. I had it in the coop for over a month and not a single bird used it. They stuck to the large communal one that's built into the shed. So I pulled it out since it was taking up floor space and need to decide what to do with it.
  5. Sefirothe

    Nesting Box Opinions, Thoughts, Input Please

    I read some reviews on that style when looking to add nesting boxes myself. Universally people seemed to have problems with the black bottom plastic trays breaking or not staying in place.
  6. Sefirothe

    Salmon Faverolle gender?

    Thank you! I started to get worried when she was the only one with out tail feathers!
  7. Sefirothe

    Salmon Faverolle gender?

    This chick was hatched May 20th, Meyer hatchery chick if that matters. Her wing feathers are pretty dark and she has zero tail, but her chest feathers look to be coming in cream so I have some hope she is a pullet! And some day she'll have a tail. Maybe? Opinions?
  8. Sefirothe

    Salmon Favorelles slow to grow tail feathers?

    Chick was hatched May 20th. She’s feathering in nicely, but has no tail!
  9. Sefirothe

    Translucent Feeder?

    Is there any reason not to use a translucent bucket to hold food? I’m about to drill holes in this one to install feeding ports and hang it in the run. It would be nice to be able to easily see when it needs to be refilled.
  10. Sefirothe

    Chicken Run

    I probably should have also specified we have about 6-8 inches of wood chips on top of the gravel. The chickens rarely dig down deep enough to hit rocks.
  11. Sefirothe

    Chicken Run

    If you are putting posts in the ground to anchor your fencing you could do as perkolator suggests. If you are building on top of the ground and want things level as possible, 2A modified stone works great to level and compact down to form a base to build on.
  12. Sefirothe

    How level does the ground need to be?

    I feel like your husband and my father would get along great! My father fired up his bulldozer that hadnt run in at least 5 years to level and tamp down the spot we were putting the coop and the run. It definitely helped with both drainage and making the over all construction easier. Our coop...
  13. Sefirothe

    Light brown leghorn or cream legbar?

    Too soon to say if this is barring or not?
  14. Sefirothe

    Open mouth breathing/panting

    Possibly, tho she is the most mellow and laid back of all my chickens. She didn’t fight or care about being brought into the basement and put in a tub of warm water at all. I went back and looked at the coop camera recordings and she does the same thing on the roost at night. Not constantly...
  15. Sefirothe

    Open mouth breathing/panting

    My olive egger has a case of bumblefoot so I’m beginning treatment by soaking in a warm Epsom salt bath. The water is not hot, I’d say comfortably warm to my skin. She stood for a few minutes then sank down and I thought oh she’s enjoying it. Shortly after she stretched her head up and...
  16. Sefirothe

    Light brown leghorn or cream legbar?

    I had a shipment of chicks from Meyer Hatchery that included a light brown leghorn and a cream legbar. One survived the trip, one didn't. Trying to figure out which the survivor is. The hatchery says cream legbar. Both just look like brown chipmunks to me. The chick that passed had more tan...
  17. Sefirothe

    Mixing 1 day olds with 2 week olds

    The two survivors are ironically the two smallest chicks of the bunch. A salmon favorelle and a cream legbar. The brooder is about 3.5 ft x 2 ft. The two survivors currently rattle around in it like little ping pong balls. Edit to add: I’m using a heat plate so I don’t think I can easily...
  18. Sefirothe

    Mixing 1 day olds with 2 week olds

    Because some of the chicks I ordered from a 5/20 hatch arrived DOA, the hatchery is shipping me replacements on 6/3. There will be 2 from the 5/20 hatch and 4 from the 6/3 hatch. Can I still raise all the chicks in the same brooder?
  19. Sefirothe

    Shipping chicks this time of year?

    Makes sense. One of the DOA chicks had blood around its nares. So even tho the box looked fine, they still could have been knocked around I guess. The hatchery has already been contacted. Since they have a 48 hr live guarantee, they recommended I give the two survivors some time to make sure...
  20. Sefirothe

    Shipping chicks this time of year?

    Is it normal for hatcheries to include a heat pack when shipping chicks this time of year? I ordered from this same hatchery this exact same time last year and dont remember a heat pack in that box. Just trying to understand how 4 of 6 chicks could be DOA when the hatchery is one state away...
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