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  1. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think. broody hen is broody again. Let's see, she made it a whole 2 months and what, 3 weeks????? She's in "jail" once again. Our 6 hens are laying 4 to 6 nice eggs a day. But recently have backed down to sometimes 3 or 2 ! I think it's her fault. She's got them all messed...
  2. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    Well, I put her in "jail" for 5 days. At this point I'd say it was a complete success and she is no longer broody. Will have to wait and see what happens. Interesting point................her jail sentence upset the flock. Egg production went down to one and two eggs per day and someone in...
  3. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    My run is completely predator proof. I've about 50 Racoons that forage around here at night and they gave up trying to get inside the run or coop a lot of years ago. So did the Bobcats. :he About all I can do is partition off the end of the run and let her have that. I made a perch for her...
  4. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    My biggest problem is I live in the woods and the only safe place for chickens at night is the run and the coop. The run is 6' wide and about 15' long. I'd have to partition off the end of it to make a pen. but she wouldn't be protected from the rain there. It has a dirt floor and I'm pretty...
  5. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    I evicted her 6 times before I went to the gym this morning.............and have done it a couple of times after my return. I locked up the coop so she couldn't get in............but it was blocking the others from laying eggs which made for a pretty raucous bunch. So I let them in and, of...
  6. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    It's been 5 times she's been evicted today. She's out in the yard just scratchin' and eatin' away........just like all the others. When she tires she'll go right back in and get in a nest. Driving me nuts. Hope my will is stronger than hers. I'm afraid she's going to tell the others they...
  7. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    Update: I've had to "evict" her 3 times today. She's bound and determined to be a mother. There were two eggs that someone else laid today and she was "keeping them warm". :lol: Every time I've taken her off the nest she's complained severely. Oh well, maybe she'll eventually get the...
  8. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    I'll preface this with "I have White Faux eggs in the nests to get the "girls" to start laying eggs." Last evening she would drink water out of a cup and eat out of my hand (while on the nest). Took her out of the nest and told her to go "be a chicken". She did. She drank copious amounts of...
  9. Chickenman623

    One year old Hen is egg bound.............I think.

    She's been sitting on the nest for two days now...........and obviously has no intention of leaving. It looks as if she's trying to lay and egg..............her "egg layer" is puckering in and out. We lubricated with Olive oil the out outside and a little bit of the inside. I'm wondering if...
  10. Chickenman623

    Where's a good place to buy and what kind of live worms to feed my "girls"?

    Thanks for that ChickenbergGoldenegg. I'd never heard that...........but easy to do. :thumbsup
  11. Chickenman623

    Where's a good place to buy and what kind of live worms to feed my "girls"?

    Yup.....................but they are so darned expensive there. If they are truly worth that kind of money, I think I'll get into the worm raising business! :thumbsup
  12. Chickenman623

    Where's a good place to buy and what kind of live worms to feed my "girls"?

    Back when I was into organic gardening I remember a lot of folks would purchase earthworms by the pound and put them in their gardens to aerate and compost the soil. Just don't remember where they purchased them. My next door neighbor at the time bought a 15# bag of them and his soil was...
  13. Chickenman623

    Where's a good place to buy and what kind of live worms to feed my "girls"?

    Title pretty much says it all. With my last batch of hens 14 years ago I noticed my hens digging up a LOT of grub worms. I have this new batch of "girls" in the same area of the yard and don't see anything living for them to dig up. Wondering if buying live worms and scattering them out after...
  14. Chickenman623

    Deep Freeze

    Might sound silly, but would the hulls of the sunflower seeds hurt them or would it just be more ruffage?
  15. Chickenman623

    *GRAPHIC* Any idea what could have done this to one of my hens?

    Yes, she will get dug up if you don't plant her very deep. Critters can smell a whole lot better than humans. I would cremate her ceremoniously or offer her carcass to the trashcan (with a tight lid) until the trash truck comes by. The odor will bring many predators and scavengers to her...
  16. Chickenman623

    Predators that don't fear people

    jjjennejjj, I'll share with you my personal experience. I moved to the piece of property I presently live on for the purpose of raising llamas. At one point I had 25 at my place. When I first moved in I had several packs of coyotes that would terrorize my llamas most every night. A few even...
  17. Chickenman623

    Deep Freeze

    We are in Central Oklahoma. We've been in a literal deep freeze for the past two weeks. Right now we are in the midst of a minor ice storm. Suffice it to say our weather is miserable. Would our hens benefit from suet we feed the wild birds in the Winter to help...
  18. Chickenman623

    First Sudden Death

    My hen was 8 months old. My Vet wouldn't do a necropsy, I'm fairly sure. I just put her in the trash so no predators would find her. I'll mix the new bag of feed with the mixed bag of feed and that will lower the concentration of the Egg Maker.
  19. Chickenman623

    First Sudden Death

    Wow ! I'm at a loss here. One of my hens laid over, started flopping and died within 1 minute ! She seemed perfectly healthy prior to that. I was away from the property when it happened so the little wife witnessed the event had to take care of it. History: A couple of months back it was...
  20. Chickenman623

    Where are the eggs?????

    Hmmmmmmm. Well guess I can stop that procedure. Thanks.
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