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  1. D

    My chickens ate their first egg

    Thank y'all. I wasn't sure if they would lay regularly or if they would skip several days. Just trying to determine if all 3 eggs were laid by the same chicken or if I do have multiple laying. I'll just continue keeping an eye out and watching who is in the nests. I'm sure if there is more than...
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    My chickens ate their first egg

    Just out of curiosity, with new layers will they lay on a schedule (like regularly), or will they skip several days? Sunday we got a very light colored egg, no egg Monday, Tuesday got a darkish brown egg (I assumed whoever laid the light color egg would have laid yesterday) then today so far...
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    My chickens ate their first egg

    Update: No egg yesterday, but noticed an egg on the coop floor this morning when I let them out. It does have a small hole on the top where I think it was stepped on, I don't think anyone tried to eat it because only the shell was broken a little bit, but I could be wrong. Also, I feel like it...
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    Need feed brand recommendations

    After alot of consideration and thought, I'm switching my flock to purina flock raiser, just as soon as they are done with their current bag of nutrena. I just hope they like it, my chicks are a bit picky and spoiled, but if they don't like it I plan to check into some of the feed stores around...
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    My chickens ate their first egg

    Today it happened so fast, my husband was outside and I had stepped outside and that's when I seen one of them carrying something and I ran to investigate and saw it was an egg. My husband said that none did an egg song or made any noises outside of their normal noises. I plan to be outside...
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    My chickens ate their first egg

    I feed nutrena naturewise starter/grower, currently, but as soon as they are done with the rest of the bag I am switching to purina flock raiser, they also have oyster shell on the side. I also do give extras, like fruit and veggies scraps, as well as meal worms. They are fed from a 5 gal bucket...
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    My chickens ate their first egg

    I will definitely try the curtains thing. There's fake eggs in nesting boxes already. I have been keeping oyster she'll out for a couple weeks now, I wasn't sure when to put it out but figured that when the oldest ones were 16 weeks would be a good time. I don't feed layer feed though.
  8. D

    My chickens ate their first egg

    Is it normal for them to eat their first egg? Is it likely to happen again? Also, any advice on how to prevent it from happening? We finally got our first egg, I'm not even sure who laid it, whoever laid it didn't do an egg song. I just happened to see one of my buff orpingtons carrying...
  9. D

    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    I had wondered before if she were a WL, if her being around other chicken breeds may have helped influence her behavior and temperament. She's in a mixed flock with a few other breeds, and all of them, for the most part, are pretty tame. They have all been handled and loved on since day 1. This...
  10. D

    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    You really think so? She's a pretty cool chicken, she's one of my favorites, usually one of the first ones to greet me, eats treats out of our hands, is more calm being held then one of our buff orpingtons.
  11. D

    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    I was just wanting to add some recent pictures of her, she is now 15 almost 16 weeks old. The past week or so her comb has grew so much and is turning more red, not as red as a couple of my other chickens, but its getting there. I'm still shocked by how fast her comb grew, it was almost as if it...
  12. D

    Will chickens lay eggs in a nesting box that isnt in their coop?

    Well I'm still wanting them to continue sleeping in their current coop and just have the shed as a laying area, and in case I need to separate someone from the rest of the flock. I've been trying to make sure they are familiar with the shed, I keep it open during the day for them to go in and...
  13. D

    Will chickens lay eggs in a nesting box that isnt in their coop?

    I know this is a bit of an odd question. I'm just wondering if chickens will lay eggs in a nesting box that is not inside their coop? Long story short, when we built our coop we didn't add nesting boxes and were just going to add/build them on closer to when they would be needed. Well time...
  14. D

    Need feed brand recommendations

    That's where I was looking online and the prices were almost double what I normally pay. I ended up finding the feed somewhere else local, it was still a bit more then I normally pay, but after thinking about it, I'd just rather pay a bit extra for the feed I know they do like instead of risking...
  15. D

    Need feed brand recommendations

    No, I know that almost all the brands is the usually the same as far as protein and the other ingredients. I'm just thinking maybe the nutrena naturewise has a different taste and maybe that's why they love it so much. I'm hoping to find something that may taste similar to them. I know the...
  16. D

    Need feed brand recommendations

    I have been feeding Nutrena Naturewise starter/grower feed. My chicks absolutely love it and there is a lot less waste with this feed compared to the store brand of feed I had originally fed them. My issue is that, whenever I go buy feed I usually have to ask employees to look in the back...
  17. D

    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    She does look like what Cyndi did when she was younger. Honestly, may have to wait until she's older to really know forsure what she is. When she's older, her body shape and egg color will help alot to identify what she is. Just out of curiosity, is she the same age as the other chicks in the...
  18. D

    How many roosters to start with?

    You are absolutely right, I as well as my kiddos enjoy having chickens and plan to have them for years. When I first got them, I didn't realize how attached we would be to them.
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    How many roosters to start with?

    Honestly, noise from a rooster really isn't a concern for me, I actually like a roosters crow and I doubt my neighbors would mind much. The biggest reason I haven't added a rooster to my flock is because of my concerns of aggression, I have kids and they are very involved with the chicks daily...
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    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    Do you have a recent picture of her? I could be wrong, but I don't think Amber links have black spots, I thought they were white with amber/orange coloration like the one in the picture you posted. California whites are supposed to have black spots. Smokey pearls is another that is white/off...
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