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  1. Bonnieboo

    Help please: How can little teeny 4d old chicks have tiny wormies crawling out of their butts?

    A video might be helpful if you can manage one.
  2. Bonnieboo

    Coop Cam!

    I have cameras that my husband has yet to install (nag, nag 😑) but as there is no electricity to the coop, I'm wondering how I will be able to see at night without a light. Anyone know?
  3. Bonnieboo

    Thin shelled eggs

    Thanks for your kind suggestion 🙂
  4. Bonnieboo

    Comment by 'Bonnieboo' in article 'Keeping your Flock COOL with Healthy FRUIT Popsicle BLOCKS'

    Great idea the coconut yoghurt. However, what is the calcium content? One of the reasons I give it is for the calcium for strong egg shells.
  5. Bonnieboo

    Comment by 'Bonnieboo' in article 'Keeping your Flock COOL with Healthy FRUIT Popsicle BLOCKS'

    I love this idea! I have frozen a watermelon quarter for the same reason, but even though they love watermelon they won't eat it frozen. Because of this, I haven't tried any other frozen fruits or veges. Is it because it's hard and perhaps too hard to peck at or too cold for their beaks? Any...
  6. Bonnieboo

    Australians - Where are you all????

    I'm here! My name's Bron and I live just south of Perth. I have had chooks for about 9 years but by no means know it all! I'd be lost without all the good advice and articles I find on this site. Welcome and enjoy!
  7. Bonnieboo

    Comment by 'Bonnieboo' in article 'BYC – Supplemental knowledge for all things Chicken'

    Soo glad I found this wonderful forum! It is like having a hen-owning friend with much more experience! Thank you all so much for your kind support and advice 😘
  8. Bonnieboo

    Thin shelled eggs

    My Australorp x Rhode Island Red always lays eggs with thin shells. Once or twice a year she starts laying soft shelled ones for days at a time. I was advised to give her calcium tablets for a week. Whenever ever she lays soft eggs I have found this treatment to be very successful (many thanks...
  9. Bonnieboo

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    I would take her to the vet if you have a chicken experienced one nearby. Good luck, I know you couldn't bear to see her suffer and possibly die. It's very hard and I understand x
  10. Bonnieboo

    First time outside!! 🌞 🐥

    I look forward to them experiencing grass under their feet! Keep us up-to-date on their progress :D:love
  11. Bonnieboo

    Addressing muddy run without roof

    My husband built a lovely big coop for our 5 hens which we call the "Taj Mahal" and most of the time it has been ideal despite being made of galvanised iron. However, we discovered over this last summer which was uncharacteristically hot that it had maintained the daytime heat and the poor...
  12. Bonnieboo

    Dirty bottoms

    They've been laying for at least 3 years. Nothing new in their diet either. Also, the other two hens don't get dirty bottoms. Those two are a bit younger though.
  13. Bonnieboo

    Spurs on hens

    Thanks for your advice x
  14. Bonnieboo

    Spurs on hens

    My friend has just rescued two hens from a neglectful owner. They both have the most severe cases of scaley leg mite I have ever seen (for which I am treating them), and are absolutely terrified of being handled. When he picked them up, there was a dead chicken in the chook house and there was...
  15. Bonnieboo

    Dirty bottoms

    Thanks for your reply Chicken Juggler. Your idea makes sense however, my other hens have fluffy butts but don't seem to have the same problem. Also, it's just started happening over the last couple of months, they were always clean before.
  16. Bonnieboo

    Dirty bottoms

    Two out of my four hens continue to develop dirty bottoms. I have wormed all of them and cleaned the two with grubby backsides, but it seems to keep happening. These two are eating, drinking and laying as normal, they just don't seem to be keeping themselves clean for some reason. Their poos are...
  17. Bonnieboo

    Ants in bedding

    Thanks Howdydoodylady, I'll check it on Google :thumbsup
  18. Bonnieboo

    Hen suddenly aggressive towards me? Please answer!

    My Australorp Gertie pecks me every morning if I don't get the half cup of scratch I give them for breakfast onto the ground quickly enough!!! :lau
  19. Bonnieboo

    What's your flock's favourite food/treat?

    Scrambled eggs with sardines mixed in then topped with live mealworms!!!
  20. Bonnieboo

    Urgent advice on chicken feed

    If you give the girls oats, they're more nutritious and easier to digest if they're cooked 😄
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