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  1. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Yes ! But, I'm still wondering what goes on exactly when those moulting hens start stumbling and seem to lose their balance, or the control of their leg or legs. Also, I wonder why it isn't more talked about. It's very impressive to see, so maybe it happens only to my chickens. I saw it with...
  2. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    No long post today, I just wanted to share that Laure has improved. Sunday she was still falling almost every time she tried to move, and I was quite worried. Yesterday there was a small improvement, and today she was definitely better. I'm very relieved ! I've learned through the clinic's...
  3. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Our bedroom isn't heated but it's isolated, so it is warmer in winter than the other rooms we could use. The only reason is irrational - it's the "eeewwwhhh" factor for me . Doesn't make sense as our bedroom hosts spiders, scorpions, moths, various species of tiny insects that sting, and...
  4. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    ...8 to 12 (46 to 50) so it might work without supplementing heat. Although it would be nice to have some worms to give to the chickens in winter. ******** I ended up just unwrapping Lilly's foot yesterday and soaking it for ten minutes but she's now really too full of pin feathers to do...
  5. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thank you for all the explanations ! And thank you as well for looking for the label. I'm curious because I was a bit disappointed when I first bought organic layer feed and discovered it had so many additives, and I was wondering if it's similar in other countries. Your chickens do get a...
  6. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    The swelling had gotten much worse than it was, and my main concern is that I want to avoid her having surgery again. I'm thinking it needs to be tended to without waiting. And since she keeps plucking her feathers out, growing them back will take a long time. My guess is that with four hands...
  7. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I very much hope so, because Théo as dominant rooster would not be pleasant for the hens. Although for the time being he is so obsessed with Merle that he doesn't bother the other hens at all. Yes, but ... I'm not sure to what point her implant induced molt is totally similar to a natural molt...
  8. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    That would explain why french refurbishers are focusing on those brands and Google, that do have those guarantees. I couldn't find any information saying that paying with a secure phone will become mandatory, only that phone manufacturers will have to guarantee a five years update. While...
  9. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Even just using it as a phone, it's a good lifespan. One of the last dumb phones we had died because the microphone didn't work anymore ; several got broken from repeated falls, and they lasted a lot less than yours. My English is failing me 😶 I don't understand that last part. I do pay with...
  10. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    No, quite the opposite. It's her ear lobes that give this impression on the picture. She has lemon ear lobes, a bit like Amadeo had. We've given up on growing any type of cabbage from seeds. It's just too hot in summer, they can't survive and they get eaten up by all kinds of caterpillars. We...
  11. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Rain again yesterday from 10 am to 5pm. But today we have clear blue skies, and a lovely 20/68° - my sweet spot ! It was a long day yesterday for the chickens. Laure didn't come out of the coop at all, in fact she got up only twice and spent the day lying down next to where Léa sits. Both...
  12. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    That could be interesting but I'm pretty sure there are many many other factors, like the variations in temperatures where the chickens live, their age, if they have gone broody recently and already had a small molt from that... I read a few times and notably in Gail Damerow's guide to raising...
  13. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    I hadn't thought it could be a bug, because their issues are very different. Also, most have normal poops most of the time (apart from tapeworms) and I believe that is usually one of the first warning signs. Laure : feeling bad molting after the implant. Kara : not laying since 11 may, resting...
  14. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    From what my partner said I got the impression it was because he felt the visit hadn't been really helpful. It was still very surprising as he is the boss of this huge practice. We had another big storm two nights ago, with again 80 ml of rain. So everything is damp now and it feels like it's...
  15. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Most of the times my partner goes there on his own but from the few times I went with him I think they do it the other way round- small animals in cages are in the waiting room, and people with bigger animals stay in their car. It's pretty rare that there is more than a few minutes waiting, it...
  16. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    ...It's interesting about gardening that every year is different ; no crop can be taken for granted, but then we always have pleasant surprises too ! ****** I apologise that I've been having some difficulties being consistent on the thread. Some days seem very busy, and some days I feel like I...
  17. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches home is an interesting part of chicken keeping, that doesn't happen often with production breed. Has she been well accepted from the start ? ******* As I was typing yesterday's post we had the worse storm I've ever seen here in terms of rain and hail intensity. 80 ml in an hour. Very...
  18. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thoughts on four years and a half keeping ex-batts...and if I would do it again. I've been struggling trying to write this post for a few days because it feels like a conclusion, and that makes me melancholic. I'm prone to be overemotional about my chickens as everyone probably noticed. I...
  19. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Here are the pictures of the last days. While Nougat was still alive the chickens were very inquisitive as to what she was doing. I think only Gaston was actually sad, but no one bothered her. Once she was dead it seems they did not miss her. Once again I get the feeling they knew she was dying...
  20. ManueB

    Théo and the chickens des Sauches

    Thank you all for the kind words. Here is a long post about Nougat, our last remaining ex-batt. @lightm Nougat and the other ex-batt's started laying the first week of march 2020 so we guess they were born at the end of September 2020. So she was likely almost five. When they were but a few...
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