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  1. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    While Shad would disagree, I do think breed has something to do with it as does individual personality. Most of my girls are quiet [& calm] most of the time. The exceptions are Portia & Chavi~ the biggest & the 2nd smallest. Portia is constant & she's LOUD! Chavi has moments when she gets...
  2. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    The beach is always a good place to treasure hunt...😉
  3. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    -2 in Central Queensland...😲🥶
  4. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Mine just follow me round & tell me how much better they could do it themselves! 🙄
  5. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    I am glad Katie is home & looking so chipper. :hugs
  6. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Brisbane, outer suburbs. No idea of the actual population. My suburb used to be market gardens. Chickens have always been a thing here. I often see/hear chickens when I walk but they still seem to be seen as a disposable commodity. I know nearly as much about chickens as my vet does ~ which is...
  7. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    It doesn't follow. This area has always been a farming district but there is only the one vet who does chickens & horses. Since I moved I have a vet just round the corner & they reliably carry the special kibble all my cats need so I considered changing vets but when I asked, nope, they don't...
  8. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    At least its treatable. Hope all goes well.:hugs
  9. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Love & best wishes for you & Katie
  10. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Can't wait to see it finished! You have waited a long time for this.🧡
  11. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    I find them uncomfortable over long periods of time. How much cogitating are you planning on doing?
  12. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Yeah, my 2, who knew nothing of dogs & were terrified of everything when they moved in here, but now the dogs are terrified of them & don't dare cross them.
  13. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Welcome to my world! I presently have 6...🙄
  14. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    I'm sorry, Lozzy. :hugs
  15. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Oooooooooh, yes. I'm a Dali fan. ❤️💙💛🧡💚💛💜
  16. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    I'm sorry you're unwell, MJ. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.
  17. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    No. I have no sense of direction. Without GPS I'd never arrive anywhere. 🤣
  18. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    Possibly so but it's also just not my sort of painting ~ & I like all sorts of styles & genres but the ML leaves me cold.
  19. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    ...close enough you can be reasonably sure that milk is what you are getting. What I failed to account for is it's also the anchoring word for things like yoghurt. Imagine my surprise when my *milk* curdled & what looked like rabbit pellets floated to the surface! 🤣 Vanilla yoghurt with raisins. 🤢
  20. Ribh

    MJ's little flock

    I've never been able to see what all the fuss was about the Mona Lisa so I was keen to see it in person. Nope. Still couldn't see what the fuss was about.
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