Search results for query: ferment

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  1. Squawkers

    Help with fermented feed

    I have been attempting to ferment my chickens feed for a while. At first, I thought I was doing it right, but then I saw a pic of someone else’s fermented feed, and it was WAY bubblier than mine. So I started leaving my feed to ferment longer, but it never looked like that before it molded. At...
  2. B

    Fermenting Feed

    Hello, I have begun fermenting feed for my chickens as we go through a lot of feed and I’ve looked over the benefits of fermenting. My question is this: when I put the fermented feed out for the chickens to eat, how long should I leave it out there? I’m still trying to figure out how much...
  3. K

    Fermenting feed

    I plan to start fermenting my feed soon but have a question. I have a feeder that I fill up about once a week. Can I put fermented feed in there and leave it or do I have to feed them twice a day and not leave it out at all?
  4. L

    Age for fodder and fermented grains for Chicks

    I feed fodder and fermented feed to my grown hens. I have 1 and 2 week old chicks is it ok to feed them fermented grains (oats, wheat, and barley) and fodder? If not what age is appropriate for fodder? For fermented grains?
  5. S

    Fermented feed smells like...pickles??

    Hey all! We have baby chicks coming tomorrow, and I just pulled my first batch of fermented feed out of the cupboard. It is on day 3 of fermentation. The water level got a little low; there were a few grains breaking the surface, but I see no evidence of sliminess or mold. (I have made pickles...
  6. Z

    Fermentation food recipe

    Hello, I’m new to BYC and wondering if anyone would like to share a basic fermentation food recipe. I have a couple of hens I’m trying to help recover from a respiratory illness. Thank you!
  7. K

    How many times can I reuse fermented liquid

    Got a new round of chicks and I have been fermenting the organic crumbles i have them on. They love the mash and seem to be doing well at 1.5 weeks old. Since they grow so fast, it's difficult to tell how much they will eat, so to keep the fermentation chain going faster as their needs change, i...
  8. J

    My pullets don't seem to like fermented feed?

    We have had 18 week old pullets for 3 days. Before we brought them home I started fermenting organic scratch feed for them. The first day they ate maybe half. Today they hardly touched it. It appears to be made correctly. Bubbles...smells fermented. Any thoughts? Should I keep giving it to them...
  9. Fagrifoss

    Questions about fermenting feed.

    Hi everybody! I was wondering, this is the only grain mixture i can buy in my country and i was wondering if this is a feed that i can ferment for my chickens? Im new to this but i really want to learn and try it out! Thank you...
  10. C

    Feeding with fermented corn

    I've got 10 hens and have been giving them fermented cracked corn for a few weeks now. They also have access to their pellet feed. They also free range and find bugs all over, part of their job is to reduce the big population here. Is there any issue with feeding them all the fermented cracked...
  11. Nodakj

    Is fermented getting my chicken inebriated ?

    Been fermenting feed for a year or two now. Mostly let it set for 2-3 days. Wondering if it becomes an alcoholic beverage/food for my flock ? Are they all drunks now ? Do i need to do an intervention or start AA group for these hens ?
  12. J

    Fermenting feed mixture

    I have been raising chickens for many years now but I just started incubating. With my flock growing so fast I want to start fermenting their food. My problem is that I don’t know which feeds are the best mixture for doing this. I have been doing a ton of research on this and I just can’t seem...
  13. B

    Fermenting food

    I started fermenting my chicken feed 2 weeks ago and two of my old hens who haven't laid in several months have started laying eggs daily and one who was still laying sporadically has also started laying daily. My pullets are also laying daily now.
  14. F

    Fermented some feed, did i do it right?

    ...with whole grain (millet, milo, sunflower, corn) and some egg layer pellets that my chickens don't seem to like very much lol. It's been fermenting maybe about 2-3 days, with the lid loosely placed on top so gas could escape. Every time I opened it to stir, it had large bubbles coming up...
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Help with fermented feed

    Yes, hardness can affect it too. and hotter ferments faster, just as it sounds. Think about beer. If you ferment with the right yeast, and very low temps, it takes a long time and you end up with a lager. Ferment with a different yeast, higher temp, and you have an ale - in less than 1/4 the...
  16. Bkaye

    Avian diseases and fermented feed

    I’ve been going down a rabbit hole lately reading up on fermenting feed. I’ve read halfway through the big fermenting feed thread in the layers section as well as bookmarking the one in the meat bird section for when I’m finished. I mixed up a batch the beginning of last week using my all flock...
  17. Squawkers

    Help with fermented feed

    Do you think it is being affected by the pH level? What is a good pH range and how could I make it more acidic if I needed to?
  18. Squawkers

    Help with fermented feed

    Just pelleted layer feed. What do you mean by hotter ferments? What is an active starter? No, I dechlorinate my water. I let it sit out in an open water jug overnight before using it. I forgot to say that earlier, and that the water is hard. Does that affect it?
  19. U_Stormcrow

    Help with fermented feed

    What are you using to "start" your ferment? Generally, hotter ferments are more active - but if you are using "wild" things in your environment to start your ferment, you are dependent on what is in your air and water. You might want to consider an active starter. Speaking of, are you using...
  20. castillo_de_luz

    Fermented Feed Feeder

    I've done my searching and haven't been able to find a good answer: What should I use as a critter-proof feeder that works with fermented feed? It will be a thicker mash consistency, no soupy or liquid-y. It will also sometimes be exposed to the elements -- run is mobile. I really don't want...
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