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  1. StinkyAcres

    Run extension & stopping free range

    Thank you! Could be nicer if I could find a way to trim the grass under the fences! haha
  2. StinkyAcres

    Run extension & stopping free range

    I love using electric netting. We use three different kinds and Premier1's Chicken Net is my favorite so far ( It's relatively inexpensive, so easy to move wherever I want, and can be taken down for the winter. I don't...
  3. StinkyAcres

    Headbangers Anonymous

    Just discovered this and I can't stop playing it. How did I not know In Flames had a song with fiddle in it?! 😃 I love it when bands combine rock and folk instruments.
  4. StinkyAcres

    Headbangers Anonymous

    Sorry, had to laugh - thought they looked pretty silly bouncing around like that to a metalcore tune. But skydiving is a cool idea for a music video.
  5. StinkyAcres

    🐆Spot's homestead, chat and everything else thread

    Cool! Never heard of them.
  6. StinkyAcres

    🐆Spot's homestead, chat and everything else thread

    What breed of sheep? I just want to pet them on their velvety noses! 😍
  7. StinkyAcres

    Any advice on my coop? - in progress

    Seems the chickens would reach a foot deep in no time dust bathing, no?
  8. StinkyAcres

    Any artists out there?

    My secret person was @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds ! :highfive: I painted their Slaty-headed Parakeet, Nautilus, in watercolor and India ink pens and their original creature in a couple different styles in colored and graphite pencils.
  9. StinkyAcres

    Can I use nylon poultry net for the brooder pen roof, or is it dangerous?

    They could get their nails caught in that, but I really don't know how likely that is.
  10. StinkyAcres

    Any advice on my coop? - in progress

    If you put 2 feet of dirt and sand on it it would be spilling and bulging out the side walls. Are you thinking of digging down 2 feet?
  11. StinkyAcres

    Any advice on my coop? - in progress

    I would not put hardware cloth on the floor of the run, even if you are going to cover it with dirt or bedding material. Hardware cloth is hard on their delicate feet. Chickens scratch and dust bathe in the dirt and bedding and sometimes dig pretty deep holes. Also, galvanized hardware cloth...
  12. StinkyAcres

    Can I use nylon poultry net for the brooder pen roof, or is it dangerous?

    How big is your brooder pen? I prefer to use old window screens (aluminum NOT fiberglass mesh).
  13. StinkyAcres

    Dawg’s Chat Thread!

    I'm...okay...very tired...didn't sleep well last night. But we survived the storms. I'm sorry, Kelsey. Anxiety stinks.
  14. StinkyAcres

    Question of the Day - Monday, June 17th, 2024

    Email...because I can take a long time to reply without the other person knowing I've seen their email... :oops:
  15. StinkyAcres

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

    Oh, also Friendly's Cotton Candy Ice Cream!! :drool
  16. StinkyAcres

    Question of the Day - Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

    Brownies maybe?? I dunno..
  17. StinkyAcres

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

    Laying down nice new bedding in the coop! I use straw and it smells so good.
  18. StinkyAcres

    Question of the Day - Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

    Light gray...will probably be changing that soon.
  19. StinkyAcres

    Hen or roo

    Cockerel, no doubt.
  20. StinkyAcres

    EE Pullet or Cockerel ?

    He may have the beginnings of cross beak or scissor beak, which is not uncommon in EEs. I have read that deeper feed and water dishes can help.
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