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  1. Farmgirl283420

    Maggots in run?!

    There might be maggots hatching in my run. Will they crawl up the chickens and give them fly strike? I’m not sure of anything but a family member that was helping me got two maggots on them.
  2. Farmgirl283420

    Too hot for broody hen? 🥵

    It’s pretty hot here for me and my flock and I have a broody hen. I’m super worried about her she’s just standing over her eggs and panting! I don’t know what to do! Will she be okay or do I need to pull her off for a little?
  3. Farmgirl283420

    Can I use this in the coop?

    Is this healthy and safe for my chickens and me? I’ve researched it and haven’t read anything bad but I would like to know your guys opinions!
  4. Farmgirl283420

    I think this little three week old is a cockerel

    This is Ebbie and I’m pretty sure he’s a boy. I’m interested to know what you guys think! Also he acts just like my other roosters did when they were chicks. I’m sorry the pictures are terrible I’ll try to get better ones! 😊
  5. Farmgirl283420

    Broody hen not pooping

    My hen Amelia is broody and because she’s at the bottom of the pecking order her nest has to be fenced off. I take her out every morning to eat, drink, and poop. I’ve been sick the past few days so a family member has been helping me and said Amelia hasn’t been pooping. They said it looked like...
  6. Farmgirl283420

    Birds taking over the coop!

    my chickens have a big run and the wire is big enough for little birds to come in. The birds have even started coming in the coop! One night two got locked in by accident! I don’t want them spreading any illness to my flock and not only that but they are eating my chicken’s food. Because the run...
  7. Farmgirl283420

    Amelia is broody again!

    Last November my sweet pullet Amelia went broody! There was a lot of drama and she kept moving around and getting kicked off her nest and even left her eggs for awhile. We finally moved her inside where she hatched one sweet little yellow chick that we named Enola. Hoping that everything will go...
  8. Farmgirl283420

    Guess what breed!

    I have this sweet little black chick and I would love to know her breed! This is the first time I have gotten a chick and didn’t know what breed. It is also very very possible she is a barn yard mix!
  9. Farmgirl283420

    What do you think the chicks will look like?

    My friend had a broody hen and I gave her two of my eggs who I am pretty sure came from my frizzle. Few days ago I brought them home and I was wondering if you know what color they will be when adults? my frizzle hen AmeliaThis is Royal the fatherThis is Poppy and Fern the babies! Sorry the...
  10. Farmgirl283420

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    I noticed my 3 day old chick has some strange tiny bugs slithering on it it was a clear/brown and quick. I could only see it on my black chick as the other two are white. We got the chicks from a friend who hatched them from her broody hen outside. Please advise how to treat, are sprays ok on...
  11. Farmgirl283420

    Please help! Bugs on baby chicks

    I noticed my 3 day old chick has some strange tiny bugs slithering on it it was a clear/brown and quick. I could only see it on my black chick as the other two are white. We got the chicks from a friend who hatched them from her broody hen outside. Please advise how to treat, are sprays ok on...
  12. Farmgirl283420

    Can I take two chicks away from their mother hen?!

    My friend has a hen that went broody and she got some eggs from a different friend and I gave her two of mine. She’s going to give all the chicks away when they grow up and asked if I wanted my two when they were babies. I want to get them when they are little mostly so that it won’t take...
  13. Farmgirl283420

    No shell on eggs not enough calcium?

    So Tilda my one year old silkie has laid two eggs with no shells. She may have laid more but I have no idea because I think she has been eating eggs. She has egg in her fluffy hair. One of my hens is trying to go broody and she chased her off her nest and ate one of her eggs covering the rest of...
  14. Farmgirl283420

    Blossom has a bump on her eye!

    What is this and what should I do to treat her? She’s still eating and drinking as far as I know. I’ll watch her closer to make sure! I don’t think she’s acting lethargic I just noticed it yesterday.
  15. Farmgirl283420

    Coconut oil for scaly leg mites?

    I believe a few of my hens have scaly leg mites. Can I treat them with coconut oil?
  16. Farmgirl283420

    Belle is acting strange

    Belle is a year old. I bought her at tractor supply she was supposed to be a silkie but some people have said she looks like a Cornish cross. She doesn’t dig around much last night she laid under the roost instead of on it. She mostly just stands in the shade and when she walks she is pretty...
  17. Farmgirl283420


    I wanted to start a thread that discussed roosters. From them being rough or gentle to your hens to being good with people or attacking you. I have my own rooster and have given away four others but I haven’t given much time for learning about roosters so hopefully I can learn something! I would...
  18. Farmgirl283420

    What are the rarest chicken breeds? Why are they rare?

    I was just wondering out of curiosity what some rare chicken breeds are and why are they rare? If anyone has some I would love to see pictures!
  19. Farmgirl283420

    Help! What is wrong with my hen or hens?

    you might know Belle as my silkie who hates her sister so at the moment lives in a kennel at night and a playpen during the day. Today was raining so I let her out while I cleaned her kennel then went to get her. Her eyes were all foamy. My other chickens have been sneezing a lot but I haven’t...
  20. Farmgirl283420

    How do you tell if your chickens are fat?

    I’m pretty sure my hens are not fat one might be but she is supposed to be a jersey giant so I’m not worried about it. I want all my hens to be healthy and I’m just wandering how to tell if your chicken is fat.
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