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  1. Country Birds

    Nesting Box Opinions, Thoughts, Input Please I got this one a few months ago and I really like it! It’s pretty similar to the one you have linked. I had to get nest box pads because the hens kept scratching out all the wood shavings I was putting in there. I screwed it into the wall about a foot off the ground and...
  2. Country Birds

    Best DIY Chicken Feeder?

    I personally use hanging 5 gallon buckets that I put the ports in and they work great for my chickens. Minimal waste, rodents can’t get in, and every few days I just dump almost a full bag in. I haven’t ever used pvc feeders, but I would imagine it would be difficult to fill them without...
  3. Country Birds

    Bad luck with hatcheries for geese…

    I put an order in for Buff geese with Meyers, so fingers crossed! 🤞🏼 Ordering hatching eggs is a good idea though! Did you order way ahead of time and get on a waiting list or wait until laying season to order eggs that they already had available?
  4. Country Birds

    Bad luck with hatcheries for geese…

    American Buff and then I tried Pilgrims
  5. Country Birds

    Bad luck with hatcheries for geese…

    I am super frustrated with hatcheries right now. Last year I ordered several goslings from Ideal hatchery a few months in advance and they called me the day of and said they didn’t have enough goslings and wouldn’t be getting any more and that was that. It was really frustrating, but I...
  6. Country Birds

    Calcium deposit on egg

    I wouldn’t worry too much. I have a hen that lays brown eggs with white speckles all over the outside, which, according to the article, is caused by excess calcium. However, she eats all flock feed with free-choice calcium on the side. It’s been over a year and she still lays the same speckled...
  7. Country Birds

    BBS Genetics Question for Crossbreed

    The hen is definitely black with a green iridescence. I have Blue Ameraucanas and they are a noticeably different color than her.
  8. Country Birds

    BBS Genetics Question for Crossbreed

    I just recently hatched out my first chicks from my own flock and I got some that were a different color than I expected. I have a Splash Ameraucana rooster (he’s my only rooster) and I hatched out three chicks from my Black Copper Marans eggs (I only have one Marans hen) in order to get some...
  9. Country Birds

    People unwilling to sell hatching eggs!

    I live in Southern Idaho and I look at the KSL classifieds frequently and I’ve seen people selling silkie hatching eggs before in different parts of Utah. Silkies seem to be in high demand this year and a lot of them aren’t the best layers, so that could be one factor in why it’s so hard to find...
  10. Country Birds

    Which Breed of Rooster do you prefer?

    I have a Splash Ameraucana rooster that I really like. He was raised up under a flock led by an Old English Game bantam rooster and a bunch of mature hens. He does a great job of watching out for the flock, calls the ladies over for treats, and dances for them when he wants to mate. All of my...
  11. Country Birds

    Prolapse Vent Not Healing

    I had a lavender Orpington that got a prolapsed vent last year and I tried the warm soak, cleaning it, pushing it back in, etc. and nothing was working. She would push it back out the second I let her go. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed at the time and decided to do one last attempt and if she...
  12. Country Birds

    Rhode Island Reds and Australorps

    I have a Black Australorp and I love her to pieces. She is the friendliest of my flock, great layer, and never gets into any fights with the other chickens. I would say they are a great choice for any flock!
  13. Country Birds

    Meyer hatchery BBS Ameraucana without beard/muff?

    I ordered some blue ameraucana from Cackle last year and yours actually looks a lot like mine if they didn’t have the beard and muffs. Yours is quite a bit lighter than mine as well. The muff and beard are what make ameraucana’s so cute, so I can completely understand why you would be upset! I...
  14. Country Birds

    Chicken that can work wings and everything else can’t walk.

    So I don’t have even a smidgen of knowledge that a lot of others have on this site, however, I recently lost one of my little bantams to a similar problem. In my case, a family member was feeding a lot of scratch grains and food scraps to my chickens daily and I think it led to a vitamin...
  15. Country Birds

    Temperature goes down to -20 below here!

    I live at high elevation and we get really cold in the winter. Last winter we had -30 degree days and some bitter cold wind chill on top of that. I use a 5 gallon bucket with a lid on it, nipple waterers all around the bottom, and then I stick a submersible heater in the bucket. I never had any...
  16. Country Birds

    Look at these cute bbs Ameraucanas!!

    So cute! It does look like you have one of each color.
  17. Country Birds

    Why is this one pullet so ugly?

    I have some some splash and blue Ameraucanas that are almost 8 weeks old and they are all beautiful little chickens except this one…I think she is an “extra” Blue Ameraucana that the hatchery threw in. She was noticeably smaller as a chick and is still runty looking compared to the others. She...
  18. Country Birds

    Splash Ameraucana Sex?

    I have 13 straight run Splash Ameraucana from Cackle and I’m having a hard time figuring out the gender of two. They’re 6 weeks old. I’m leaning towards cockerels on both, but I’m not sure. They aren’t quite as red as the other cockerels, but they also are pinker than the obvious pullets that...
  19. Country Birds

    Least flighty/most friendly blue egg layers?

    I have an Easter egger, an Olive Egger, and a Cream Legbar. The Olive Egger is the flightiest chicken by far out of my entire flock. The Cream Legbar will run to greet me but she is NOISY! Constantly making loud chicken noises. I don’t know if all Legbars are like that, but she is a talker!
  20. Country Birds

    Brown egg with white speckles?

    I just found this egg, which I’m pretty sure is the first egg from one of my younger chickens. I’ve never seen anything like it before. I’ve heard of brown and green eggs with brown speckles, but never a brown egg with white speckles…does this indicate a problem with the hen? Some kind of...
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