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  1. CochinLady61

    Bear Control

    If I were you, I would setup a target for shooting and have your horse close by. Get her used to the sound. Eventually shoot from on her as well. That will do two things. Acclimate your horse to the noise and movement of shooting off her back, and move the bear on down the road by having a loud...
  2. CochinLady61

    How many chickens should I keep

    According to the calculator I need to build several more coops and a goat shed. 😆 🤣 😂
  3. CochinLady61

    Sand in Coop - How to Reuse?

    I started a new coop and added about 2 to 2.5 inches of sand to the floor. I love how easy it is to keep clean. Raking the solids out every day or every other day is a breeze. I also top off the poop board with sand, which has made scraping it a breeze! :) I am looking for suggestions on how...
  4. CochinLady61

    Chicken coop and run on top of pallets as flooring

    I thought I didn't have big snakes until I found a pair of gopher/black snakes in my rafters that after their timely deaths, stretched out in excess of 8ft each. (No wonder my egg production was down). It doesn't take long to get good sized snakes when they have plenty to eat. It's best to stop...
  5. CochinLady61

    Chicken coop and run on top of pallets as flooring

    In my opinion, the 6 mil poly will be ripped up in no time by chickens scratching through your flakes. I would suggest a remnant of vinyl flooring instead
  6. CochinLady61

    Racoon Disaster

    I thought I should share my Racoon Disaster because I thought my coop was safe. It was for about 20 years, and then it wasn't. The racoon climbed onto the top of my coop and did some acrobatic maneuvers to wedge himself between my rafter / ventilation space. He was able to get in and out the...
  7. CochinLady61

    Comment by 'CochinLady61' in article 'Training Chickens to "Coop" at Night'

    My chickens go back out because the rooster is having his last hurrah before nightfall. lol. He is generally the last one in at night, but he will follow the girls out and then chase them around, and back in. Perhaps you have noticed the same behavior?
  8. CochinLady61

    Neighbor mad about rooster...suggestions?

    Make sure to document all the interactions you have with the neighbor. Also document what you have done to accomodate your neighbor. A trail cam is an excellent tool that you should get right away. Keep all the notes and how / when they were received. At some point you may end up in civil...
  9. CochinLady61

    Treehouse Chicken Coop

    Guinea's would totally love it! They roost high anyway!
  10. CochinLady61

    Bear Flipped over coop

    Unfortunately, you fed the bear. He will be back. Electric fence is probably your best bet. Growing up, I had rabbits that "fed" a pack of feral dogs. Dad laid down chicken wire on the ground and then electrified the hutches. That way when the dogs came nosing around the hutches they were sure...
  11. CochinLady61

    Layer Feed that Isn't Pellets. Okay?

    You might try adding a touch of water to your pellets or crumble to make a soft mash. I have two pans that my birds eat out of, one I create the mash in and other is fed dry. Some birds prefer damp feed at times. I feed scratch only about once a week, or when egg production starts to fall a...
  12. CochinLady61

    Nervous about the smell coop again this summer.

    I see alot of upper ventilation, but not any lower just above your bedding. Add ventilation down below to get drafting through the whole coop. My coops have several sets of 2 1/2" holes cut in a row covered with screen plates like you use in your attic soffits. Add them about every 4' all along...
  13. CochinLady61

    Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE

    I had to go with Cochin since that is what I have. LOL Love them and can't wait to get a couple broody hens going this spring! Not sure I have coop space for more so have been looking around the place for a new coop or I'll just get them to sit on guinea eggs. I'm sure I can find homes for the...
  14. CochinLady61

    Rat Problem

    I've been using the Victor Electronic...
  15. CochinLady61

    Heat lamp vs Heating Pad

    In my opinion, extra heat is not at all required as long as water is consistently available and there is a place to get out of the wind and weather. I live in Kansas and temps are regularly below freezing for weeks at a time. I use a stock heater and heated dog bowls to keep water available. As...
  16. CochinLady61

    Ended 2020 Chicken Gift-Ideas From Amazon & TSC - $25 Giveaway!

    I'd really like one of these - either in the brown or red and white to give my broody hens a safe and quiet place to hatch and raise babies until they are old enough to join the regular flock. This is small enough to be a coop within my "free range pasture"...
  17. CochinLady61

    Is this Wry Neck?

    This bird presented with these symptoms today. He is a little over a year and a half old. I feed TSC pellets and add oyster shell. On occasion I also feed Orscheln scratch grain. I think its wry neck, and if so I should be treating with vitamin E and selenium. Are there better brands? I'm off to...
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