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  1. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I know exactly what you mean about living with chickens! My dining room is full of chicken food and bedding, not to mention cat food and litter! There's no space for us to dine in there, that's for sure :barnie Poor Smoky! I bet he's enjoying the relief of having that pus out of his eye...
  2. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    That's definitely better looking poop! Have you tried massaging her crop to speed up emptying?
  3. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Oh no! Poor Eris ☹️ It could well be as you fear or, given the amount of white urates, it might indicate a kidney problem. I'm crossing everything she turns a corner soon :fl
  4. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Wow! You are a whirlwind! No wonder you don't have time to be on here but lucky, lucky kitties to have you caring for them ❤️. Really hope the flea treatment works, those stcktight fleas sound truly awful. Please promise you'll drop in now and again though, we miss you 😔
  5. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I'm so, so glad I don't have to deal with those. I grow an awful lot of squash. The rosemary beetles infesting my rosemary and lavender hedges is bad enough! At least your flock benefitted.
  6. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Me too! Reminded me of Penelope. She always had to have the last word 😂
  7. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Very well said! As one of those people who connects and commits totally to the animals in their care, I understand just how great the grief from losing them can be. Don't let anyone ever tell you "it's just an animal" or feel ashamed for grieving so deeply. Hell, I grieved longer and harder for...
  8. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Mine have never shown any inclination to roost in my cherry tree so I have no direct experience but if they're safe from predators and it's warm and sheltered enough, I can’t see it being harmful?
  9. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    That's hopeful, at least. My other ex-batts have had the odd wrinkle at the pointed end of the shell. As it was only a small amount and there were no other issues, I never worried about it unduly. When you said Onyx's eggs were wrinkled, I was picturing fully wrinkled shells!
  10. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I'm so, so sorry. I know how much you've been through together and how much it hurts to lose a 'special' one. I'm still grieving for Penelope, 3 months on. She also died in her sleep after a long period of ill health. I'd keep a close eye on Eris. It might be worth getting her a health check...
  11. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Being an ex-batt, Maude had typical age-related laying issues as she got older. We don't know her exact age when she passed but we estimate she was roughly 3.5 years old (based on the typical age of spent hens at slaughter , 72 weeks, plus the 2 years she was with us) which is slightly above...
  12. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    What an interesting mix! What colour eggs does she lay with those genes? Whatever her issue is, it's unlikely to be breed related then.
  13. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    I want babies soooo bad! I'm happy to live vicariously through your little beauties though. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️
  14. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    What breed is Onyx? Just curious as it can have some bearing on health issues. Are her eggs very large? My ex-batt, Maude, laid enormous eggs daily and towards the end of her laying career and was slowing down to every other day, she would be quite lethargic on her no egg day. In hybrid hens...
  15. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Oh, this is just the hardest thing to face, isn't it? I really feel for you - and having to face losing 3 at once...😭😭 My cats are 15 now and some part of me worries every day about how long we might have left together. My mom lost her 14 yr old cat 2 months ago. The vet told her he might have...
  16. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    It is - and lots of cats too! I'd love to go to Mexico. Always wanted to go to Guadeloupe for the shark diving but that's now been banned unfortunately.
  17. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Hmm, bit of a mystery, then. Could it be a hernia that's popping out when she lays making her feel off for a few days then going back in? Has she ever prolapsed or been eggbound? Kurby22's idea of a calcium supplement is a good shout, it may help and if Onyx doesn't need it, she'll excrete it...
  18. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Oh my! I can just imagine that little squeaky 'crow'! Ferdy sounded like a gate hinge that needed oiling. And treating his mom at two weeks! I bet that looked as adorable as it sounds 😍
  19. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Do you mean a welsummer cockerel or a cockerel who was clearly all man very early on? If you mean the latter, I knew Ferdy was a boy 4 days in from hatching and he was trying to mate with his mom at 3 weeks. He didn't try to crow until he was 5 weeks, though. He has turned into the best roo...
  20. S

    What did you do with your flock today?

    Poor girl! Is she going downhill just after laying an egg?
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