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  • Users: Annalyse
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  1. Annalyse

    Bumble foot????

    I have two plymouth rocks. I have a thread on my one who’s been having many problems one includes her toes curling not her nails her entire toe curls. (Nails are cut short). Took her to the vet and doctor said she’s healthy and fine possibly just her being lazy and spoiled. My entire flock is 4...
  2. Annalyse

    PR with bald butt and crooked feet

    I have a PR who has been getting crooked toes. She’s had a bald butt for a while and I always though it was from the poop build up but instead of new feathers she sometimes gets bumps like a pimple but they get big like almost a grape size. They dissapear after a little bit and she’s always been...
  3. Annalyse

    Curved Toe?!?!

    My PR has a curved toe. I noticed it this morning. I know I have to cut their nails bc they are getting to long and starting to curl. Could that be the problem? Her nail on that toe isn’t too long. She’s walking fine, eating and drinking like normal. I touched it and she didn’t have a problem...
  4. Annalyse

    Bumps and hens behind!!!!!

    My PR has always had trouble growing feathers on her behind. I think it’s from poop getting matted and then feathers fall out. Today I saw bumps on her skin. She’s had them before but they usually go away. Are they just feathers growing in? Other than that she eats and drinks and walks just fine.
  5. Annalyse

    Rooster spur completely off!!!!

    My roosters spurs have been getting very ling and have been bugging him when he’s trying to roost. I was going to cut them but yesterday the one spur like half of it broke off but it was the putter layer and I figured I’d let him be until today to cut it when I got home. I got home to find his...
  6. Annalyse

    Hens nail long and wonky?

    I’ve never had an issue with their nails until today. Her one nail is super long and twisted. They’ve been pretty bored mostly laying around and dust bathing since it’s hot and not much they want to do. Can I use dog clippers to cut it?
  7. Annalyse

    Hens not laying eggs?

    I have six hens and one rooster. He causes some feather damage to his favorite girls. That could be one reason their not laying but I’ve also been getting fairy eggs and soft eggs. They have oyester shell but they don’t seem to care for it unless I’m hand feeding it to them. I give them some of...
  8. Annalyse

    Food mites?!?!

    I’ve had food mites before and we bought a freezer and keep the feed in the freezer. This morning I saw mites on the ground in the dirt crawling on wood chips. The chickens spill the feed. I moved the feed but since it’s still outside I’m going to guess the mites will get to it soon. What can I...
  9. Annalyse

    Are these vegetables ready to be picked?

    I have carrots and banana peppers that I’m not sure if I should pick yet. I planted them a couple months ago not sure the exact date.
  10. Annalyse

    Worms!? Maggots!? In poop!!!

    I noticed the poop in the beddings had these worm things in it. The poop boards as well. I’m not sure they are worms I think they came from the little gnats that have been in the poop boards. Since it’s so hot I can seem to find a way to get rid of the gnats. I use PDZ in the poop baords do you...
  11. Annalyse

    Fart egg?

    It was the size of a marble. I found it this morning my rooster kicked it without knowing. Is this a fart egg? I’ve never had one.
  12. Annalyse

    Hen Belly hard and she is laying down!!!!

    I’ve noticed yesterday my one PR was laying down in the dirt but I thought it was normal because lately the flock has been laying down or dust batheing. This morning was different though, as I do the morning routine they all usually start getting up but my one PR just stayed on the roost. Her...
  13. Annalyse

    Knats in poop boards!

    Is there anything I can put into the PDZ to help with Knats. I’m going to clean in it every day but the Knats burry themselves. I’ll replace the PDZ tonight but could I put lavender or something in the board? My flock will eat anything so if it’s near there roost they think it’s a bedtime snack😭.
  14. Annalyse

    Rooster ate oak leaves!!!

    My rooster ate two full oak leaves. Are they okay for him? I know some leaves are toxic to chickens. I think there pal leaves I’m not that great with plants.
  15. Annalyse

    Pale, fast breaths while sleeping!!

    My PR was roosting and I noticed she was pale and breathing a little fast with her body. As I kept watching she saw me and her color came back so I locked up and when I looked through the window she had her eyes closed like the rest to sleep but her breathing was faster then the rest and she was...
  16. Annalyse

    Bump/cyst? On her butt!!!!

    My PR has always had problems with poop getting matted to her butt feather. I try cutting her feathers but it doesn’t help. When she does end up with poop matted to her butt she starts to bald back there. I’m thinking the poop gets too heavy for her feather and they fall out and then probally...
  17. Annalyse

    Will the flock be okay in 0 degree temperature? Plus molting hen!

    We Winter proofed everything. I know there cold because there standing around all fluffed up. Will they be okay? I also have a molting hen. Her feathers are coming back but she doesn’t have very thick ones. Will she be okay? Picture is below.
  18. Annalyse

    Eggbound hen?!?!?!?

    This morning my silkie was very vocal and was going in and out of the nesting boxes. I figured she was going to lay an egg. My entire flock hadn’t laid any eggs this winter. Most were molting but my silkie was broody before winter hit and then usally when I brake her she stops laying and winter...
  19. Annalyse

    Is she adjusting her crop?

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen them do this. But this is a different adjusting method she is using if that make sense. They used to look like their yawning but she’s doing this. Is she adjusting her crop or is it something else? I just wanna make sure. 😅
  20. Annalyse

    Can they eat burnt egg shells???

    I baked some egg shells for the flock and forgot they were in the oven. Can they still eat them? There a little toasted
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