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  1. U_Stormcrow

    Mixing Grower and Layer Feed Together?

    First thing I planted in my pasture after it was cleared for the chickens was clover. A nitrogen fixing legume loosely which makes a good cover crop and is a perennial in my climate. Had my climate not been quite so warm, Alfalfa would have been my choice. In other words, Match Your Greens to...
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Help needed customizing low estrogen and gluten free feed

    Yes,blood meal is a possiblity. Sadly, still pricy
  3. U_Stormcrow

    Very hot!! When is it dangerous

    panting and spreading wings out are how they are cooling off, because they can't sweat. I'm at those temps - near 100 three times this week, heat indexes in the 108 - 118 range (we are also high humidity). My birds find a shaded spot with good ventilation, bed into the dirt during the heat of...
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Mixing Grower and Layer Feed Together? practice, you aren't going to feed your birds enough cruciferous veggies to reach those levels, even if you somehow do, they aren't going to eat them given other choices. AND if you have a dish of oyster shell out for them, they will correct for it naturally. So if it makes you happy, go...
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Mixing Grower and Layer Feed Together?

    Spinach isn't really high protein. Its mostly water. CP under 3%, same with kale. and while there is some concern that high levels of oxalates present in all cruciferous veggies can affect calcium absorption, in theory...
  6. U_Stormcrow

    Mixed flock

    x3 (see sig, below) Put out some calcium source in a separate bucket/dish (i.e. oyster shell) and call it done. I have some in a plastic gutter, rain and shine, refill maybe 2x per year.
  7. U_Stormcrow

    How Much Oyster Shells? would notice). I put a plastic gutter out, poured a line of oyster shell, and refill maybe twice a year. I don't think I go thru 10# a year *admittedly, my birds aren't on an "all flock" type feed, their feed mix is closer to 2.5% Ca on average, and some are not very productive layers...
  8. U_Stormcrow

    Help needed customizing low estrogen and gluten free feed Picograms - its not much. Certainly less than the phytoestrogen levels of some plants. But you are right, generally not cost effective. OP is already looking to use fish meal as an animal protein source (and can go up to...
  9. U_Stormcrow

    How to get rid of lice/mites quickly?

    Permethrin is routinely applied diluted in water. I keep mine in a pump up sprayer, and vary the concentration based onhow I'm using it.
  10. U_Stormcrow

    How to get rid of lice/mites quickly?

    Elector PSP's main (active) ingredient is Spinosad. Its common in many "garden dust" formulations here, unsure what may be available in Croatia. I prefer Permethrin or another Pyrethrin-like compound, which is generally cheaper and more readily available as my first choice, and will go to...
  11. U_Stormcrow

    What does every have as a set up for feeding their chickens? I want to see yours!

    Abundance is a social lubricant. I also use multiple feeding locations.
  12. U_Stormcrow

    The Cheapest Place to buy Chick Feed?

    Coops and Mills generally have the best prices. I'm fortunate enough to have a family feed store that sells feed from a local mill as a loss leader, mark up is about 15% instead of the usual 30-50%, so after figuring storage, labor, etc, they are losing money every bag they sell (particularly...
  13. U_Stormcrow

    What does every have as a set up for feeding their chickens? I want to see yours!

    I'd offer, but "won't attract rodents" means I'm out. What I do do is only put down the amount of feed they will eat in about 10 minutes - they free range the rest of the day for their intake. That's not practical for most, and has nothing to do with feeder design.
  14. U_Stormcrow

    Made my own feed

    I know my posts are followed by many. I aoplogize. I try to avoid BYC when I'm feeling less than charitable and am aware of my struggles with social interactions at times. Should have done so yesterday. While I stand by my words, which more or less summarize my beliefs, it was inappropriate...
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Help needed customizing low estrogen and gluten free feed

    ...comment was regard the gluten avoidance, mostly. Plenty of both research and experience shows that people with celiac's disease can eat chickens *and their eggs* fed wheat and wheat products without issue. OTOH, they may not (depending upon the severity of their condition) be able to handle...
  16. U_Stormcrow

    Roots verses, branches, stem question on vegetable plants, other plants?

    good to know. I am NOT a (successful) gardener, thought there were a few other plants that tomatos shared that particular adaption with. Appreciate the correction.
  17. U_Stormcrow

    5 weeks old now tranfer outside?

    I have my birds out by three weeks, often two weeks, at temps lower than yours. Heat is your concern. Shade and ventilation your answer. Agree that your climate screams for an open air coop design as @rosemarythyme suggested above. I use a modified open air design for my birds (highs about...
  18. U_Stormcrow

    Best Homemade Chick feed recipes please!?

    Happy to share. There's no One Right Way. You've got to find the way that works best for you, in your situation, with your expectations and needs for performance, within your resources. Good luck! I'm still learning myself. Some things work, other things... don't.
  19. U_Stormcrow

    Roots verses, branches, stem question on vegetable plants, other plants?

    Depends on the plant. In basil, the stem is more like the leaves. In oregano, it has some resemblances to the root, but mostly resembles neither. In mint, it can resemble the root quit a lot - or it can be more like oregano. And if you bury a tomato up a few leaves worth of stem, the plant...
  20. U_Stormcrow

    Alternative Protein (animal scraps)?

    Yes, more animal protein means less plant proteins needed to meet their nutritional needs. No, chickens are not by design carnivores, I don't know (and am aware of no study suggesting) that they can be successful on a pure animal protein diet. For a number of reasons, I suspect the answer is a...
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