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  1. casportpony

    Very young peafowl displaying

    Welcome to BYC. It's been my experience that when peachicks or poults mount another bird they are male.
  2. casportpony

    Guide How to Upload Videos to the Gallery

    If you want the code for the individual item:
  3. casportpony

    Guide How to Upload Videos to the Gallery

    Those are for your album, not the individual items in the album. Album link: Thumbnail
  4. casportpony

    Solved Is it possible to edit the title of my post?

    yes, report it and a staff member will make the edit.
  5. casportpony

    Actual Correct Dosage for Safeguard Dewormer for Chickens One has to ask oneself what worms one wants to treat, pick the dose that treats those worms, and then do a little math. The math formula is *always* the same: Weight of bird in pounds, divided by 2.2 (converts to kg), times the dose, divided by the number of mg in one ml. If you are...
  6. casportpony

    Guide How to Upload Videos to the Gallery

    Videos can be uploaded to the Gallery.
  7. casportpony

    Question of the Day - Sunday, June 30th, 2024

  8. casportpony

    Actual Correct Dosage for Safeguard Dewormer for Chickens

    Welcome to BYC. The 0.23 ml per pound dose (50 mg/kg) is correct if you want to treat *all* worms including capillary worms. Note that egg withdrawal is recommended. This low dose of 0.00454 ml (1 mg/kg) you are referring to is also correct, but it's for treating large roundworms & cecal...
  9. casportpony

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions
  10. casportpony

    Question of the Day - Saturday, June 29th, 2024

    Today's question is from @azurbanclucker: Diet Dr. Pepper
  11. casportpony

    Brand New to the chickies world

    Welcome to BYC!
  12. casportpony

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions
  13. casportpony

    Question of the Day - Friday, June 28th, 2024

    Today's question is from @azurbanclucker: Bonaire is nice.
  14. casportpony

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions
  15. casportpony

    2023/2024 Question of the Day Archive & Suggestions
  16. casportpony

    Open Contest 2025 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    I have one like that too, which reminds me that we need to do our special needs contest soon.
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