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  1. Honora

    Egg with air sack in the middle! Please help!

    To update on my egg with the air cell in the middle: The chick hatched on its own! I was so surprised! She is drying off in the incubator now but looks perfectly healthy.
  2. Honora

    Egg with air sack in the middle! Please help!

    Sorry to hear that. I guess I will keep a close eye on this one and plan for an assisted hatch, maybe she will make it🤞
  3. Honora

    Egg with air sack in the middle! Please help!

    How did the hatch go? I am in the same situation right now, just wondering if the chick was able to hatch.
  4. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Well my hatch is done, all 6 eggs that made it to lockdown hatched! The last one was a wrong end pip but she hatched just fine by herself. I ended up with 3 boys and 3 girls, gave them all to my broody hen and she was thrilled with them. She has been sitting for 3 weeks even though I took the...
  5. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Very cute! How do you tell the girls from the boys?
  6. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    4/6 are out now and the last 2 eggs are pipped, one on the wrong end. Looks like 3 are definitely boys. The 4th I think is a girl. I gave 2 of the chicks to a broody who has been sitting for a while and she seems to be accepting them. I’ll give her the others too if all goes well.
  7. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Day 20 here and 2 chicks have hatched! They are both boys. There is at least one more pip though, hopefully a girl will hatch tomorrow.
  8. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    Congratulations! Gorgeous babies! 🥰
  9. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    My 6 Legbar eggs are going into lockdown. Hoping for some pullets.
  10. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Well here are some pics of the chicks that turned out to be mixed breed. I have 14 now, no internal pips on the 2 remaining eggs in the bator so I think my hatch is done.
  11. Honora

    Peeps in Europe!

    The white one is the cutest thing ever!❤️
  12. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Fingers crossed for the 3 eggs to hatch🤞
  13. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    8 chicks out so far and most of them seem to be black. Definitely not the color of Swedish Flower hen chicks! I guess my in-laws were wrong when they told me this rooster was hatched from my eggs last year😂 Oh well, they are cute little barnyard mixes I guess! I will post pics when they are in...
  14. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    I realized yesterday that I forgot to open the air hole on the incubator for the entire incubation. I have 1 chick hatched and several pips, but one seems to have zipped and got stuck. Time to get ready for some assisted hatches I guess. 😬 Oops, this was meant for the April hatch a long but oh...
  15. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    2 pips now, can’t wait for babies!
  16. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    My Swedish Flower eggs are in lockdown now, so I moved the 6 Cream Legbar eggs to my little incubator. The Legbar eggs are on day 13, they are still going strong. It’s definitely a bit harder to see inside the blue eggs but it’s not impossible. I wonder if there is an extra layer in the shell or...
  17. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Put 16 Swedish Flower eggs in lockdown, a couple of the air cells are drawn down and they look ready to go. 2 more days till hatch!
  18. Honora

    May 2024 Hatch-A-Long

    How is everyone’s eggs doing? I have tossed 2 clears and 1 quitter, and I am now down to 6 Cream Legbar eggs. If I get 1 or 2 pullets to hatch I will be happy. 😁
  19. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    So adorable! ❤️
  20. Honora

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Thing is looking as cute as ever. 🥰
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