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  1. Alexandra33

    Light-colored Melanistic Mutant pheasant?

    I simply can NOT coerce my parakeet and cockatiel to eat greens, or anything healthy, for that matter. If it's brightly colored, it's scary. But I'll never stop trying for their sakes! Silly rascals don't know what's best for them. The finches are much easier and less picky.
  2. Alexandra33

    Any fellow birdwatchers out there?

    Has anyone done any birdwatching as of late? :)
  3. Alexandra33

    Light-colored Melanistic Mutant pheasant?

    @BantyChooks Great information, thank you! I've heard rave reviews about Coturnix eggs. But as far as cute factor, my heart is set on they seem relatively low maintenance. And then another part of me wants Bobwhites for their game-iness. Long story short, I want it all and need...
  4. Alexandra33

    5-6 Week Old Bantam Chick- Gender?

    Not only the comb tells all, but also breast plumage color. All Black Breasted Red OEGB cockerels will sport black chest feathering, while pullets will have salmon. You have a cute little man on your hands.
  5. Alexandra33

    Buckeyes - cockerels or pullets

    I'm thinking cockerels (except possibly #1....I'd give it more time) based on comb development. None of my Buckeye pullets were ever that red at only 8 weeks.
  6. Alexandra33

    Wildlife Photography

    If that isn't the sweetest little face ever! Love the indignant look Mom is giving it in the second shot.... definitely needs to learn manners. :lol:
  7. Alexandra33

    Tsc speckled sussex "pullet"...I think not...😣

    I'm certainly leaning heavily towards cockerel.
  8. Alexandra33

    Easter Egger Pullet or Roo?

    Lovely ladies. :)
  9. Alexandra33

    Now Accepting Educated Guesses

    Oops, that's what I get for not paying attention to post date. :lol: They should definitely know by now.
  10. Alexandra33

    EE mix, hard to tell if boy or girl?

    Yep, definitely a cute little cockerel. :)
  11. Alexandra33

    Now Accepting Educated Guesses

    Leaning towards cockerel for now, but time will tell. 7 weeks is still too early to base guesses off feather shape, as pointed male plumage doesn't usually develop until the 3-5 month mark depending on breed and individual.
  12. Alexandra33

    EE mix, hard to tell if boy or girl?

    Patchy coloration and high contrast almost always points to male in EEs....which is why I'm going with cockerel based on that particular photo. More angles could help confirm, however.
  13. Alexandra33

    12 week cockerels or pullets

    Lovely pullets.
  14. Alexandra33

    What am I?

    From Feathersite:
  15. Alexandra33

    What am I?

    Pearl looks like it could fit. Self Blues shouldn't sport any mottling, and I'd expect more buffy tones in a Porcelain.
  16. Alexandra33

    Polish something?

    Mottled Houdan and Golden Laced Polish, which are two separate breeds, but both share crests. :) Yes, cavernous nostrils are completely normal in crested birds. Waiting on age for more accurate gender guesses.
  17. Alexandra33

    Light-colored Melanistic Mutant pheasant?

    Sounds exquisite! Am I ever making out like a fat rat. :D In all seriousness, I'm looking into getting quail eventually - is care/housing difficult? (I'm sure it varies by type)
  18. Alexandra33

    Light-colored Melanistic Mutant pheasant?

    After years of foiling birdnapping attempts, I'm willing to call a may have a couple pheasants, but only if in return I'm allowed a couple of those quail disclosed in your signature. :D
  19. Alexandra33

    What is The worst kind of hawk???

    Cooper's Hawks are by far the most blood-thirsty, fearless, and bold - both at bird feeders and in a flock setting. Relentless creatures that killed off a large number of my bantams and chicks. (and even peered through the coop window at them when they were closed in for safety reasons) NOTHING...
  20. Alexandra33

    Light-colored Melanistic Mutant pheasant?

    Long time no talk, Banty! :frowThank you. I'd always wanted to venture into the gamebird world, and these little guys haven't disappointed. You should try pheasants....but get your own, not mine. ;) Though not as "flashy" as the traditional pheasant, there's still something subtly nice about...
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