This is supposed to be a sexed pullet. She is 11 weeks old now. I am concerned as to if this may be a cockerel. I have 20 other chicks, hatched on the same day but all different breeds. I have two others that have turned out to be cockerels but it is VERY obvious that they are cockerels. Then I...
Could someone please assure me that this is indeed a pullet? I purchased this one from a hatchery as a day-old sexed pullet and she is 7 weeks old now. I have since had two other chicks of different breeds from the same hatchery turn out to be cockerels, so now I'm getting a bit paranoid every...
Could someone please assure me that this is indeed a pullet? She was purchased from a hatchery as a day-old sexed pullet and is 7 weeks old now. I have since had 2 chicks of other breeds from the same hatchery turn out to be cockerels. Now I'm getting a little paranoid any time I see any changes...
Would anyone mind taking a stab at this one for me please? This is supposed to be a sexed pullet from a hatchery, now 7 weeks old. The comb and wattles have me concerned, but the leg length, thickness, body stance and demeanor is not that of a cockerel. Thoughts please?
Would anyone be willing to take a stab at this one for me please? This is supposed to be a sexed pullet that I got from a hatchery, 7 weeks old. The comb and wattles have me concerned, although the leg length and thickness, stance, demeanor, etc is not that of a cockerel. Thoughts?
This was supposed to be a sexed pullet. I am growing increasingly concerned as to the gender (she is 7 weeks old) but have heard that LO's can be hard to sex. I would love to hear from some of those who are truly experienced with LO's. I already have one mis-sexed chick of a different breed, so...
This is supposed to be a sexed lavender Orpington pullet. She is 7 wks old. Please assure me that she is a she and try not to make me cry. I already have one mis-sexed chick already
No apologies necessary, I'm ok with this one being a roo. He is a sweetheart. I thought he looked like a roo as well, but then someone asked me if I was sure it was a roo because their own australorp hen had a very large, red comb and wattles as well. It just started to make me question mine...
The chest feathers are an amber color with the teeny tiniest marbling of black. But barely. Also, there are tiny waddles poking out. Thanks everyone for the input. It's just frustrating cuz this should have been one of the easiest breeds for the hatchery to sex :( How are Welsummer roo...
Just turned 5 weeks. Very submissive and quiet, not at all boisterous or needy as some roo's are. The comb, wattles, long legs and coloring is making me grow increasingly concerned however.
I have an 8 wk old light brahma...I am completely unsure of gender. I was pretty certain I had a pullet for awhile, but now "she" has started play sparring with my cockerel multiple times a day. And the pea comb has three little rows. Any help please because pea combs are always hard for me to...
I have a buff Orpington, same age, and my LO's comb and waddles are a tad bit more pronounced than the buff's. And I have a Welsummer that was supposed to be a sexed pullet and it is DEFINITELY a cockerel. So now I'm a little leery when I see progressively growing combs/waddles. Since all of the...
I got this chick, along with a diverse breed flock from a hatchery. She was supposed to be a sexed female. However, her quickly changing looks are making me grow increasingly concerned. It seems as though with as easy as it is to auto sex Welsummers, well trained people certainly should be able...