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  1. Pompona

    Another sick chicken 1 year old hen with hard mass in abdomen

    Update: so I decided to cull her because she seemed to be slowly dying, she lost even more weight and the mass was getting bigger. Once she passed, the vet opened her (not a full necropsy) to see what the mass was. It was a very enlarged gizzard, with thick walls, but it did not seem to be...
  2. Pompona

    Pale, Mucusy Blobs in Poop

    Oh, sorry to hear that. I have a hen with a reproductive tumor. She is still doing ok, but I'm not sure how long will she last.
  3. Pompona

    Another sick chicken 1 year old hen with hard mass in abdomen

    Yes, she was very happy to rejoin the flock after the vet visit and immediately went to eat. At least I now have an idea of what is happening.
  4. Pompona

    Another sick chicken 1 year old hen with hard mass in abdomen

    So I ended up taking her to the vet to find out what the mass is. She did an x-ray and it doesn't seem to be a stuck egg, more likely a cancerous mass. There is no liquid in her abdomen or other signs of infection. We could do endoscopy to see exactly what is it but it is definitely out of my...
  5. Pompona

    Another sick chicken 1 year old hen with hard mass in abdomen

    I have a Serama hen, 1 year old, that has been declining in the past 2 weeks. She still eats, drinks, and walks around, but a lot of the time she stays in the same place looking sad, tail down. I thought it was coccidiosis and treated her twice (tortrazuril) and dewormed her also. After...
  6. Pompona

    How to tubefeed hen with wry neck?

    She seems to be improving a little, she was able to drink a little bit on her own.. I am giving her Harrison's recovery mash, vitamins and Chinese skullcap.
  7. Pompona

    How to tubefeed hen with wry neck?

    Today was not so easy. I tube fed her but she regurgiated some of the liquid and I was sure it was the end. But apparently she didn't aspirate. It's being a roller coaster. I will give her a couple more days...
  8. Pompona

    How to tubefeed hen with wry neck?

    I managed to tube feed her with the help of my husband. Let's see if she improves over the next couple of days. Thanks for your replies
  9. Pompona

    How to tubefeed hen with wry neck?

    Hi, does anyone have experience tubefeedkng a chicken with severe wry neck? I am afraid I will hurt her if I straighten the neck to tube feed her. She's still eatkng but she can barely drink on her own, because she cannot lift her head. It is very likely she has Marek's, since my flock is...
  10. Pompona

    Viable treatment for Marek's Disease.

    Hi everyone, I have a dutch bantam that has a wry neck not responding to vitamins, so I guess it is Marek's. She is still eating but drinking is more difficult because of her twisted neck. She comes from a Marek's positive flock. She escaped 6 months ago, but a neighbor found her a couple of...
  11. Pompona

    Please help, chicken escapee returned after 6 months. Quarantine?

    Yes, I have decided that I will get no more chickens. I will keep these and treat them with medication if needed, but if they die or I have to end their life if too sick, I won't get more chickens to replace them. I won't breed them either. And I will ask my vet if I can test for mycoplasma...
  12. Pompona

    Please help, chicken escapee returned after 6 months. Quarantine?

    So not good news. I went to see the hen thus morning and she looks kind of sad, and keeps looking up, almost like she has a twisted neck. She can move her neck and head to other positions but tends to stay looking up. I was thinking of giving her some mash with vitamins, but her crop is hard. I...
  13. Pompona

    Please help, chicken escapee returned after 6 months. Quarantine?

    Yes, I think I need to quarantine her. About the Marek's, I told my neighbors that I had the Marek's virus once a while ago, but they didn't seem concerned. I tried to explain what it is, but not sure if they unferstood what I was talkkng about. In fact, I suspect I got Marek's from one of the...
  14. Pompona

    Please help, chicken escapee returned after 6 months. Quarantine?

    Today something really surprising happened. My neighbor caught a bantam hen in his property and came to ask if it was mine. At first sight, I said no, because I have no missing chickens. But looking closer, I recognized a dutch bantam that had escaped like 6 months ago!! Unbelievable that she...
  15. Pompona

    Duckling Grow-A-Long!

    I will keep one male and find homes for the two others or I will see if I can build a smaller coop + run for them. I think I still have a couple of months to decide and see how things go Their mothers (two ducks: one white, one khaki) seemed like "true" campbells and were good layers, I think...
  16. Pompona

    Duckling Grow-A-Long!

    Oh, that's great! I'm pretty sure now that I have 3 females and 3 males. Mine are supposed to be khaki campbells, but I am seeing that the 2 brown girls have face stripes that are still there and the white girl has a black spot on her head (her name is "spot", haha). So they are surely mixed...
  17. Pompona

    Duckling Grow-A-Long!

    Yes, I checked and it only says niacin (nicotinamide, vit B3). All of the other brands said no-flush, this was the only one I could find that didn't put that on the label.
  18. Pompona

    Duckling Grow-A-Long!

    This (see pic). I crushed half a pill and put the powder in their feed, for the six ducklings. I still need to check the best dosage.
  19. Pompona

    Duckling Grow-A-Long!

    Hi everyone, I'm afraid one of my ducklings might have mild niacin defficiency. She looks clumsy and slower thant the rest, and tens to sit more often than the others. I am starting suplementing immediately. Hopefully, she will get better. Until now, they were eating some kind of expensive...
  20. Pompona

    I accidentally cracked an egg while candling its on day 17 or 18

    I have used hot wax and in my case, the chick hatched without any issue.
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