There were a couple of eggs left in one of my batches and I decided I wouldn't wait any longer and once I opened his egg I realised he would never have pipped, bless him.
He's a Silver Laced (his grandma was a chocolate laced) Pekin Bantam, his name is Glitch :lol: He's the most darling boy and...
I’ve got 20 Khaki Campbell eggs in the bator :weeSo exciting, watching babies hatch literally never gets old❤️
I haz questionsss, what humidity has given you the best hatchrate? I’ve been told that from day 1-25 it should be 50-55% and from day 25-28 it should be 70-75%? Also what humidity...
This is not an entry (I hope this is allowed, I apologise if not, I will delete it)
But it is in a shell ;) just not it’s shell.
Day old button quail in a Coturnix shell ❤️