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  1. Hybridchucks

    Don't recommend it.

    Don't recommend it.
  2. Hybridchucks

    I really wish you wouldn't..

    I really wish you wouldn't..
  3. Hybridchucks

    8 week Rode Island Reds - hens or roosters?

    I can see a potential male but if you could get some pictures of each individually that would be great
  4. Hybridchucks

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Loop stitch
  5. Hybridchucks

    Welcome to BYC!

    Welcome to BYC!
  6. Hybridchucks

    Is my goat pregnant?

  7. Hybridchucks

    Thank you 😊

    Thank you 😊
  8. Hybridchucks

    MGG's Hatching Thread!

    There were a couple of eggs left in one of my batches and I decided I wouldn't wait any longer and once I opened his egg I realised he would never have pipped, bless him. He's a Silver Laced (his grandma was a chocolate laced) Pekin Bantam, his name is Glitch :lol: He's the most darling boy and...
  9. Hybridchucks

    Runner Duck Hatch-a-Long! 2021

    I’ve got 20 Khaki Campbell eggs in the bator :weeSo exciting, watching babies hatch literally never gets old❤️ I haz questionsss, what humidity has given you the best hatchrate? I’ve been told that from day 1-25 it should be 50-55% and from day 25-28 it should be 70-75%? Also what humidity...
  10. Hybridchucks

    Ended 12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Hatching Chick Photo Contest

    This is not an entry (I hope this is allowed, I apologise if not, I will delete it) But it is in a shell ;) just not it’s shell. Day old button quail in a Coturnix shell ❤️
  11. Hybridchucks

    No I don’t actually, remind me?

    No I don’t actually, remind me?
  12. Hybridchucks

    Are these mites/nits on my button quail?

    I don't see any mites, they're pretty easy to spot. And his skin looks just fine :)
  13. Hybridchucks

    Here's to 4 years on BYC! 🍻

    Here's to 4 years on BYC! 🍻
  14. Hybridchucks

    Type your username without looking at the keyboard!

    Hahahah just shows how much I write chicks
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