Thank you for your reply, she’s being bringing up liquid out of her mouth all afternoon and hasn’t moved so I’m taking her to the vet this evening. She seems like she’s suffering.
A week or so ago I notice my Silkie chicken (2 years old) was having watery poops-every so slightly green. Eating and drinking fine so upped vitamins etc.
The last couple of days she’s become really lethargic, barely moving and has had a mucky butt. I’ve been giving her warm baths to keep it...
I wondered if you could help me to establish the breed of this chicken. I initially thought brown leghorn but it has quite a long tail and Google search suggests Phoenix.
It has greenish legs!
I have hatched three chicks under a broody. I got the eggs from a local farm and they SHOULD be bantams. They are approx 10 days old.
I have labelled the chicks 1,2 & 3 in the pictures. I’m thinking chicks 1 might be a cream legbar, however, I don’t remember the egg being blue-was more likely...
Thank you for your advice. I have now created a safe area for them so all should be well-great idea with regard to the chick size opening. Will definitely be doing this!
I’ve had three chicks hatch under a broody mama. They have been shut in the coop away from the other two chickens since the chicks hatched (although I’ve been letting the other chickens sleep in there over night when it’s dark) and they’re dopey. Today the chicks are a couple of days old so I’ve...
Thank you for this sound advice. I have been giving them food in the nest but I’ll stop that now to encourage them to come off.
Also thank you for the warning about picking the broody up. I realised this when I tried to remove the shell and noticed something caught under her wing. Thankfully...
Mumma hen successfully hatched the last of three eggs yesterday. How long will it be before she leaves the nest? She was still trying to push some of the broken eggshell under her like she wanted to incubate it so I removed all shell traces. If she stays broody and refuses to leave the nest...
Humidity is 64. Although this morning my husband did accidentally unplug the incubator 😱 although was only for a short while. We normally have chicks under a broody so this is new to us!
It’s been about sixteen hours since this guy externally pipped and there has been nothing since then. He is cheeping though. I noticed a yellowing on the membrane and wondered if this means it’s too dry? How long do I leave it? TIA
Will definitely separate a broody next time. This is my first time hatching under a broody (have only used an incubator before) so I should have done more research. Dad is a chicken so no hybrids here!
Thank you for the info and glad your last six managed to hatch. I’ve have shut her box off and left food and water in there. Just have to find somewhere for the other girls to lay their eggs now. Will definitely do the same and block her off from the start if she hatches any more.
I did think that they couldn’t carry them far so possibly a rat, I’ve since set up a chicken camera but the only thing that’s gone in so far are the other chickens. I do have a dog crate I can put her in but I was worried about her getting distressed and breaking the eggs. When I put her in a...
Hi all,
I have a broody Pekin who has been sitting on 6 fertilised eggs for the last 18 days. I have two other chickens who just lay their eggs on top of her (which I have been removing) and no problems. Then yesterday I found three broken eggs on my lawn (well away from the coop) with fully...
Hi all,
I have a broody Pekin who has been sitting on 6 fertilised eggs for the last 18 days. I have two other chickens who just lay their eggs on top of her (which I have been removing) and no problems. Then yesterday I found three broken eggs on my lawn (well away from the coop) with fully...
Went to cook my eggs and noticed there was what looks like a little bulls eye in them so wondered if they could be fertilised? This bantam has only just started laying this week and we got rid of our Silkie cockerel a couple of weeks ago of the same age-approx 5 months. Never saw him cover her...
I’m fairly new to chicken keeping and had three bantams (Silkie, goldtop and Wyandotte) that were getting on really well. Now they are at POL I decided to add two more POL bantams (polish and millefleur). I have tried to do it gradually by keeping the existing chickens in a cage next to the...