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  • Users: Back2Roots
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  1. Back2Roots

    Shipped hatching eggs 100% failed under my broody hen. What now?

    A bit of history: I was overseas in May when DH told me that my Silkie hen had gone broody. I organized to have a half dozen Brabanter hatching eggs shipped (because I've always wanted to have a Brabanter or two in my flock). They arrived the day I got home, and after letting them settle for 24...
  2. Back2Roots

    Question about heated pet bowls

    I have a plastic heated pet bowl similar to this: … _vc=-10005 I was wondering if I could fill it with sand instead of water so that my hens have a place to dust bathe inside the coop on days when it's really cold and windy - like today. It was -30 C, with...
  3. Back2Roots

    Is there a way to reposition an air sac from the pointy end of an egg to the blunt end?

    Posting this question for someone who is incubating eggs for the first time. I have zero experience with incubating, so thought I'd throw the question out to you folks for some possible solutions. She candled her eggs yesterday on day 12, and found that one had the air sac at the pointed end of...
  4. Back2Roots

    Who cleans out feathers from their coop and/or run?

    On a chicken keeping blog I follow, someone recently posted that we should clean out feathers from the coop because they don't absorb moisture and it may encourage feather picking during the winter months when hens may get bored. I do scoop out poop under the roost regularly, but is it really...
  5. Back2Roots

    What is this? practice/wind egg? lash egg?

    I found this in the nest box this morning. Not sure whether it's a practice egg/wind egg from my EO pullet, who has been checking out the nest box A LOT over the last few days (she should be starting to lay any time now), or if it's some sort of weird alien lash egg from my 3 year-old BSL, who...
  6. Back2Roots

    Is it possible to reform a "mean girl"?

    I got this 1 year-old hen in the spring, as a friend for my lone bantam Wyandotte. When I got her new buddy, I also picked up two 8 week-old pullets and a 4 year-old Silkie hen. Integration went well. Sadly my bantam Wyandotte fell ill and, no matter what I tried, she never got better, so she is...
  7. Back2Roots

    renaming a chicken

    So, I took on a 1 year old chicken who had been named by the previous owner. I have no problem with her name, but it sounds very much like my dog's name, and more importantly, since she's become part of the flock here, I kind of think her name does not suit the chicken she has become here with...
  8. Back2Roots

    My pullet's voice is changing - and sounds like a goose

    This is my first year with chickens of my own. I have 4 hens: one is a 4 year old Silkie, one is a 1 year old Appenzeller bantam, and two are 3+ months old - a Euskal Oilak and a Barnevelder_Wyandotte mix. The EO pullet still has her "little girl" voice, but my little "Barnedotte" has been...
  9. Back2Roots

    How to catch a chicken that won't let me anywhere near her? Need to treat for vent gleet

    I am new to chicken keeping and I have a chicken that has developed a bad case of what appears to be vent gleet, so I need to be able to catch her in order to give her an epsom salt bath soak and clean her up. The problem is that she won't let me anywhere near her - she's afraid of me. The...
  10. Back2Roots

    Pullet's beak opening and closing, but no sound coming out

    I recently took pity on a lone 8 month old bantam Wyandotte mix pullet at an auction, and bought her. It's my first chicken. I know, not a smart move, but there it is. Although she seems healthy enough, eats and drinks and poops, there is one behaviour that has me stumped: in the evening...
  11. Back2Roots

    Starting my own new flock: What's the best way to integrate same age pullets from different sources?

    I am wondering what's the best way to integrate three pairs of pullets, all from different sources, but approximately the same age? I will be buying started pullets in the spring - 3 different breeds, a pair of each, from three different breeders. I don't currently have any chickens. The coop...
  12. Back2Roots

    Anyone with Cream Legbars in Canada?

    Anyone? Eggs for incubating, even? Have been searching for awhile, but no joy, so far ...
  13. Back2Roots

    What is pine straw? Fallen pine needles?

    Hi all, I've been reading through the threads related to the best bedding for nest boxes, and several posts have mentioned pine straw. Is this fallen dried pine needles?
  14. Back2Roots

    How long before chickens can safely forage on property that has been treated with herbicides in past

    I am wondering how long before it's safe to allow chickens onto property that has been treated with herbicides (weed-out, or round-up, for example). We have not treated with any chemicals in about 4-5 years, but our neighbours have, as recently as last year. Although we don't plan to let our...
  15. Back2Roots

    Hello from Ontario, Canada

    Hi All, I'm new to chickens - at least to raising them myself. My father grew up on a farm, but he took a different career path after university, so my siblings and I grew up as city folk. Many of our relatives did have farms, though, and whenever we visited, one of my favourite things to do was...
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