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  1. 12chickenlover3

    How much is my coop worth?

    I may have to get rid of my chickens... So I was wondering how much is my coop worth? It is about 4x10. and has nesting boxes and a window. Thanks!
  2. 12chickenlover3

    Best Types of Seeds???

    What are the best types of seeds to buy. I was thinking American Seeds, because they are cheaper and I'm trying new plants this year. But are American seeds good or are they a piece of crap. Or what kind of seeds do you recommend? Thanks...
  3. 12chickenlover3


    Its that time of year again! I cant wait to start my seeds this week! So everybody below write what you are planting and some new ideas for what I can plant, besides the usual corn, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers ect.. So get your gardening gloves and shovels and get ready to GARDEN!
  4. 12chickenlover3


    IF ANYBODY IS A VET PLEASE PRIVATE MESSAGE ME!! ***** moderators --I KNOW this does not belong here but it is a life or death situation for a kitten! I was walking today past a sheep pasture and I saw 3 kittens and a mom and dad. And I realized they had no food. So I went home and got...
  5. 12chickenlover3

    How long are fertile eggs good

    How long can a fertile egg sit without being sat on. Also how long will a silkie hen sit on the egg, because I want to put eggs I buy off here for her to sit on. Since I don't have a rooster. I know this is jumbled up...
  6. 12chickenlover3

    My Coop

    BLUE AND WHITE DELIGHT The white stuff by the door is bird poop..... Our 2 giant nesting boxes Our ladies!! 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 leghorns, 1 black silkie, 1 gold silkie Roosts I just put in last night! Nesting boxes. I open them with a flap on the other side.
  7. 12chickenlover3

    Puting pictures of your coop up

    How do you put pictures of your coop up in the "coops" section?
  8. 12chickenlover3


    How do you become a goldenfeather or administrator?
  9. 12chickenlover3

    How to mak a hen go broody?

    How do I make my silkie hen go broody? I am planning on buying eggs. I do not have a roo in the flock. How?
  10. 12chickenlover3

    Brooders under $10!!!!

    I need some ideas for brooders that are going to cost under $12!! I already have a heat lamp and shavings. Im getting chicks tomorrow at tractor supply. PLEASE POST A PICTURE OF YOURS TO HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!
  11. 12chickenlover3

    A duck coop.......

    please give me some ideas for how to build a duck house. and are duck eggs any good?
  12. 12chickenlover3

    What is the purpose of getting ducks?

    I was thinking about some ducks this year when I get chicks. But I was wondering........ what is their purpose? Please awnser and give me suggestions on a home for them! Thanks!!! Nicole
  13. 12chickenlover3

    What is the best incubator under $50

    What is the best incubator for under $50. And that turns the eggs automatically. If you are selling one PLEASE PM ME!!!!!
  14. 12chickenlover3

    When you incubate eggs do they have to be fertile??

    I never incubated eggs before, do they have to be fertile in order to hatch? And if so how do you tell if they are fertile? THANKS
  15. 12chickenlover3

    How to get BYC banners. (BYC SPIRIT)

    How do you get that??
  16. 12chickenlover3

    How big should a run for 15 chickens be?????

    How big should my new run be for my chicken coop.(15) And please tell me about your coop and show me pictures!!!! thanks!!!!
  17. 12chickenlover3


    My cutest baby chick names include Lucky,Pepper,King,Queen,Mama,and Moon! PLEASE LEAVE YOUR FAVORITE CHICK NAMES TO GIVE ME AND OTHERS AN IDEA FOR THIER NEW BABY CHICK NAMES!!!!!!
  18. 12chickenlover3


  19. 12chickenlover3

    will mixed breeds be ok with each other as adults, if raised together

    i was hoping to get new chickens this year! i raised them last year and got Rhode Island Reds and Cornish Rocks. But sadly they died (fox). This year i was hoping to get 7-8, the breeds include polish, specled sussex, anocona, and Easter Egger. if these chickens grew up together since they were...
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