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  1. happyhens1972

    Shade/shelter solutions please :-)

    This is my chicken pen. It was originally designed as a rabbit run and there are rabbits living in one half of it, totally separated from the chooks. Each half has a 6ft x 4ft wendy house (low level shed....4ft high) and the chicken side also has a traditional style 12 bird henhouse. These...
  2. happyhens1972

    Flubendazole and ivermectin

    Is it safe to give chickens Flubendazole when they've already had ivermectin? Some of my new chooks were given ivermectin for lice/mite/worm treatment just before I got them. I now wish to use Flubendazole medicated feed on the whole flock as a wormer. Is this safe?
  3. happyhens1972

    Advice about rescue hens and a cockerel.

    I have just more than doubled the size of my little flock and am still somewhat in shock as to how well the integration is going at this point. Some background story... I have an established 'flock' of six....2 cochin, 2 brahma, 1 cream legbar hen and a cream legbar cockerel. They have lived in...
  4. happyhens1972

    Quail cage advice wanted

    I have this cage available and want to keep a dozen or so Coturnix quail.... The full set up is 10ft long, 79cm deep and 86cm high. As you can see, the run area goes the full length of the run, including the covered/shaded area underneath the central coop. The coop will house the food, water...
  5. happyhens1972

    Trying to choose a CCL cockerel. Help?

    I currently have eight CCL chicks...four girls, four boys. I am intending to keep the girls and one of the boys. They are all just pets....not for breeding, showing or eating. The excess boys will be culled. They are 11 days old at the moment and ideally, I want to cull this weekend, when they...
  6. happyhens1972

    Thank goodness that's over!! (WARNING: photos of dead chick)

    Well, hatching is finally done and oh my goodness, never had such a nightmare!! I had 14 eggs and out of those NINE pipped at the wrong end!! I had to assist with eight of those....most, thankfully, not much more than some widening of pips, but two were full assisted hatches, done over a period...
  7. happyhens1972

    Jinxed again....egg tray not a good investment?

    Well, I seem to have jinxed this hatch altogether. Having never had any issues at all with my wonderful R Com 20 Max, now I am stressed to heck! I mentioned on another post that I get amazing hatches in my 'lock,load and leave it alone' R Com and now I'm getting nothing but trouble. First I get...
  8. happyhens1972


    Only had my new girls for ten days and they've never laid before but today.... :wee:wee:wee:wee:wee:wee
  9. happyhens1972

    Preparing the brooder :-)

    Soooo excited. I'm on day 15. Yesterday, I cleaned up my brooder box and got it ready for the new arrivals next Saturday. Tested all three electric hens, which have been in storage for three years...all working well. Picking up a red bulb today. Got my food and water containers and marbles...
  10. happyhens1972

    Insulating an incubator

    As some of you have seen in my post entitled 'jinxed', I have had a power cut which lasted two hours and sent me into a panic over the 14 eggs I currently have on day 11 in my RCom 20 Max. I have candled the eggs now and am happy to report all 14 are still harbouring very lively little...
  11. happyhens1972

    Jinxed :-(

    Well, I said to a member the other day that I hoped I hadn't jinxed my eggs by saying my R Com 20 is amazing and I always get a really high hatch rate.....then I come home from work today to find we have had a power cut. The incy was back up to full temp and humidity by the time I came home but...
  12. happyhens1972

    Spiders, spiders everywhere!

    Well it's day 5 for me and I candled my eggs today. I was going to wait til day 7 but chicken fever got the better of me....surprise, surprise! I have 15 CCL eggs in my incy and 14 of those are full of those fabulous, all-telling spider veins and the accompanying eye of the chicks :wee It...
  13. happyhens1972

    The rest of the family.....

    I have two amazing sons who have now grown up and left home, so to deal with 'empty nest syndrome', I need things to nurture. Here are my other bubbas....... Harry, above, and Leon, below, Anglo Nubians..... Teddy, pygmy cross.... Tumnus, pygmy cross.... The Three Stooges, Curly...
  14. happyhens1972

    Too darned eggcited!!!!!!

    I have been looking for some hens, up to a year old, to put in my newly converted rabbit pen and I have just had confirmation that I can go pick up my girls this weekend!!!! I'm so excited, I could pop! :wee I have 15 CCL eggs in the incubator and now I'll have 'ready mades' as well! :ya One...
  15. happyhens1972

    How many chicks?

    Triggered by another post, where I spoke of a hen I had who covered 18 eggs and brought them all to term, with 16 hatching and two pipping but dying in shell, I wondered..... what is the largest number of chicks anyone has had hatched by a single hen?
  16. happyhens1972

    Sneaky hen!

    As I have another week at least until I get any real ones, I was looking through old pictures of the chooks I used to have before I moved home and job two years ago. I came across some of one of my favourite girls who has since passed on and I thought I'd share a story of that sneaky little...
  17. happyhens1972

    Weed suppressant fabric?

    I am currently converting what was a large rabbit pen, into a chicken pen. In this pic, it is the area from the right hand side of the picture, up to where the wooden divider and the house is. Beyond that, it is still in use by the rabbits. And this is the internal area.... As you can...
  18. happyhens1972

    Egg tray at hatch or not?

    I have 15 CCL eggs in my R Com 20 Max, on an R Com plastic standard egg tray. This does a fantastic job of keeping them under control when the incy automatically turns them each hour.....much better than the divider bars that came with the machine. This is, however, my first time using the...
  19. happyhens1972

    And so it begins again.....

    Hi there, I was a member here a couple of years back but then we moved area, I had to leave my chooks behind and I've been itching to get more ever since. This morning, I set 15 Cream Crested Legbar eggs and now the obsession will begin!! Great to be back folks and great to be chickening...
  20. happyhens1972

    Why is it so darned hard?

    I know many of you raise chickens for meat and therefore culling is a part of everyday life. I do not have any issues with this and genuinely believe you cannot get a more 'ethical meat' than a home-reared free range chook BUT my chickens are my pets. I love them dearly and just couldn't bring...
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