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  • Users: naturemom
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  1. naturemom

    Dirty vent and bloody eggs

    My salmon faverolle hen recently started laying eggs with little streaks of blood on them. I didn't worry about it because I know that normally happens once in a while. I've seen it before with my other hens. The trouble is, now she's laying really bloody eggs, to the point where it's getting...
  2. naturemom

    Dehydrated pullet?

    I made the mistake of trying to introduce a single new hen to my flock. I knew it could be problematic, but didn't think it would get this bad. I've had to separate her a couple of times because the other girls drew blood. For a while I separated the main aggressor from the flock, and she did...
  3. naturemom

    Transition from and indoor bunny to an outdoor one?

    I've had Jersey Wooly rabbits in the past and have been thinking about getting 1 or 2 again. We had indoor rabbits, but now we are sharing a house with my in-laws and they are adamantly opposed to having a rabbit in the house, so I've been thinking about making a rabbit tractor. My dh just...
  4. naturemom

    reintroducing mama and chick to the flock

    I have a 4-week-old chick that hatched under a broody in my chicken tractor. After it hatched, I moved mom and baby to a doghouse. Eventually I will need to move them back to the chicken tractor, and I'm wondering when would be the best time to do it. The hens have been able to see the baby...
  5. naturemom

    Tomorrow is day 20. Would it be bad to peek under my broody?

    I have a broody hen sitting on 5 eggs in the coop with the other girls. I was originally thinking today I would put up a little fence to keep the other hens out of that nestbox. but doing so would mean she could not get out if she wanted to. So far I haven't heard any peeping and she got off...
  6. naturemom

    Talk to me about the last few days of incubation with a broody.....

    I have a broody hen sitting on 6 eggs. I tried moving her, but she wouldn't settle on the new nest, so she's in the chicken tractor with the other girls. I know this can present some problems. I've been checking every day and removing any eggs that they lay in the nest she's in, and making...
  7. naturemom

    Need to make a temporary coop for a broody hen.

    How should I do it? Last year I let her set some duck eggs and put her in a small pet taxi inside a large do crate with hardware cloth around the sides and a tarp on top. That worked pretty well, but it was summer. I don't think it would give her enough protection from the weather this time of...
  8. naturemom

    Can I add a single chicken to my flock?

    My dd's pet hen disappeared in the fall. We suspect a hawk got her. Naturally, dd wants to get a replacement in the spring, and I'm happy to do so. However, there isn't really space in our chicken tractor to add more than 1 more bird. In the past, I have added new hens 2 at a time. I'm a...
  9. naturemom

    How to keep chicken door from being blocked by shavings?

    The enclosed portion of my chicken tractor has a drawbridge-style door that I close at night by pulling it up by a chain. The trouble is, it get shavings stuck around the bottom and then it won't close all the way. I have been just pulling it pretty hard to get it to close, but that backfired...
  10. naturemom

    Keeping feed dry in the run?

    My chickens live in a chicken tractor and their feed is in the run part of it. There is a roof over it, but it always gets wet if there's more than a sprinkle of rain. Putting it in the henhouse is not an option-there just isn't room. I know there are range feeders that might work, but they...
  11. naturemom

    Scared ducks

    I know in the past there have been other posts about ducks being scared, but those mostly focused on being afraid of people. Well, my ducks are not only afraid of people, they are afraid of everything but each other. They stay in their house all day and won't come out. Even if I move their...
  12. naturemom

    Welsh Harlequin Drake FS-Chicago area

    I think I may have 2 drakes to 1 hen, so I need to get 1 of them off my hands. He's very pretty, just over 3 months old. Asking $10.
  13. naturemom

    What do you use for drinking water for ducks?

    My ducks are finally outside for good! Yay! Currently, I give them water in one of those rubber pans in the daytime, and in a gallon waterer at night, both in their outside "porch." I also put a quart waterer inside their house at night so the younger ones (about 4 and 5 weeks old) can have it...
  14. naturemom

    Help! Duckling with swollen spot under eye.

    I just got 2 new ducklings a few days ago, and today one of them has a little bump just below its eye. I'm guessing it's an infections of some sort. The duckling has no other symptoms-eating, drinking, peeping, acting completely normal. Any thoughts on what it is and how to treat it?
  15. naturemom

    What to do with a broody sitting on dead eggs?

    It seems I have a black thumb when it comes to hatching. First time, set 6 eggs in an incubator, 1 hatched. 2nd time, set 6 eggs in the bator, 1 hatched with help and died. Third time, set 4 eggs under a broody hen. It looked like things would go better this time. I candled once a week-1...
  16. naturemom

    You will never guess what I saw...............................

    crossing a street in Chicago: A guinea! No pics, as I was going to a used book sale with my dad, and left the camera at my parents' house, figuring I was not going to need it at a book sale. We were driving down a residential street in the city and had to stop and wait for...
  17. naturemom

    I know this has been discussed before, but,

    One of my runner ducks has pipped, but it's more toward the small end of the egg. There are only 2 left. My first hatch only 2 made it this far and only one hatched. The one that didn't had pipped the wrong end and never made it any further. It looks like the membrane might be dried out, but...
  18. naturemom

    Can I mix ducks of different ages?

    Out of my first setting of eggs, only 1 hatched, so now I have a very lonely duckling, and have not been able to find it a friend. It will be 3 weeks old on monday. Now I have 3 eggs in the incubator and 3 more under a broody hen. The bator eggs are due to hatch in a week and a half, and the...
  19. naturemom

    I QUIT free-ranging! (for now, anyway)

    My chickens are in a tractor but have been free-range most of the day since spring. They seem so happy to be out, but we added 2 new pullets a few weeks ago, and things have gotten much more complicated. It used to be that if I wasn't going to be around right at dusk to lock them in I could...
  20. naturemom

    An unexpected benefit of having chickens

    It has made it really easy to teach my 2yo dd how to wipe her feet. I just put her on the doormat and tell her to scratch like a chicken!
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