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  1. 1dog1cat6chicks


    You may remember my issues in November with Esther, one of my Easter Eggers. Well, since then, when I gave her a course of fish mox, she has got through a molt, and has also recovered from...
  2. 1dog1cat6chicks

    A couple of egg laying questions.

    Last November, I had a sick hen: Sick Hen thread She recovered pretty well, after a course of antibiotics, but her poop is still not normal. It's very loose and/or watery. In addition, I am not convinced that she is laying. As I mentioned before, I have four hens. Two (heritage breeds)...
  3. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Question about egg color

    I have four chickens. Two are heritage breeds (Buff Orpington and Black Austrolorp) and two are TSC Easter Eggers. The Buff is not laying anymore (about four years old) and the Austrolorp has been laying a bit (also four years old). The Easter Eggers are younger, around two. So, none of...
  4. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Watery poop, now one hen not getting off roost in A.M.

    For the past week or so, I've noticed a lot of very watery poop in the coop. We have a "poop hammock" (tarp under the roost bars to catch the poop) and I clean it off every day, and hose it down AT LEAST weekly. This morning three of the hens went right outside as usual, but one is still on...
  5. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Ok to clip wings now?

    My newest chickens are now approximately 16 weeks old. We are planning to go away for the weekend, so our daughter will be coming twice daily to tend to them (and the two indoor cats). On occasion one of the “little chickens” will make it over the fence and be wandering around the yard...
  6. 1dog1cat6chicks

    SO EXCITED! First egg from little girls....

    I got some Easter Eggers back in February. They are now around 15 weeks old, and today was the first egg!! This is next to one from one of the older girls (either the BO or the BA, probably the BA). It's not really green, not really blue, but I expect that may change slightly upon further...
  7. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Need some input, RIR hen still not doing well

    My original thread about Rhoda is here: As was suggested, I got some fish amoxicillin. Rhoda has now had five doses (five days) of this. She is still in her 'convalescent' ward, near food and water...
  8. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Hen not right, comb purplish, less active, etc

    Let the hens out this morning and noticed that Rhoda, our 3-4 years old RIR, had tinges of purple around the tips of her comb. Odd. Later on I went to check her and the comb was looking better but she was just roosted in the yard, which isn’t terribly normal for her at that hour of the day...
  9. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Quick question

    My Easter eggers are now about 8-9 weeks old and have been in their own spot next to the three big girls for a month now. when they go outside it’s into a small pen so they cannot get back inside without me doing it. Do you all think it’s ok to start trying to integrate them into the big...
  10. 1dog1cat6chicks

    RIR favoring left leg

    Rhoda the RIR is a few years old and started favoring her one leg. When I went to let them out in the morning she’d always still be on the roost, acting hesitant to hop down. She was holding up the left leg. I feared the worst, that she had bumble foot, as we dealt with this a couple of years...
  11. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Paw paw trees

    Does anyone have paw paw trees (asimina triloba)? My daughter used to grow these for a local guy who is a huge paw paw proponent, and we now have three in our yard. They’re several years old and this year a couple of them have flowers!!! Which means potential fruit! She tells me I have to...
  12. 1dog1cat6chicks

    This may be a dumb question....

    My Easter Egger girls are around 7 weeks old, and have been in the unheated nursery in the big girl coop. (Alongside, but not touching, the big girls.) I have a small "cat playpen" which is laid on its side to give them about 4' x 2' of ground space. This is situated next to the big girls'...
  13. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Update on my Easter Egger chicks

    My three Easter eggers are now around/soon to be seven weeks old. They’ve been in their nursery in the big house for a couple of weeks. We did have to end up covering the top of the nursery (walls were 4’ high) as they were getting out! Luckily they made it as far as the “people” part of the...
  14. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Day four in the big house

    Well our girls our now four days into their graduation to the big girl coop. All is going well. I put a litter box in their nursery for them, filled with dirt, and they’ve figured it out. 👍. Martha was having a great dust bath while Irene and Esther were dusting in the wood chips. I also...
  15. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Heat or no heat?

    We moved our five week old chicks to the coop today. It’s to be in the 30’s tonight and tomorrow night. Heat lamp or no heat lamp? The last week they were inside the house, the heat lamp was off. They seem to be fully feathered. Thoughts?
  16. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Moving outside/providing heat questions

    Our chicks are nearly five weeks old now and the “nursery” alongside the big girls’ house is ready. They spent a night out there because it was warm (low 50s) but we brought them back inside because the temps were dropping again. This week we are to have a few nights in the 20’s. The little...
  17. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Senior hens introduced to chicks are carrying on

    Our chicks are four weeks old and today my dear hubby built them a “nursery” alongside where our big girls are. Though none of the big girls has come close yet, they are vocalizing like mad! Is this normal? They know somethings up as we’ve been working in their coop all day (they have part of...
  18. 1dog1cat6chicks

    My Easter Eggers at 4 weeks

    Our little kids are now four weeks old. Here they are. Martha--she is the bravest. Here is Esther. Irene, the shyest one. I just love how all the girls have mohawks!! And the one who is likely a boy, and therefore has no name because he's gonna have to go....
  19. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Integrating little chicks with big girls

    I've read a couple of threads on this subject, and just wanted to start one of my own addressing our particular set up. We have three "big girls" who are about four years old--a RIR, a Buff Orp, and a Black Austrolorp. We started out with seven, lost one early on, and then lost our Wyandotte...
  20. 1dog1cat6chicks

    Reintroducing myself!

    Just thought I'd pop in and reintroduce myself--been gone for a long time. We live in SW Pa, and started with chickens a bunch of years ago. Our first batch of 5 went to live with my husband's friend when our daughter went off to college. Our second batch we got about four ? years ago. Got...
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