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  1. prepperchickens

    6 week old sebright cockerels inseparable, but hurting eqchother

    I have a very small flock with 2 hens, a suspected male guinea and a female guinea, and 2 sebright cockerels 6 weeks old, one of whom I believes to be female until a few weeks ago. I love my baby boys, they're so sweet and they can't stand to be more than a few feet apart but their play sparring...
  2. prepperchickens

    Run security, please give me your thoughts about our design

    So my husband is about dead from building this coop the past month. We are working on the run now and we have buried the welded wire caging stuff a foot deep on each side. I thought we were going to pour concrete in the trench but for whatever reason he decided instead to take some baseball...
  3. prepperchickens

    What happens if both of my Sebrights are cockerels??

    I have 4 chickens and 2 guineas. The oldest is less than 5 mos, the youngest is just under a month. I have a male guinea and female, a barred rock pullet who is 4 months and an Ee pullet who is nearly 5 mos. we just finished a beautiful coop with 3 best boxes and we are building a nice secure...
  4. prepperchickens

    Tell me what you guys think, first time building coop

    [/IMG] We have 2 giuneas (1 male, 1 hen), 1 Easter egger hen, 1 barred rock hen, and 2 silver sebrights (1 roo, 1 hen). We decided to make the coop high off the ground with only a fold up ramp leading inside which will be put up when the chickens go in at night. We haven't started on the run...
  5. prepperchickens

    Guinea Appreciation thread, tell us about why you love your guineas :)

    So I don't notice as much discussion about what amazing pets guineas make here or anywhere else on the web very often. I am brand new to guineas (and poultry in general) but have raised a couple so far, very tragically lost one to a stray cat (he sacrificed himself for the hens and they all...
  6. prepperchickens

    How thin is too thin for a 2 week old bantam roo?

    I have a 2 week old pair of silver sebrights, male and female. The male, Atilla,, has always been the smallest and more fragile but even though he acts fine and eats well and even bullies the week old guinea keet in with him, I notice when I pick him up and the is very thin compared to his...
  7. prepperchickens

    Red bulb made my chick violent?

    So I went out and got a red bulb for my 3 brooder babies, 2 straight run silver sebrights 2 wks old and 1 male guinea keet 6 days old, I just thought it would be good for them, we've had no problems but as all. As I switched it my sebright roo started pulling on my keets little winglet feather...
  8. prepperchickens

    You guys are my only hope!!!!

    Ok that title was melodramatic in light of the question I'm about to ask but it's true you're my only hope, I'm a novice and know nobody else to ask. I can't tell if my 4 day old EXTREMELY special guinea keet has a swollen crop or if it's normal for young babies to stuff themselves so full they...
  9. prepperchickens

    4 days old, crop feels solid...panicking again

    I just brought home a precious 3 day old keet to my two 11 day old bantam sebrights and everyone is doing great together but I noticed the keets crop was more visible than the chicks crops, I've never had keets this I felt it and it feels solid. Not squishy and not like a backyard...
  10. prepperchickens

    Can a chick have very minor splay/spraddle? If so must it be corrected?

    I have two 9 day old sebrights and I'm beside myself trying to overcompensate and coddle them because in still grieving the loss of my 3 wk old BR cockerel and my 2 mos old male guinea, both died a heroes death protecting their sisters. I got these two little beauties and am pretty certain one...
  11. prepperchickens

    Questions about Sebright chicks, clumsy, pasty

    I decided to get a couple more birds after the tragic and soul crushing loss of both my little boys, my barred rock (2.5 wks) and my guinea (2 mos) males. They died protecting the girls, my little heroes. Amazing they will do that so young. Makes the fact that people off their roosters like mere...
  12. prepperchickens

    Please help. Cat attack, extremely heartbroken, injured bird

    3 of my 5 birds survived...right now I can't even go into detail I am so traumatized and beside myself. My guinea keet (almost 2 months old) has scrapes on her head from desperately trying to get out of the pen. The attack happened at 745 pm and it's midnight now. She's been panting off and on...
  13. prepperchickens

    Why are guineas so underrated as loving pets?

    My 1 month old guinea keets far outshine their chicken flockmates in terms of how tame, playful, curious, and affectionate they are. I take my birds out for a 2 hour supervised free range everyday in the yard and my guineas act like puppy dogs chasing me around and sticking to me like glue, my...
  14. prepperchickens

    Do chickens/guineas play with their people?

    My little 5 bird flock consists of 2 guineas 5 weeks old, one Amerecuana 6 wks old and 2 barred rocks 2 wks old. I've recently began letting them out of the brooder to run around our garage a few times a day (very chick proof) and they LOVE it. But I'm noticing the guineas especially love to run...
  15. prepperchickens

    Mixed flock (on every possible level)--brooding together, bad idea?

    We have a mixed flock of 5 chicks. The eldest is our 4.5 week old Ameracuana (?) pullet, then our two 3 week old guinea hen keets, all 3 of whom were bought together a month ago. About 9 says ago we bought 2 barred rock chicks each 3 days old, both were supposed to be female but alas, ones a...
  16. prepperchickens

    Are chicks making me sick?

    Ever since we bought our first few chicks from Rural King approx a month ago, I've been having mild stomach discomfort and uh, mild diarrhea. This is highly unusual for me, I'm usually on the opposite end of the regularity spectrum. I have no fever that I've noticed but sometimes the cramps I...
  17. prepperchickens

    10 week old Amerecuana pullet, handled daily, still crazy

    I have a mixed flock of two 7 week old guinea hens, 2 10 day old barred rock chicks (cockerel and hen, were supposed to be hens both) and a 10 week old Amerecuana pullet. They are all from Rural King, our Amerecuana was the last one left all alone in the brooder and she was already 2 weeks old...
  18. prepperchickens

    Please help!! Newb with neurotic Amerecuana, accidental BR rooster, and more

    Please help!!! Newbie with questions regarding my mixed flock, including guineas and accidental rooster! Please help!!! Newbie with questions regarding my mixed flock, including guineas and accidental rooster! a few seconds ago prepperchickens So, as I said earlier, I am a novice with a mixed...
  19. prepperchickens

    Lurking for weeks, finally joined ;)

    Hey guys, I'm the proud new (novice) owner of a mixed flock of 5 backyard birdies. My husband and I live in a town that doesn't allow chickens in city limits for lots under 5 acres, but we associate this rule with the rules against collecting water, planting gardens, etc found in many towns...
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