My bantam buff brahma hen just hatched 2 chicks yesterday. I moved them to a broody pen but the next day then the following day I found a snake outside the pen and both chicks were gone. Momma hen stays on the nest in spite of the chicks being gone. What's the best course of action. Give...
I recently completed my grow out pen for my 2 month old RIR's and Delawares. I'll use this as my intermediate pen between chicks and adults.
I built a feeding pavilion since there wasn't enough room in the coop for a feeder
I use heavy gauage welded wire for the exterior of my runs but I've used common chicken wire/netting to separate the runs. I've noticed recently how it rusts quickly. Yesterday I had to replace a 25' section because it had rusted so badly after only 2 years that my chickens had pushed it open...
I'm sure this subject has been discussed many times before but I've never had this happen before so I never really paid attention. I've got new hampshire chick pipping on the narrow end of the egg. Anyone have any experience with this? Can it hatch normally or will it need help?
When I built my first coop I didn't give a lot of thought to predators. Ater losing 5 hens and 3 roosters to raccoons I decided it was time for some reinforcment.
This is the coop as it was originally built.
Now with heavier gauge wire and totally enclosed the coons can do nothing more than...
I have 4 Black Copper Marans chicks available for sale. Hatched 4/23. $5 each or all 8 for $30. Local only please. No shipping. Located in 23148
Below is a pic of the Rooster and a couple of the hens. Also a couple of Roosters that I hatched from this group 6 months ago to give you an idea how...
I have 12 Black Copper Marans chicks, some are 2 weeks old and some just one week. Wade Jean line, quality birds. I live in zip code 23148. Local only, no shipping.
I just loaded up the bator. 12 Barred Rocks, 12 Delawares, 12 New Hampshire reds and 6 Black Copper Marans. Everybody's due on April 1st. A bunch of April fools babies.
I'm trying to get one more hatch in before cold weather gets here. I'm looking for heritage breed Delaware hatching eggs, not the ones from a hatchery. I've had 2 hatches of dels this year but ended up with mostly roos.
My hatches this year produced more roosters than hens. I have several heritage breed Delaware roosters and Black Copper Marans from the Wade Jean line. These are beautiful roosters and I'd much rather they get their own flock of hens rather than the stew pot. This will have to be local only, I'm...
I recently started a new job and don't have the time for processing right now. I have 3 Buff Orpingtons and one mix Rooster that's ready to go right now and I have roughly 10 cockerels (barred rocks, Delawares and Marans) that are 2 months old that will be ready in a month or two. I'm willing to...
Selling pure Buff Orpington eggs from Colonel Mustard and his girls. I currently have a batch from these girls in the incubator and 15 out of 16 are developing so far. The other started but quit after day 5 so I'd say fertility is pretty good. I accept paypal or money orders. As with most all...
Buff Orpington roo. From a batch hatched in Aug 09. Good natured, docile and not aggressive. Only reason I'm letting him go is he and my other roo are competing for only 4 hens and they need a break. No shipping, pick up only. I can drive out 30 minutes if you're distant. I also have him listed...
Something got my silkie cross roo last night or early this morning. The run door was wide open and the hens were roaming the yard when I got up. When I went to feed up there were dark feathers everywhere in the coop and I found a few drops of blood on the chicken ladder leading to the run. I...
I've built several still air incubators with limited success, usually 30 to 50% hatch rates. I've always heard that forced air bators are superior because they're supposed to distribute the heated air evenly. Well, I'm on my second prototype and I always have at least a 2 degree difference from...