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  1. shortcake1806

    One day old chick throwing head back?

    My sisters broody hen just had a single chick hatch. The little guy just doesn't seem right. He sort of looks normal for a minute or two then he will throw his head back and bobble it around. He came from a shipped eggs. What could cause this? I'm concerned about disease since this isn't my...
  2. shortcake1806

    SOLD 6+ Delaware Eggs $16 Shipped VA.

    These are from my heritage dels. First to post sold get them.
  3. shortcake1806

    Do you expect extras?

    It seems to be the norm when buying hatching eggs to receive extras. That being said do you buy them with the expectation that extras will be included even if it's not stated in the listing? For example if you buy a dozen eggs do you just assume you'll receive 14 or 8 for a half dozen? Just...
  4. shortcake1806

    June Egg Swap Check Your Emails Partners Being Sent Now!

    I want everybody to feel that they can join and that the eggs will be sent. That is why I set a deadline. Please make sure that you are ready for eggs when you join this swap. It is no fun when we have to wait for incubator's to get empty. I am not trying to be ugly, but this is the way it needs...
  5. shortcake1806

    DONE THANKS !Who wants to test some eggs? VA

    I have a batch of 8 eggs from my giant buff orp. roo and his buckeye ladies. My bators are full and I hate to just eat these. If any one would like to test these guys out. I'll send them for $10 shipped. First one to post mine gets them.
  6. shortcake1806

    WTB LF Light Brahma Eggs VA

    A friend of mine wants some light brahmas to go with a lone hen. I have a broody hen and want to hatch her some as a surprise. Please let me know if you have some and how much. I need these asap.
  7. shortcake1806

    WTB Cub scouts uniform.

    My son will be starting cub scouts this year and will be needing a uniform. If any one has tiger pack uniforms or accessories they no longer need please let me know. I can buy them or if I have any eggs you're interested in I can trade.
  8. shortcake1806

    SOLD 2 Hour Auction 6 Black orp eggs VA

    I need to ship these out tommorrow so I'm going to do a 2 hour auction. Who ever has the highest bid at 10:31 pm est wins. There is no reserve and shipping will be $8. These will produce only black chicks.
  9. shortcake1806

    SOLD Memorial Day Special 18 Delaware eggs $25 shipped. VA

    Today only I'm offering 18 Delaware eggs for sale for only $25 shipped. Post sold and paypal $25 to [email protected]. These will be shipped out tommorrow.
  10. shortcake1806

    12+ Old English Game Eggs VA $18 shipped.

    I'm selling these for my grandmother. She has BBR, White and Black OEGB birds all running together. They're really nice little guys that the kids love to carry around and pet. $18 includes shipping and delivery confirmation.
  11. shortcake1806

    How does my new orp roo look?

    This is my new buff orp roo, Goliath. He's huge the chicken behind him is a full grown buckeye hen. How does he look to you all?
  12. shortcake1806

    6 Black orp eggs $30 shipped VA.

    I have 6 black orp eggs to ship out Tuesday from VA. They will only produce black chicks. Post sold and paypal $30 to [email protected].
  13. shortcake1806

    Several roos in SW/Central Va. (Delawares, BO, and Mix)

    I've got several young roos free for the taking in SW/Central Va. I'm between Roanoke and Danville. They're about 3 months old and growing nicely. 4 Delawares, 4 Mixes( hatched from suposedly pure eggs), and one BO.
  14. shortcake1806

    Blue Orp feather color question.

    I have a blue orp pullet that's about 8 weeks old. I've noticed some of her feathers have an odd color to them. They're more brassy looking. Is this normal for blue orps and will they molt to all blue?
  15. shortcake1806

    May Egg Swap Eggs are arriving!!!!

    YourLinkGoesHere I want everybody to feel that they can join and that the eggs will be sent. That is why I set a deadline. Please make sure that you are ready for eggs when you join this swap. It is no fun when we have to wait for incubator's to get empty. I am not trying to be ugly, but this is...
  16. shortcake1806

    12+ Old English Game Eggs VA $18 shipped.

    I'm selling these for my grandmother. She has BBR, White and Black OEGB birds all running together. They're really nice little guys that the kids love to carry around and pet. $18 includes shipping and delivery confirmation.
  17. shortcake1806

    WTB Electric Popcorn Popper

    I'm looking for an old popcorn popper. The kind that looks like a kettle you plug into the wall and add oil to. My grandparents used this type when I was growing up and my grandma mentioned she'd like to have one again. I'd love to buy one for her for Mother's Day. If any one has one I can...
  18. shortcake1806

    I've always wondered about mystery eggs.

    Over the past three years I've seen several post by folks who've received mystery shipments of eggs. Ones that they hadn't ordered or asked for that just showed up. Well today I got mine. A nice box of large brown eggs, from someone if MI. I have no memory of ordering anything and they aren't...
  19. shortcake1806

    Cochins what sex are they?

    These are my first cochins. They're about 2 weeks old. Any guesses on the sex?
  20. shortcake1806

    Female lionhead rabbit for sale VA.

    I'm near Roanoke VA and have a year old lionhead female for sale. Asking $10 for her. We also have male rabbit that I don't know the breed of for $5. We're wanting to scale down on our animals so these guys are up for sale.
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