Hi, I had a bunch of Mille Fleur chicks hatch. More than half were OBVIOUS boys - big red combs and wattles. I got rid of all the ones with red combs, but I swear this one was crowing:
Same thing with this one....I have no idea what breed - maybe fly tier?
Neither of them...
Hi, I have a 3 week old Ayem Cemani chick. I had hatched 4 of 12. One died around 7 days old - no signs of trauma, just found it at the bottom of the chick pile. I found a second one on Saturday at the bottom of the pile looking half dead. I pulled it out, gave it electrolytes and some...
Hi, I have a 36 hour old chick with curled toes on 1 foot. I put a shoe on it, but do I put a shoe on the good foot as well? I have it sitting in a cup in the brooder, but the other chicks keep jumping in the cup with it (there is NO room for 2 chicks). The chick doesn't seem to be keeping...
I have 2 surviving buff brahma chicks from 3 that hatched. I think they are about 5 or 6 weeks old. One is a soft brownish color, the other is redish with a black stripe along it's spine and white patches on it's shoulders. Here's a bad photo. They are the 2 chicks that are furthest in...
Hi all, I had a incubator problem with temps that were too low. Only 1 salmon favorelle hatched. I'm suspecting it's a roo. It's almost 5 weeks old. Can anyone tell me if they think this is a boy or a girl?
Sorry, can't really get them to stay still while using my phone to take...
Hi, my chick was hatched with an unabsorbed yolk sak and this red/purple bubble at it's butt. What is this and do I treat it with
Preparation H? Thank you!!
My RIR hen is almost 6 years old and has slowed WAY down in egg production. A year or so ago she had a stuck egg that we got out. She's been fine since. About 2 weeks ago, she started retaining fluid in her back end. Now both sides of her back half are swollen. There doesn't appear...
I have 4 EEs that are about 18 days old. They were IDENTICAL when we picked them up. They were supposedly sexed as girls. They are getting their adult feathers. 3 are have brown and black feathers coming in, very drab. 1 has these BEAUTIFUL white shiny feathers coming in. Sorry the photos...
We have a family of hawks that live in our trees. For the past 3 years, they have left our chickens alone - they do seem to help with the gopher and rat problem. Yesterday a large one killed 2 of my 6 month old silkie hens in their run. It wasn't covered, so I suppose I was asking for...
Hi all,
One of my hens appears to have hurt her foot trying to fly over the fence. She folds her toes under and is walking on the top of the foot. I taped her toes, and she is trying to walk on the bottoms, but still mostly folds them under. She's been isolated in a small coop for about 4...
My chickens are all about 7 months old. Over the past 2 months they have all started laying (all but 1). We have 13 hens and we have been getting between 10 and 12 eggs per day. They had access to cat carriers on the ground. All chickens would only use 1 carrier, and take turns - except for...
I have twenty 4 week old silkies that I've had since they were 1 day old. They were in a large dog kennel to start. Once they started moving around, they got moved to a much bigger box.we built. They had a problem in the beginning with poopy butts and I had to clean them, but other than...
These are my beautiful girls. I was told the chicks were Delaware, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Black Sex Links and Easter Eggers. Everyone but the Barred Rock are now laying. Lots of beautiful eggs!!!
Here's the comb of the white one.
I was given 6 chicks about a month ago - they are around 10 or 12 weeks old (I believe). Almost immediately we noticed large red combs growing, but no waddles. Lots of chest bumping. Lots of attempts at crowing. The ones I suspect of being roosters have...
Hi, I have a 6 day old silkie chick that has gimpy legs - they aren't as splayed as the splayed leg syndrome photos I've seen. He/she can walk but like it's drunk. It seems to me that it's not interested in eating, but is drinking. In all the posts I've seen, it's been older chicks that...