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  1. laceynoelle


    Does anyone have any pictures of this disease for a informative article in BYP? I will trade a complimentary magazine of this edition for photo rights.
  2. laceynoelle

    Looking for Chicken and coop pictures!

    I'm writing an article about the city of Austin, Texas helping residents get chickens by offering a 75$ rebate on a coop. But I need pics! I would love to feature some cute chickens and coops with ventilation in high heat areas, 1 mg or larger. Can anyone help me out? In exchange for photo...
  3. laceynoelle

    Looking for Fowl Pox Photos!

    I need some high quality Fowl Pox photos for an article about the disease. It is set to run in Backyard Poultry Magazine, and if I can use your photo I will compensate you with a free magazine of that edition. Please PM me or reply here. Thanks guys!
  4. laceynoelle

    Looking for Fowl Cholera photos.

    Hello all, I write a column for Backyard Poultry Magazine that covers different diseases in detail. However, I am having trouble finding photos of cases of Fowl Cholera. If anyone has any photos they would like to share to help educate others, please either reply here or PM me. Photos would have...
  5. laceynoelle

    Halloween Costumes!

    Hi everyone. Is anyone planning on dressing your birds up for Halloween? I'm looking for ideas. I would LOVE to see some pictures if available? Thanks!
  6. laceynoelle

    Captain and Mama Nankin

    I have the cutest little family living on my farm right now, and I really want to share it with everyone, but it's going to take a little backstory. Last summer my alpha rooster was caught up in an animal attack. It was pretty bad. He survived, but his leg didn't. I'd never fathomed the idea of...
  7. laceynoelle

    Breeding Advice (Looking for it)

    Hey all. I was hoping to get a little advice here. I live in Nevada, and we have a ton of predators. I have a flock of 'wild' birds I've been developing over the past couple of years, sort of as a hobby. Definitely nothing serious, I have no real records other than my memory. I'm still...
  8. laceynoelle

    Anybody read Urban Farm? Because Ive got a Question.

    Its my first time buying this magazine, and I like it, only they didnt label their chicken pictures. So that being said, does any one know the breed of the hen on page 20 in the november/december 2011 issue? She super pretty, Id like to get more info on the breed. I cant find anything about it...
  9. laceynoelle

    Serious laying problem.

    First off, I’ve got probably 18 or so egg-laying age hens, 1 ½ years old of various dual purpose breeds. About a month ago they decreased their laying output when they were molting. That’s understandable. Now everyone’s got shiny new feathers, have had them for a little over a week. Not one egg...
  10. laceynoelle

    Can you help me sex my Japanese Flock?

    These chicks are a little over a month old, and theyre already getting different comb sizes. Im used to big chickens like RIR, Rocks, Australorps, etc, so I dont know if this is coincidence or what. Can someone with little banty/japanese experience tell me what you think? These are black...
  11. laceynoelle

    Posting Pics on my BYC page

    I cant get the pictures on my page to work. Im using the picture tool, but it keeps showing up as a box with a red X in it. I just uploaded these pics, so I know theyre valid. See? Does anyone know why?
  12. laceynoelle

    I havent done it in so long, I forgot!!

    Just help me real quick please..dont laugh..I cant remember how to post pics on my byc page. Its not in the 'commonly asked q's' either.
  13. laceynoelle

    Has anyone ever..

    Gotten a pregnant animal off of Craigslist? I got my cat, Claire as an 8 month old 'fixed' cat, then two weeks later she had 6 kittens. Its was really hard on her, she almost died. I mean, I dont mind that she had them, but why be dishonest? This is the first time this has happened to me, so Im...
  14. laceynoelle

    Old English

    I know shes a hen, and old English. I was wondering about variety. This is Austen, and she was the sweetest hen ever, I loved her to death, but she dissapeared from my flock. Im going to get more old english, and I know thyere all propably really sweet, but I wanted another like her. I...
  15. laceynoelle


    Hey, this seemed like a good place to put this: I had a cochin bantam go broody, hatch out 8 chicks, then about 3 weeks later, go broody again. Her chicks are independent, the run around with the other chicks from this year. Isnt it too early for her to go broody agian, and should I let her? She...
  16. laceynoelle

    Great Roo :]

    Hey everyone, Ive never posted a story on here, but I just had to share this one. Its the end of broody season, but Ive had a few straglers like always. I've got this season's chicks of all shapes and sizes, about 2 months to 3 weeks old. The mama hens have moved on, some really early. I had a...
  17. laceynoelle

    Beautiful Beards....Ends September 18th.

    Got your attention? Great! This is a competition for all those adorable chickens with beards and muffs. Or just beards. Details: -Any age can join, but I'd prefer adult birds. -The chicken doesnt have to be a recognized breed. All mutts are welcome. -Polish and other bearded top hats can enter...
  18. laceynoelle


    I'm not new, but I havent been on in over a should I say hi agian? Not sure exactly.. but I am. I've missed BYC so much!!! I'm really happy I'm back/
  19. laceynoelle

    I need some help..

    We have a brood of muscovies with a mama duck, hatched out by her and everything. Theyre probably a month old or so. They lived in an enclosed area, away from predators, etc. Now the ducklings keep dying, and I cant figure out why. There arent any marks on them, they just lay down and die in a...
  20. laceynoelle

    Geese breeding

    Hey guys i was reading something on geese (why? lol idk im a chicken person) and it said that some breeds dont breed naturally, like broad breasted turkeys. Just curious, is that a fact? It looks like geese could mate on their own. It was talking about the larger breeds, though, like toulouse...
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