It was pouring rain so I waited for it to let up before going out to close up the coup. That was a big mistake. I heard a rukus just as I was going out the door, but by the time I got out there, they were calmed down.
I shined my flashlight around the run, and saw two shiny eyes. A raccoon...
I have been losing chickens several at a time! Not sure what is killing them.
My hen house is an 8 x 12 barn style storage shed that has been used for a chicken house for about 10 years or more. When we moved here, I had to add a pop door for the girls because it didn't have one. I made one...
Can anyone tell me what is going on??? Is it normal for a "ready to expode" pregnant cat to allow a male cat to mate with her? She acts like she is in heat and even flirts with him!
Had to share!
Mama is taking care of 15 BR, 10 WR and 10 EE chicks. Had them in a pen in the hen-house divided from the flock but they could see each other all the time so it made transition easier. Opened door so they could join the flock about a week ago.
This is their first time they...
Went to Rural King to get meat birds (which were all gone!). Ended up with more than I bargained for!
Brought home 15 BR, 9 EE, and 1 Brown Leghorn (just wanted to see how it would turn out.)
I Gave 8 to the hen that has been Broody for over a month and she took them right away! The rest I...
I guess spring is really on the way here. I have 3 roosters and 35 hens. Should be OK right? Well the 2 young roos decided to overthrow the King, King George that is. He is my older Buff Orfington Roo and very nice. The EE roo is covered in blood but it doesn't seem to be his. The BR doesnt...
This morning I found one of my pekin ducks dead in the yard. Not a lot of feathers scattered, so I don't think it was a dog. When I had a dog attack before, there were 3 chickens with feathers missing and they were torn up from shaking and only one was dead. With this duck, The throat was...
I have pekin ducks. 2 girls and 2 boys. I'm not sure what to do. I have one that has made a nest in the grass by the fence, and I found 8 egggs in it. ( I thought they had quit laying). I didn't know about the nest until my husband mentioned a duck was missing. I had noticed that some...
I have about 70 hens. All are laying age now. The youngest just started laying this past month (RIRs) . All my chickens range between the ages of 2 1/2 years to 5 months. All of my delawares are in a molt right now (I have white feathers all over the place! ) so they will stay. I am only...
I have a turkey, about 4 months old, that has a wound on its back and I need to know how to treat it.
I have cleaned it and put antibiotic ointment on it. Now it is draining like infected.
Please Help Me!!!!!
My 4-month old Turkey has a gaping injury on his back, right where the wing starts. It is about 2 1/2" long and gaping about 3/4". I am not sure how he aquired it.
As soon as I noticed it, I cleaned it as best I could, put powder for bleeding on it and slatherer on Triple-antibiotic...
We just processed our first batch of 10 meaties!
I was amazed at how big they turned out. After processing, we had weights of 5lb 9oz all the way up to 7lb 12oz with the average being 6lb 8oz. They were 9 weeks old.
We did lose 1 that somehow died during the night before processing. Must...
I have a few BBWs I am raising for Thanksgiving. I was wondering how young I can clip their wings? Also, do I clip the same feathers as for chickens, or more?
We have a fenced yard, but it is only a regular hight chain link and I don't want them flying over when they are out of their pen.
Can someone show me a picture of how to splint a duck leg/foot?
My duckling won't use the leg much and mostly sits. I have checked the leg and can't find a problem. The foot is not webbed out either.
My 5 babies are a week old. One of them keeps going around and pecking everyones butts! I now have 2 with bloody butts whick makes the little monster do it even more.
How do I stop this?