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  • Users: R1V3R20NG
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  1. R1V3R20NG

    New batch of chicks. Breeds??

    Hi y’all, I recently got a batch of chicks and some are clearly not what I ordered. Can anybody help me out on identification? I was supposed to get a buff Brahma, two black sex links, a silver laced Wyandotte, a jersey giant, a black australorp, a welsummer, and two silkies. Only one is clearly...
  2. R1V3R20NG

    Hen stopped EATING?

    What could possibly cause a perfectly healthy hen to stop eating (mostly, only eats some treats) and lose weight super quickly? A few days ago she was fine but these past couple days... not so much. also, there is what appears to be an ingrown feather on her face. She’s bearded so feathers...
  3. R1V3R20NG

    Depressed Roo? NotCrowing or mating and other stuff.

    A few days ago my white Yokohama started to act really weird. He started stumbling around and running away from everything but me (it used to be me he’d run from) I just realized that he hasn’t been crowing or mating. He is also partially blind in one eye. It’s an older injury. He’s not...
  4. R1V3R20NG

    Pretty, 4 year hens re home NoCal.

    First up we have Paisley, who is 3 years 10 months. She is a partridge rock. Next we have Lucy. She is the same age as Paisley. She is a Silver Laced Wyandotte We have one more hen we might be getting rid of but I won't be posting her here yet. We also have a gorgeous white Yokohama rooster...
  5. R1V3R20NG

    How do I vaccinate for Mareks?

    We hatch birds at our house to add to our flock and we also get some that are not vaccinated. Over at my grandparents house there is an outbreak of mareks disease. We gave her hatching eggs and three of them hatched. One is dead from mareks, another my grandma bought died, and one of the first...
  6. R1V3R20NG

    EE Hen Northern CA

    hello everybody I am trying to get rid of Breeze, my 2 1/2 year old EE hen. She doesn’t really lay eggs. Last year I think she only laid 7 and so far this year 2. We can’t afford to keep feeding her for such little egg production. Also she is becoming too aggressive for our mixed flock and...
  7. R1V3R20NG

    Hen Adopted Grandma’s yard. Breed?

    A hen decided my grandma’s place was perfect for her and went broody in her yard and now has 5 chicks. Anybody know what breed she is?
  8. R1V3R20NG

    Cutest Cock Ever!!

    Ok, I have a rooster named Cinder. He is a bantam black austrolorp. And he has a crush!! His fixation is Rosa, a bantam partridge Cochin. He follows her, tries to always sleep as close as he can get to her, and they spend the day together. A couple months back when I was cleaning the small coop...
  9. R1V3R20NG

    Hen is limping... badly.

    Hi my brown tetra hen is limping. When I felt along her leg it felt like it was maybe dislocated. Its been like this for a few days. A couple days ago it seemed like it was getting better but today she cannot run, barely walk a few feet, and has to use her wings a lot. The foot on the injured...
  10. R1V3R20NG

    Cockerel n pullet pair: need to give away.

    Hello everyone. I need to get rid of these two little cutie pies. They are both mixed breeds, but completely lovable. The rooster just started crowing for the first time about an hour ago. The pullet has not lasted any eggs and I estimate she’s about a month off from starting. Their names are...
  11. R1V3R20NG


    i have an interesting question (well I think it’s interesting). Has anyone ever had a chicken who was externally maturing quickly, as in feathers and wattles, but body size, digestive system, and vocals were developing extremely slowly? I think I may have a couple of birds like that and I would...
  12. R1V3R20NG

    What Breed is this Roo??

    My rooster Snowball has been a puzzle to me since he was a day old. I have no idea what breed he is. He is about 5 months old. Can anyone help me out with this? Btw he has a cushion comb.
  13. R1V3R20NG

    Weird worms in oldish poos.

    I don’t know what the heck these things are, but they appear to be growing in the poo and old feed in long strips together. Some are really long. We had to get this guy out of the poo shell it was in. Anyone know what these are?
  14. R1V3R20NG

    Chick drinking too much water???

    Hiya everyone. Just got a new delema. I have a 10-12 week old chick who is drinking waaaaaay too much water. I don’t even know how that is possible. Her poos are mostly water. She tips back her head and drinks water that just came up her throat. She accidentally tipped her head down and dribbled...
  15. R1V3R20NG

    What price should bantam roos be sold for?

    Im selling a bantam rooster and I'm not entirely sure how much to sell him for. He is three months old. The typical bantam out here is sold for at least 20-25 dollars each. Though because he has been raised with only organic, non GMO feed, never successfully mated with a little lady, and has...
  16. R1V3R20NG

    8-10 week old chick- Constipated?

    I have a little half-bantam mixed breed chick that i just got yesterday. Since she was let out this morning she has been a bit puffy and barely moving in contrast to yesterday. I set up a little chick heater incase she was cold and put her under it. There were no signs of injury anywhere on her...
  17. R1V3R20NG

    Unknown Bantam!

    This is Snowball. She/he has a rose comb, solid white, and really orange legs. Not sure what breed or gender snowball is. Snowball has shown signs of being a boy (attempting a weak crow, I’m hoping to just copy the rooster and then getting pecked by our full grown rooster in an attempt to make...
  18. R1V3R20NG

    Do bantams grow faster? I think I see the start of a waddle...

    I have never had bantams (or chicks for that matter) and they seem to be growing at a different rate than the others. Our two leghorns are going to get kicked out soon cuz they got huge. My bantam black austrolorp has the start of a waddle and comb, and my other two bantams are growing hints of...
  19. R1V3R20NG

    Comb is starting to flop over

    hi I just noticed today that one of my hen’s comb is starting to flop to one side. Her comb is usually very straight and sturdy. She is pretty old, I’m not intirly sure how old, but she still lays eggs on a regular basis. She just finished a molt. She is a Rhode Island Red, and the biggest...
  20. R1V3R20NG

    Unknown breed of bantam

    i just got chicks today and we don’t know what breed it is or gender. Long legs but the wing feathers are growing silkie style. Please help
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