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  1. Age-of-Goositude

    FREE ART for poultry and waterfowl

    I just made a ko-fi and I plan on its content to be artwork and animations of poultry and waterfowl, here are some examples but it would be cool to have inspiration for more so if you would like your babies drawn just add photos here, you will be credited for the original image. I also have a...
  2. Age-of-Goositude

    Tempest The Broody Storm Mom

    It just hit spring time here and Tempest has laid a single egg and I put it in a little plastic kennel with some pine shavings and she wants to sit on the single egg without compiling a nest of several, she is desperate for children and here I am getting ready for us all to move in a month what...
  3. Age-of-Goositude

    Duckling Identification Charts

    I saw allot of people having trouble identifying their ducklings so I am making these to help, more will slowly be added as I go through them feel free to ask about other breeds or tag the charts with the breed of ducklings are on them to help others, feel free to add info and make suggestions I...
  4. Age-of-Goositude


    My young rooster had a seizure this morning after the light was turned on rested some and then was perfectly fine has ocassionally been having seizures then being fine could he have neurological issues or epilepsy?
  5. Age-of-Goositude

    Sinus Infection Goose

    My two almost four month olds had sinus infections and I ordered Baytril online and it appears to have cleared up 100% of all symptoms, one the emden is just perfect now but my buff saddleback has a solid lump on his left side where the corner of his mouth meets his cheek it is smallish, about...
  6. Age-of-Goositude

    Sinus Infection Gosling

    Don't know how it happened but I have two older Goslings with sinus infections. Lump on either side of their beak. Baytril is on it's way ordered it yesterday. I got VetRX and they had it overnight and all the swelling went down but it's coming back one boy has more labored breathing than usual...
  7. Age-of-Goositude

    Sinus Infection Gosling

    Don't know how it happened but I have two older Goslings with sinus infections. Lump on either side of their beak. Baytril is on it's way ordered it yesterday. I got VetRX and they had it overnight and all the swelling went down but it's coming back one boy has more labored breathing than usual...
  8. Age-of-Goositude

    Yellow Cheek Gunk

    I got four middle aged ladies two austrolorps and two blue marans, about four years old, one maran died from scaly leg mites x anemia, the two austrolorps are fine but this other blue maran named Ducky had a layer of smelly yellow gunk on the inside of her cheek x mouth, I removed it and tried...
  9. Age-of-Goositude

    Free Drawings

    I am hoping to get to everyone eventually post your babies!! Old, young, still here, or over the rainbow bridge. I will work at my own pace and this will be a fun past time! I have a thread here already for all my art where the final post of your art will be posted! Here are some examples of my...
  10. Age-of-Goositude

    Jude's Safe Haven: My Flock

    Hello this is where I will be introducing each individual member of my flock and showing off the progress of their area that's going to be fenced, any houses built etc I will start off with a little at a time. Everyone will have at least three photos and any general info I have on them. This...
  11. Age-of-Goositude

    Wet Pox

    I experienced wet Pox last summer it was tragic. I looked it up and there is literally no cure but to try to boost their immune system. I thought it was canker at first but there was yellow balls of plaque strewn down yhe back of their throat and chunks growing in their air holes. We pulled the...
  12. Age-of-Goositude

    Fighting Rooster Town Laws

    Hey I'm in Washington State and I want to know how to make a case and fight for the rights for roosters to be in town. So many people want to keep their boys and dogs are more obnoxious than roosters and roosters are able to be kenneled and contained at night into early morning so I don't see...
  13. Age-of-Goositude


    My main flock got Coryza after we moved. I'm vegan I won't hurt them, I've been treating them and cleaning their eyes 7 dead already. What will it look like from here? What do I do? I'm devastated, my three smaller flocks are separate and appear okay, I'm not certain my whole main flock is...
  14. Age-of-Goositude

    Zombie Chick

    So today my Amerecauna Apple, got off her nest that was due to hatch the next couple days she left and didn't care, one pipped they were freezing, no breath, no heartbeat from what I could tell at 7AM then cause I have been moving houses and birds all day I hear peeping where I tossed the dead...
  15. Age-of-Goositude

    Pudge The Rooster

    FB: Hi! This is Pudge I got him the day before yesterday and I just can't put him down, a score IMO of $10. He is a white laced red bantam Cornish, he is small and fat with a cute little baby face, his saddle feathers are well...
  16. Age-of-Goositude

    Gosling Seizing

    My boyfriend has a gosling and doesn't know where to ask, this gosling and his brother and sister were all outside just fine, they're almost two months old but the smallest one he started getting stumbly and took a few steps backwards amd sat down and started shaking his head and seizing. We...
  17. Age-of-Goositude

    Duck with Horrible Eye

    Long story but I'll make it short my sister stole one of my ducks and they came back to me like this, a large inflamed eye bugged out, pouring liquid and with a pus center over his pupil, what do I do? I tried pushing it off with a Q-tip part of it stayed and it came back I have been giving him...
  18. Age-of-Goositude


    ISO a couple embden goslings in Lewis County!! Please please me I really want to add some to my flock.
  19. Age-of-Goositude

    Chick with leg issues

    So I got this chick free along with some roosters from w nice lady who breeds English Orps. She said he had spraddle leg and it was wrapped and it kinda helped but he still has it and personally I'm not so sure, the leg sticks far put like slipped tendon when I pick him up, he gets around okay...
  20. Age-of-Goositude

    Ex-Fighter: Caspian's Crew

    I adopted three roosters from a little over a year ago one passed but the other two I've rehabbed and are doing pretty well for themselves. Caspian was in my main flock for a while but he got scalped because he refuses to fight at all to keep his rank, got scalped, went to...
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