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  1. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    What bedding should I choose?

    I live in the pacific north west, Washington state where it likes to rain alot , I have been reading about sand coop floors.But, I dont think that would work for us, because of the constant wet weather does anyone have any sugestions? We are in the process of building our coop, I want to keep...
  2. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    Worming chickens?

    Hi, I'm a new chicken mama, I was just curious when do you start wormings chickens? and with what? I have 8 chicks that are about 4 weeks old they are on organic starter feed
  3. Chicken Cowgirl <3

    When do you let new chickens out side?

    Can you let them go out a few hours a day? Supervised ofcorse ? Just a question my chicks are about 3 weeks old now...:jumpy
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