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  1. NorthernMIFlock

    Advice Please, 2 broodies/now mamas

    If anyone here has some insight/advice/what worked well for you etc on having 2 new mommas in the coop at the same time. 2 of my hens went broody within about a day of eachother, 1 is a Light Brahma not quite 1 y/o and the other is HER momma an Australorp I think she is turning 2 (and this is...
  2. NorthernMIFlock

    Turkey Vultures stalking chicks??

    I am wondering if anyone has ever lost a chick to a vulture. We are in very rural northern MI and 2 days ago my husband saw a vey large black bird hanging out by our coop and run. Later that day, my son witnessed that same large black bird (4ish foot wing span) smack its wings on the ground and...
  3. NorthernMIFlock

    Baby Hatched With Full Assist And Has Leg Issue/Can’t Walk

    So I just hatched out 7 barnyard mix chicks in an incubator for the first time. 6 hatched easily on day 21, one had pipped day 20 (Monday) and was still stuck with no progress this morning. I made the decision to go all in and get him out of the egg. He was in rough shape so I left him in the...
  4. NorthernMIFlock

    Please Help-Worried About Chick ? Stuck

    Sorry I’ve been posting like crazy on here the last couple days. Today is day 21 of my barnyard mix chicken incubation (first timer) and I had 4 or 5 pips last night and 5 hatch this morning, the last at about 9:30 am. I woke up at 5am and this one had a small pip/crack and was getting kicked...
  5. NorthernMIFlock

    Does this little one look OK??

    I’m on day 21 with my first incubator clutch. 4 hatched overnight and this one has been working on the same area since I checked them at around 4am. It is making movements like it’s eating the membrane and the hole has gotten a tiny bit bigger. The others just quickly zipped on out when they got...
  6. NorthernMIFlock

    My First Hatch, Advice Please

    First timer here and could use some advice. This is the start of day 21 for my chicken eggs and 2 just hatched. The humidity is in the 80’s now, and some condensation on the incubator. Is this OK?? A couple other eggs are definitely pipped. Also, can I reach in and grab out the shells? The 2...
  7. NorthernMIFlock

    Normal 14 Day Egg? Newbie Candling Pic

    Quick back story, I went out of town and left my hubby in charge of the incubator for a few days. It’s my first time incubating eggs which I will give to a broody hen when and if they hatch. I candled them all before I left around day 10, and this egg looked weird then, I thought it might be a...
  8. NorthernMIFlock

    Humidity Headaches/Newbie At Incubation

    Hello, I am brand new to hatching eggs with an incubator as I always get a broody hen in early summer. This year I bought an incubator (Smart Incubator) which now I’m realizing you get what you pay for 😕. My issues: 1. I am on day 8 and just received a thermometer/hygrometer in the mail. I put...
  9. NorthernMIFlock

    Brand Newbie/Incubation Question

    Hello from Michigan. I get a broody hen each year for new chicks, but wanted to try incubating. The incubator I bought says to spray eggs with water days 14-18 2-4 times a day. It came with a small spray bottle. Is this necessary? I hate to open the incubator too much. TIA!
  10. NorthernMIFlock

    Is This Roundworm in Poop? Treatment Advice Needed

    My 12 girls free range (until we got snow this week) and I happened to see this poo in the coop this morning. Is it Round worm or…? I would appreciate treatment options, and am assuming I treat all of them? Thank you!
  11. NorthernMIFlock

    Help Broody Hen and Tough Decision

    Hello, I have a young hen (1 yr in July) that decided to become broody 8/21. We have no rooster so I got a few maybe fertilized eggs from neighbor, but due to her nest box choice, they got stepped on by other hens days 1 &2. So…I tried to break her broodiness, but she is determined! So I ended...
  12. NorthernMIFlock

    Yet Another “Is It A Roo?” Post

    We have 6 chicks that hatched 6/18 and 6/19, almost 12 weeks now. I’m usually pretty good about picking out the cockerels early on, but the 2 pictured have me stumped. There’s def 2 males in the group, already crowing and mounting the adult hens. The 2 in question are not doing either, but the...
  13. NorthernMIFlock

    New Chick out of nest overnight, advice please!

    My broody hen hatched some chicks yesterday, and I went out to the coop early this a.m. and one had gotten out of the nest box and got lost. I found it laying kind of behind the box, barely alive 😢. I immediately tucked it under her wing and did hear it chirp a bit. Any hope for this little one...
  14. NorthernMIFlock

    Need Help With Heat Adjustment on Older Hovabator

    This is my first try at incubating chicken eggs and my friend gave me an older styrofoam Hovabator with a wafer type heater. I set it up 24 hours prior to putting the eggs in, it ran between 99 and 100F. Now I’m on day 3 with eggs in, and yesterday it was up to 102 and the little wing nut that...
  15. NorthernMIFlock

    Anyone Able to Answer Newbie Incubator Questions?

    Posted this earlier but no replies so trying again. Thank you! I am looking for words of wisdom from you incubator pros out there. My neighbor gave me an older Hoverbator still air incubator and my buff orp is broody again. We thought we would try incubating some eggs to give her in case hers...
  16. NorthernMIFlock

    Advice for First Time Incubating Chicken Eggs

    I am looking for words of wisdom from you incubator pros out there. My neighbor gave me an older Hoverbator still air incubator and my buff orp is broody again. We thought we would try incubating some eggs to give her in case hers don’t hatch. Today is day 1 (set them yesterday and she’s been...
  17. NorthernMIFlock

    Normal Egg after Lash Egg, OK to eat??

    So this is my THIRD hen that passed a lash egg in less than a year. The first 2 hens passed away within a couple months after I saw the lash egg. The current hen was acting dumpy for a day, and when I let them out in the morning she was trying to EAT her large lash egg 🤢. I removed it and she...
  18. NorthernMIFlock

    Crazy hatched egg. Anyone ever seen this??

    My broody buff sat diligently on 5 eggs and hatch day was 7/14. By late 7/15 only one had hatched and they were all laid and sat on the same day. Since momma pooped in her nest I removed her off the eggs and checked them. I found one of the eggs tucked very tightly in the hatched chicks shell...
  19. NorthernMIFlock

    Quick important question!! Need advice tonight

    So I posted earlier about my broody buff and only one of her 5 eggs hatching yesterday. After she soiled her nest I removed her and checked the eggs, 3 infertile one an early quitter. Sooo my hubby picked up 5 chicks at tractor supply and we put them in her nest and she immediately opened her...
  20. NorthernMIFlock

    How long till all the eggs hatch under broody?

    Hello from MI. My broody buff orp started sitting on 5 eggs (hopefully all fertile-didn’t candle) the night of 6/23. Yesterday early a.m. I heard peeps and saw one baby. I checked on her through out the day yesterday and still no others. This morning she is still sitting tight but I can only...
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