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  1. CrazyChookChookLady

    Recommendations for a very small (2-4 birds) flock

    Hello all! I have convinced my employer to build a chicken coop (at work) and start a small flock for eggs for his family. I'm thinking a very small flock of 2 or 4 pullets, no roosters allowed. I'm looking a a full size bird that is laid back, friendly, and does not need to free range. I...
  2. CrazyChookChookLady

    mille fleur d'uccle chick

    I have a 5 week old Mille Fleur chick that I think is female, but would like some other opinions on her. Thank you!
  3. CrazyChookChookLady

    Good bye sweet Abigail

    My semi-house chicken Abigail died Friday. She was my sweetest chicken. She loved to cuddle and would sit for hours to be petted. I miss her greatly. Rest easy sweetheart.
  4. CrazyChookChookLady

    HELP shell and membrane broke, chick is still ALIVE!!!

    I have a broody silkie with eggs on day 22. I checked this morning and the shell and membrane were pecked away with the chick still inside. It did not pip and I can see some yoke still inside the egg. I currently have it in towels with a damp one over the opening. What do I do??!!
  5. CrazyChookChookLady

    My first time with a broody hen

    Hello all! This Spring I purchased some breeding stock Silkies. Dad is a Blue Splash and mom is a white paint. She finally went broody for me on 5/2. She currently has 6 eggs under her. I know it will soon be time to candle, but I have never done this before. What recommendations do you...
  6. CrazyChookChookLady

    Once a cannibal always a cannibal?

    I have 4 1 year old hens. I have started to have a problem with my #2 hen, Digger a Buff Orpp. My #4 hen, Abigail an EE, cut her foot. I was treating her foot and it was healing with no issues. All of a sudden Digger started to peck her feet and eat them basically. Abigail has since been...
  7. CrazyChookChookLady

    Aggressive cockerel...what to do?

    I currently have a batch of 10 6 week old chicks in an integration pen. I know I have 3 cockerels, 2 blue rocks and 1 barred rock. The biggest blue rock is becoming very aggressive with the other chicks. He's the light blue one next to the feeder. He has no issues with jumping on the girls...
  8. CrazyChookChookLady


    Hello all! While I am a new member to BYC, I have visited many times. I currently have 7 chickens split into 2 flocks. I have the "Big Girls" my layers. They are a mixed flock of 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Easter Eggers, and 1 Rhode Island Red. My newest flock is a Mille Flur hen and a Blue Splash...
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