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  1. I

    Moving baby chicks

    Hello there! Ive had my baby chicks for 3 weeks now and its time for them to move to a bigger coop, in another city. As the city is more than an hour away in car, I fear they are going to get too cold or hungry. Im not the one driving, but the new owner is! Can they keep it up during an hour +...
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    Sneezing baby chicks

    Hello Im currently raising three baby chicks, theyre only a few days old. Ive noticed two of them sneeze a lot, shake, and have watery poop (ive added a picture of it). Otherwise, they eat, drink and play like they should. What could be the cause and what should I do?
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    Loud baby chick

    Hello there Im currently raising 3 newly hatched baby chicks. Theyre all eating and drinking normally, and seem very active. One of them is specifically loud though, even though the other two are sleeping, it keeps walking around in the coop while chirping. There is food and clean water 24/7...
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    Day 21 no movement

    Hello Its day 21 of incubation, and i am yet to see any movement or hear any chirps. Ive tried to tap on the side of the incubator and play chirping sounds, but nothings happens. Is this is in any way normal or does this just mean theyve probably died :hmm?
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    Eggs on tray during lockdown

    Hello! My eggs are going on lockdown later today, but theyre placed on a tray in the incubator, so there is a space between the eggs and the flat bottom of the incubator. Should they be removed from the tray and onto the bottom or can they hatch like that?
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    Day 22, no progress

    Hello Im currently incubating eggs, and have two eggs on day 22. Theyve been in lockdown for a couple of days now and ive been eagerly waiting for them to hatch; but dont see anything happening yet. Is this normal? Should I do anything and could this mean the chicks arent alive?
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    Chicks on different stages

    Hello ! Im currently incubating chickens, in a 4 egg incubator. I bought 4 eggs online but recieved 5, so i decided to put 4 in the incubator and save the last one just in case. After some days pass i candle the eggs and see development in every egg. A few days later though 2 eggs have got the...
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    Need help asap!!

    Hello I need help asap with my incuabtor. My hatching eggs just arrived and i put them in my incubator. A short while after outting tjem in, the temperature started dropping dramatically and its at degrees right now. I know the chicks wont be able tl grow in thise temperatures. I dont know what...
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    Hey So, today i let my weekduckling old duckling walk around in feet-high Water. After it got out, i've noticed that it has a clicking noise when it breathes. Does this meab it got water in its lungs? What can I do to help it? Anything would help!!! Thanks
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    Hey I have recently noticed that my 4 day old duckling, has started walking with his head kind of tucked into its neck. Here is a video of it. Is this weird, or is it just because it has eaten a lot? Also, it sometimes "yawns" or opens its mouth, and closes it again. Is this weird? Thanks
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    Hello My 2-day old duckling, sneezes sometimes and it has discharge or water coming out from its nose. It eats and drinks normally, and doesnt seem to be weak. Is it sick? And how do I help it, cause I really don't want to loose it!!
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    Hey I was preparing my newly hatched ducklings brooder, making it comfortable etc. But when I put my new heat lamp up, and turned it on for the first time, it just immediately turned off again, and stopped working. I tried turning it on again, but it couldnt! I think the Watt maymayhave have...
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    Hello! My duck just hatched, and I am wondering, when I should move it from the incubator into the brooder? Also, when can I hold it, and play with it? And, at what age can I start letting it swim? Thanks!
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    Hello My indian runner ducks are set to hatch tommorrow, but I have a problem. I have two eggs in the incubator, and one of them, has already made a crack with its beak, and is moving. The other egg has NOT made any crack, and by candling it from outside the incubator, it doesn't seem to me...
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    Hello My ducklings will most likely hatch tomorrow, but I have a problem. I have ordered some starter food for them, but I have first now realized, that it will first arrive in a week. Therefore, I don't have any special food to feed the baby ducks. What can I feed them while waiting, that...
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    Can Ducklings eat chick starter?

    Hey I am about to get ducklings, and I was wondering, if I can feed them chick starter food?
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    When can you sell ducklings???

    Hey! My friend recently got about 7 new ducklings. She doesn't have enough space for them all, so she asked me if I could take 1 or 2. I really want to take them in, but i am curious, if the ducks need to reach a specific age, before you can sell them? Thx
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    Hey I am currently incubating duck eggs, and today i stood upon a problem. I was going to fill water in the incubator, when i lifted the egg tray and an egg fell out. The egg got a crack from the fall. I read somewhere online that, you can apply clear nail polish on the crack, and that it then...
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    Hey! I just incubated some eggs, and out of 6 eggs, one became a cute little baby silkie. The chick is now 2 weeks old, but i have recently recognized that it keeps opening and closing its mouth, and sometimes turns it head from side to side. It also sneezes sometimes. I have no idea what this...
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