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  1. Sheltiepawz

    Lavender Orpington 5 weeks

    Wondering about this lavender Orpington. Comb is larger than other one I got. Both are 5 weeks.
  2. Sheltiepawz

    New Chicks in two weeks!!!

    Hi all!!! Our currently ladies are now 4 years old and it’s time to get add to the flock! I placed my order back in march from Meyers and now it’s less than 2 weeks away! So excited! We currently have 5 barred rocks and 2 buff orpingtons! The sweetest girls! We have ordered 1 blue Orpington...
  3. Sheltiepawz

    Duck disappeared mid afternoon

    One of the male ducks we inherited with our new house disappeared yesterday afternoon. The two boys were inseparable and never were more than a few feet from shore. I found a few feathers today floating with some down. Other than that no clues. I hate they had no duck enclosure for themor...
  4. Sheltiepawz

    Help lone duckling

    So my 2 replacement ducklings arrived today and one had passed away again. Now I’m left with one lone duckling. My Three from one week ago are thriving and very big! Too big to place with the loner duckling right now. Advice please!!! Both times it was the buff duckling that passed😞😞😞. I...
  5. Sheltiepawz

    What type of ducks

    Hi all! We just moved to a new house and inherited two ducks with our pond. I know my chicken breeds, but I’m not as good with the duck Breeds. The are not very tame, but are coming within four feet of me now for food. Any ideas? We plan on adding welsh harlequins at the end of February!!
  6. Sheltiepawz

    Broody hen, actually pullet???

    My pullets are 28 weeks old now. One of my barred rocks has been staying in the nest box for a long time each day, around 3-5 hours for the last week. Today she went to lay Around 3 this afternoon and does not want to leave the nest box. She did lay her egg we believe. Currently she is in...
  7. Sheltiepawz

    Chicken lost voice

    Hi, one of my barred rock pullets has lost her voice and almost sounds like she is whispering. She is 25 weeks today. She was probably our most vocal chicken so it is very noticeable that she is quiet. This happened 3 days ago. She is showing no other symptoms at all. No wheezing, no...
  8. Sheltiepawz

    Anyone’s Fall chicks this year start laying yet - Updated

    Anxiously waiting for our first eggs!!!Our fall chicks were 20 weeks yesterday. 2 barred rocks, 2 buff Orpingtons, a gold laced Wyandotte and one silver laced Wyandotte. Wondering if anyone has any ladies that have blessed them yet. We love our ladies so much!
  9. Sheltiepawz

    How close to first egg??

    Are we getting close??? What am I supposed to look for? So excited to get the first egg! My first time with chickens. My GLW is the reddest at 18 weeks. Most are still flesh, pink colored. Pictures of the reddest ones.
  10. Sheltiepawz

    Integrating 7 week old chicks

    Hello all! I am trying to integrate my today 7 week old chicks (4 barred rocks) with my almost 14 week old chicks(7 of various breeds). I have had them separated by a fence in the run for two weeks now. We have been slowly trying to do it. Yesterday I let them mingle and everything went well...
  11. Sheltiepawz


    Already figured out Easter egger is a cockerel. Now wondering about these two. Supposed to be sexed pullets 6 1/2 weeks old now. What do you all think? Buff bird in question on right in picture with the two buffs.
  12. Sheltiepawz

    First predator attack

    My chicks have been out in their coop for a week and a half. Today I looked out and a hawk was crashing at the windows trying to get the chicks inside the coop. Thankfully our Fort Knox held up. It did scare the chicks though. Crazy! I figured the Hawk would only try to attack from...
  13. Sheltiepawz

    The sex fairy arrived

    :barnie It seems the sex fairy arrived for my already sexed pullets at 6 weeks. I originally was going to order 10, but I chickened out. The coop wasn’t started yet and we are new to chickens. I reduced my order to 7. One girl, the Easter egger is most likely a cockerel, to many signs...
  14. Sheltiepawz

    Roost advice need help. New to chickens

    Need advice on where to place roost and design. We set one up in there and now I realize it is to high. Right now they are flying up and sleeping on the back wall. The framed area is where we plan on placing the nesting boxes. Maybe we should move the nesting boxes to the wall with the coop...
  15. Sheltiepawz

    Easter egger he or she 5 weeks

    Hi all! This Is Easter my 8 year old daughters chick from our order of 7. Easter is 5 1/2 weeks old now. She was always the largest and used to be very friendly till she moved to the coop this week and now doesn’t really want much to do with us. She was very evenly colored till a week ago...
  16. Sheltiepawz

    Tonight will be their first night!

    We are finally seeing the light of day on the coop! The chicks are 5 weeks old today. We still have trim to do, nest boxes to build, some more ventilation windows to add( might wait for spring for that), but I think they can start staying full time out there now! My husband had an oopsie on...
  17. Sheltiepawz

    Finally getting cooler!

    It’s finally in the 80s! Everyone enjoyed some outside time in the run, while I painted the inside of the coop. Some pictures, too cute not to share.
  18. Sheltiepawz

    4 weeks old tomorrow

    Hi all! The babies are growing up. They will be 4 weeks tomorrow and we are getting very close with their coop. Still in the 90s here, but hoping to cool down this week. Here is their updated pics. Fingers crossed all are girls as everyone is attached, Especially the Easter egger, named...
  19. Sheltiepawz

    Advise on windows and ventilation in hot, rainy climate

    Hello! Our chicks are 2 weeks old today and we got a start with the coop and run yesterday. We are doing the Wichita style. My question is what type of windows should I use? Wondering about window options we could shut for heavy rain. We live in New Orleans Louisiana. Lots of rain and heat...
  20. Sheltiepawz

    Ambient temperature for baby chicks

    Hi all. I have 7, 7 day old chicks today. Unfortunately, we are going through a heat wave that doesn’t look to be letting up soon. They are in a brooder in the garage (metal livestock waterer). The garage is staying at a consistent 88 degrees so I turned off the heat the past day as they...
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