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  1. TJAnonymous

    Need goat advice

    Looking for some advice... In my herd, I have 1 ND buck who has a pen all to himself which is right next to the girl pen... In the girl pen, I have: 1 ND Matriarch (likely the sister of my buck). No idea on her age but I'm guessing 5-6 yrs old. She is the alpha in the pen. One 2-yr old ND...
  2. TJAnonymous

    Freeze Drying Digest

    Hello folks! I am starting a thread all around freeze drying. I am BRAND NEW to this subject. In fact, I'm doing my first run - the bread run - as I type this... I'd love tips, tricks, and support for Q&A, along with what DOESN'T freeze dry (or rehydrate) well.
  3. TJAnonymous

    Chickens and an excuse to party

    See! I knew there was a special holiday tailor made just for me!
  4. TJAnonymous

    I'm at a loss?

    OK, I have no idea how to manage this one. A few days ago, I noticed one of my Ameracauna hens squatting like she needed to poop but nothing came out. I thought perhaps she was egg bound. I was going to catch her that night when she was roosting but we had severe weather so I couldn't go out...
  5. TJAnonymous

    Does anyone else herd their chickens?

    I let my chickens and ducks out 3 - 4x per week to free range. They are usually let out late morning until just before dusk. Their ranging territory is about 2 - 3 acres around my house, pond, barn, and part of the pasture area. When it's time to go back in their chicken yard, they aren't always...
  6. TJAnonymous

    Chick with no feathers?

    OK, this is a new one for me. Would love to know if anyone has run across this before... This chick is over a month old. As you can see, he/she is still nothing but fuzz. Also has some bald spots. Momma hen has pretty much abandoned him. I often found him out wandering alone when I would let...
  7. TJAnonymous

    Thoughts on treating potential illness in large flock

    Yesterday morning I was collecting eggs and noticed a LOT of bloody poop on one of the roosts. I have 50-60 chickens so it's impossible to know which chicken it came from. It's also been REALLY hot with triple digit weather so everyone is rather lethargic anyway. A couple more relevant...
  8. TJAnonymous

    Anyone successfully healed a broken leg on a duck?

    I'm at church now so can't get a picture until I get home. I've been gone for a week and DS has been caring for my animals. Got home after midnight last night. Went out this morning to feed and found one of my Welsh Harlequin hens flopping around on the ground. Her leg is clearly broken...
  9. TJAnonymous

    Mother Ducking

    ok duck lovers....I hatched out a single duckling from a cracked egg today. I'm trying to figure out the best way to raise this little guy/gal. Here are my options...looking for advice. 1. I have a broody chicken sitting on 4 duck eggs in the coop. My broody Pekin WAS sitting on them until...
  10. TJAnonymous

    Unhatched chicks/ducklings and chirping

    OK, I have a question for you long-time, experienced incubators. If a chick/duckling has NOT pipped into the air cell but is chirping, would that mean it has pipped in a different part of the egg and is breathing air, right? Can a chick/duckling chirp WITHOUT breaking the shell membrane?
  11. TJAnonymous

    Chick needs a Hail Mary

    I have 2 broodies who are co-sharing a large nest box. Together they are sitting on 6 eggs. Tonight I went into the coop after dark and noticed a smashed egg shoved towards the front of the nesting box. You could clearly see a fully formed chick semi-sticking out of the smashed shell. I stared...
  12. TJAnonymous

    Two Males & Mating Season

    I have 2 drakes and 6 girls. I noticed this weekend that my Welsh Harlequin girls are looking a little worse for wear. I was thinking about taking both drakes and putting them in a separate coop for a week or so. However, that bachelor pen is located right next to my duck pen so they'd still...
  13. TJAnonymous

    Dog Attack

    A dog attacked my flock today as they were free ranging in our pasture close to our house. Lots of chickens with scratches, missing feathers, and several who are limping. Two birds with the worst injuries, I brought indoors for treatment. I washed both with soap and water. Put some iodine on...
  14. TJAnonymous

    Any ideas on a diagnosis?

    I have a RIR hen, age unknown, but at least 3+ years old since I've owned her. I noticed a week ago that she was walking funny. Kinda like she's squatting while she walks with her tail drooping. I managed to catch her today and quarantine her. Here's a few observations from looking her over -...
  15. TJAnonymous

    Butchering chickens debate

    My DH and I are having a debate. We have butchered chickens 3 or 4 times over the past few years. Usually they are standard heavy breeds (RIR, Ameracaunas-cross) but occasionally there will be a smaller breed such as a Silkie or game hen. The first few times we would dip the bird into boiling...
  16. TJAnonymous

    My Hoop Coop

    My DH and I built a hoop coop last weekend. Sharing pictures from the build for those who might want to do something similar.. Specifications and requirements - Inside Sq footage - 6 ft x 8 ft Poop boards Adjustable ventilation Automatic chicken door Here's final product (inside and...
  17. TJAnonymous

    Very bad prolapsed vent

    I got a problem.... This morning I noticed a hen with a prolapsed vent. It wasn't super bad at first. Just protruding a little bit. I managed to catch her after a little chase. She's a very flighty and nervous hen so handling her is very stressful and traumatic for her. I brought her inside and...
  18. TJAnonymous

    Christmas for your favorite chicken nut

    Came across this in Amazon's latest Christmas catalog. Word. 😂
  19. TJAnonymous

    All about garden herbs

    I wanted to start a thread about garden herbs. What do you grow? Do you use it fresh or dried? How do you harvest and store it? What do you use your herbs for? I grow the following herbs - Dill - typically use fresh in canning Rosemary - just started growing a new start this summer...
  20. TJAnonymous

    Coop for special needs chicken - ADVICE PLEASE

    I have a special needs chicken who essentially has only one good leg. She clumsily hops on one leg to move around but generally lays on the ground most of the time. Her other leg is deformed and stretches straight backwards. At times she somewhat uses it for balance but not well. I currently...
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