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  1. H

    Little bantam struggling

    I have a little bantam rooster new to my flock. We acquired another person’s birds due to municipal ordinance issues. The night they came to us (approx 2 weeks ago), the lady told me she was concerned about him because his comb was purple. Fortunately, by the next morning he perked up. Fast...
  2. H

    Respiratory issue

    I went out to lock up my chickens and heard a very strange noise. It’s one of my buff brahma girls. I’m attaching a video that my 9 yo insisted on taking herself. Pertinent history: brahma is 2 years old. We recently took in another person’s huge flock about 2 weeks ago. Everyone seemed healthy...
  3. H

    Scoop the poop - sand

    Hello chicken lovers! Thanks to this forum, I learned all about the benefits of sand bedding for the coop and it’s been great! However, I admittedly don’t scoop every day and I’m still using a little kitty litter scoop on a fairly large area. It’s not my favorite chore, to say the least. I’ve...
  4. H

    Nesting box bedding and box construction

    We bought a house with an existing coop a few years ago and finally fixed it up. We just got chicks and I’m starting to think ahead for the nesting area. The existing nesting boxes are completely open on the front. Would it be wise to maybe put a 1x4 across the bottom to help contain the nest...
  5. H

    Sand material?

    I have been thoroughly convinced to try sand for coop bedding! I contacted a local quarry and inquired about coarse sand/river sand. They said they only have limestone products and could offer crushed limestone. Is limestone fine or does it need to be silica sand? I can’t seem to find the answer...
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